🌹 Rose Giving just a tiny bit frazzled

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
After roaming the dungeons for who knows how long, aside from the other deliveries, Hinata was looking just a tiny bit frazzled. She didn't think she could be blamed since it took an age to find her last recipient and even more time to actually find the way out of the dungeons. When she found her way back to the Ground Floor, she decided she'd just take a quick break in the Great Hall. Unfortunately for her, and another unlucky soul, she didn't notice the person until she'd bumped into them, and she had to take steps back quickly. "Gomenasai! Gomenasai!" she quickly apologized in Japanese, a frantic bow as she bent at the waist accompanied each uttered apology.

@Teddy Pirrip
Teddy wasn't really looking where he was going so it was inevitable that he'd walk into something, or someone into him. He stumbled back a step and looked at the girl in front of him who was rapid fire bowing and speaking in, was that Japanese? He wasn’t sure, but she looked distressed. "No worries. Sorry." He said hand waving, for all he knew she was calling him an idiot for walking into her, but if the body language was anything to go by, probably not. He then started to walk off again.
As soon as Hinata noticed who she bumped into, she flushed even more because Teddy was one of the people she needed to deliver to. In her panic as she walked away, she grabbed him by the back of his robe and pulled hard. Before he could react to her any further, "DELIVERY!" she yelled, panicked, as she grabbed the red rose and note for Teddy, placed it on his hand and ran off, straight for the Great Hall. That was mortifying and embarrassing and she will never ever come near him again.

Next time, I'll make it change colour to blue as soon as you touch it. - Audrey
Teddy had barely taken a step before he was yanked backward by the back of his robes and forced a rose into his hand. He hadn't even looked at the colour and she was off already. Raising his voice just in case Hinata could still hear him, he called out, “Thanks Hinata!" He read the note from Audrey which admittedly he had already seen during the sorting process. Maybe it was silly them sending roses to each other but they hadn't wanted to miss out on all the fun that was going on with deliveries. Teddy shrugged and continued out of the Great Hall holding his red rose.

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