Just a Small Snack

Fleur van Houten

🐉Aotearoa Dragonologist | 2051 Grad 🐱
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Whippy Reed Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11/2032 (30)
Fleur was hungry, plain and simple. She had spent way too much time in the library today looking at books about her favorite subject: dragons, and had missed lunch entirely. Now she didn't want to have to wait for dinner, because that was ages away and she was hungry now. So after asking a few helpful older students, she made her way to the kitchens. She had never been here before, but was sure it wouldn't be that difficult. From what she had heard about house elves, they were really friendly and eager to help. She headed into the kitchens and smiled as she looked around. It was always nice to discover a new place in the school, something that was growing rarer the longer she attended Hogwarts.
It wasn't unusual for Lavinia to be hungry outside of meals, as she did a lot of sport and liked to be active. She'd eaten at lunch, but not a lot since she had been late and when she'd arrived at the great hall all the best food was gone. So she had eaten something, but it didn't suffice. She was still hungry. Lavinia had a good memory, really the only place she had memorised besides classrooms, common room and the grounds was the Slytherin common room. It was something her family had requested from her, when she needed to rely on someone or ask for advice. Or if something happened. Lavinia had been annoyed when she was told to do this but in a way she was grateful, because now she knew where to go when she needed help. It just so happened that the kitchens were nearby and Lavinia's hunger was growing. As she made her way down, the brunette spotted a familiar redhead and her excitement grew, her hunger momentarily forgotten. Lavinia cast Lumos and thankfully her practice was showing, as she watched the tip of her wand light up. Grinning, she tiptoed closer and closer to the older girl and at the last minute, said,
Hah!" as she made a move to tap the girl's shoulder with her lit wand from behind, which was meant to 'assassinate' her.
Fleur was happily looking around the kitchen, her hunger forgotten for a moment as she just watched the house elves wandering around. They were funny creatures for sure, and Fleur wondered if they would mind if she talked to them for a moment. It might keep them from their work, which was what was stopping her. She was contemplating his when she suddenly saw a dim flicker of light appear reflected on the kitchen floor, and the source seemed to come from behind her. She turned and let out a yelp as she jumped back, startled by the sight of a girl close behind her. She only barely managed not to be touched by the wand, which was a relief. Her hand flew to her chest. "Wow." She breathed, exhaling a nervous laugh. "Well, you managed to scare me half to death. But you didn't get me." She said with a slight grin. "Better luck next time."
Lavinia couldn't help but to laugh at the older girl's reaction, and she quickly covered her mouth with her eyes wide as she thought that maybe it had been rude to laugh. But, she couldn't help herself, her expression was hilarious. "I'm...sorry," she gasped in between giggles. "I didn't mean to scare you that much." She glanced at the girl named Fleur, if she remembered correctly, and to make amends the puff stuck out her hand with a grin. "It's been lit. I'm Lavinia."
Fleur laughed too, now that the shock had passed she could really see the humor of the situation. "It's fine! You were being very stealthy." She said, complimenting the younger girl. "Did you get hungry too or were you secretly following me?" She asked her, wondering if she was really unobservant enough not to notice that. "It's nice to meet you Lavinia, I'm Fleur. But I guess you figured that out already, unless you were after someone else and mistook me for her."
Lavinia was glad that the girl didn't seem to take the game too seriously. She grinned at the compliment and nodded at her question. "Both, actually. I got hungry so decided to come get something to eat, before I spotted you," she shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "It probably wasn't the best idea to give you a sign that I was behind you, y'know shouting and all that." Lavinia furrowed her eyebrows but since she had failed, now she knew what she had to work on next time. "Nah. You're the right person who was assigned to me at the beginning of the game," the girl confirmed.

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