Just A Little Looksie

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Kat was wandering around aimlessly, having finished her homework assignments earlier than she'd anticipated. She figured a little bit of exercise might do her some good since she'd gotten quite used to lying around all day over the holidays. She found herself on the third floor, nearing the trophy room. What the heck! she thought to herself suddenly remembering the last time she'd been in there was last year when she'd first met Makato and had helped him with his detention work. Katalina walked into the small room and looked around, a bit astonished at how many more trophies had been added since she'd been in here last.
Harri strolled along the third floor and before she knew it she was entering the trophy room. She liked it in here, it was quite and peacful and she loved looking at all the assortmant of trophies. She began to look around when she saw there was someone else there. She recognised the girl as a Gryffindor 2nd year but couldn't remember her name "Hey!" she said smiling.
Kat jumped just a bit when she heard someone address her. She turned to see a girl standing there. Kat knew the girl was a Gryffindor, but couldn't remember what her name was and it looked as if the girl didn't know her name as well. "Hiya!" she said perkily, "I'm Kat!" She figured it only polite to re-introduce herself to her fellow housemate.
"Hey Kat I'm Harri!" Harri said, glad they had reintroduced themseleves as she had completly forgotten Kat's name. "Its great up here isn't it!" she said glancing around the room.
"Nice to meet you again Harri!" Kat replied brightly and then turned her attention to the room surrounding her. "It is quite nice in here, though I haven't been in here in quite a while." she said thoughtfully. She then turned her gaze to the girl and said, "So how did classes go for you last term? Did you have a nice winter break?"
"Classes were great! I got all O's but one! " Harri said brightly deliberetly ignoring the christmas break question, she wanted to remain in her happy mood today. "How was your christmas holidays?" she asked.
"Well that's wonderful! Way to earn those points for Gryffindor!" Kat said enthusiastically. "I had an okayish holiday. My sister didn't get to come back to school because she came down with spattergoit." she added as she turned up her nose a little bit. "So how are classes going so far this term?" she asked.
Harri smiled, "Oh Spattergoit that can't be nice!" Harri said wrinkling up her nose. "I hope she feels better soon though!" Harri said though she had no idea who Kat's sister was. "Classes are ok! Getting harder as we go along though I think!" Harri said smiling "Don't suppose they get any easier as you get older do they?" she asked, though she had a feeling she knew the answer.
"I'm hoping she gets better too, though from what i've heard it takes a while. Gryffindor won't be the same without her, at least not for me anyways." she replied in a sort of melancholy tone. She perked up a bit and then gave the 1st year a sly grin and said, "Well, to be perfectly honest, no! They aren't horribly hard by any means, but they are getting a bit more difficult. Epescially the spells and such, though they are getting a bit more interesting I will admit."
Harri smiled "Sorry if this sounds silly but what exactly is it?" she asked, she knew it was a horrible illness but wasn't sure exactly what it was.
"Yeah I can't wait to learn more charms!" Harri said smiling "I feel like I know hardly any magic!" she exclaimed, a far away hint of disspiontment in her voice.
"Well I'm not really sure myself what spattergoit is, but I just know that she's really sick...and contagious. I wasn't allowed to be anywhere near her for the 3 days before I came back to school." Kat replied sadly. She forced herself to smile weakly and then added, "Charms is great, you'll really enjoy that class. And don't worry, we're all still learning new things. We all started out not knowing hardly any magic, but it will come to you in time. If you ever need any help, just let me know. I'm always available." Katalina was feeling a bit better now. Maybe taking one of the new first years under her wing was a good thing to help get her mind off of not having her sister here.
Harri smiled weakly "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." She said genuinly. "Oh that would be great!" Harri exclaimed "I could always do with a bit more practise!" she said, wondering how she was going to grasp any magic when she hadn't even seen much, let alone practised it!

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