Closed Just A Second

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Miroslav Petrov

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2049 (13)
Miroslav really hadn't expected the rose. He of course had sent one, but he hadn't expected one back. He had read the note just after he'd left the professor and was lingering at the great hall, hoping to grab Brynn to thank her for the rose a little more personally, and to in part try to persuade her to stop trying to be his friend. He hadn't dressed for the event, there was no point in that. and was just looking out for her. He knew he'd grab her the moment he could.
Brynn was happy to go to the dance alone. She'd dressed in something cute, brushing out her hair and carefully styling it, tryig to make it look casual. She hummed to herself as she walked to the dance, fidgeting with the hem of her skirts nervously. She wasn't the most comfortable with crowds, but surely this would work well, right? She took a breath, hardly noticing anyone around her as she tried to keep her nerve up to get her inside the dance.
Miroslav spotted her immediately, he was always going to spot her. She was his only....friend...or whatever. He reached out, moving closer to where she was, took her arm and pulled her away from the hall. "Sugar mouse," he said in greeting once he'd pulled her to where they were alone.

-godmod approved
Brynn was startled when someone grabbed her. She shouldn't have been- she smiled as Miro dragged her away. He was so silly. Once they were alone, she crossed her arms behind her back, more relaxed with him than she'd been before. "Hi, Miro," She greeted. "We are allowed to hang out in public places, you know," She teased him gently.
Miroslav looked at her and shook his head. "Sure," he said. "I don't do...," he motioned to it, but his sentence trailed off. "Thanks, for the rose," he told her, "I wanted to give you it back," he added. "Can't be seen with a rose," he said. Pretending it was just that he was too macho for a rose.
Brynn raised a brow, leaning against a nearby desk. "Nah," She offered. "You keep it. It was a gift." She smiled easily. "Toss it in the lake if you want, but I'm not taking it back." She was fairly certain he was just trying to brush her off again, but she wasn't going to let him get away with it so easily.
Miroslav held the rose out to her, somewhat awkwardly as she turned him returning it down. He wasn't sure why she bothered. "You shouldn't have sent it in the first place, we're not friends sugar mouse," he said, even though he had sent her one.
Brynn raised a brow, a gentle smile on her face. "The more you protest, Miro, the less I believe you." She teased gently. "We may not be best friends, I'll give you that, but we're friends. You're just too stubborn to accept it."
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