Just a Little Frazzled

Margot Castle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Margot had been very stressed out recently. After a weekend of flights back to New Zealand, and two classes already passed, a trip to the library was much needed. She just finished huffing up to the fourth floor, she had two textbooks piled in her arms. Shuffling around the students, Margot tried her best not to knock anyone over. Looking over her shoulder, her mind started rambling, How can I already be stressed out by homework? I have literally only had two classes! Should I owl home? I'm sure father is worried about me, and I know how he worries over something like a letter. My arms are rather sore, and my feet as well. Maybe I can take my shoes off in the library. Is that even allowed?! Sighing rather heavily, Margot stopped in a little crevice hoping no one would come and speak to her, worried she would verbally vomit onto them.

But, what if I fail first year? Has that ever happened, oh no, I can't be the first one to fail the first year! Margot felt tears coming on, Comer on Margot! Get it together, you are going to go to the library, finish your homework, and not die after one week back at school. With her lower lip puffing out a bit, Margot tried to take some deep breaths before laughing at her self in a stupid, self-pitying way.
Desislav had enjoyed his vacation from the school so much that he had been reluctant to board the train to head back. But, back he was. With his pockets full of random stuff, the Gryffindor walked around the castle trying to find something to do. Boredom was a dangerous thing for the young boy who often found himself in a great deal of trouble when he grew bored. He was already getting antsy when his eyes fell on a young girl, younger than him. She looked stressed out, and Desi couldn’t figure out why. The semester had only just begun! Desi didn’t think she could have fallen behind on her assignments already, and even if she had, it was hardly a reason to get so stressed out.

Sliding up to her, Desislav dug into his pockets, searching for something. Finally, he felt the familiar shape and he pulled it out. It was a normal looking chocolate in a shiny purple wrapping. But, if someone ate it, their hair would change into the same color as the paper it was wrapped in. Desi had brought an assortment of them to use on his sisters. It had been a fun few days at home. He’d had a few left over and had brought them back to school, meaning to slip one to Kayleigh when he had the chance. This girl would be good practice. They were both Gryffindors and she didn’t know him, so she probably didn’t know his reputation. The teenager was chewing on some bubblegum. As he walked beside the girl, he spoke. “Hey. You look like you could use some chocolate” he held out the treat, a normal expression on his face as he blew a bubble.
Margot was finally calming down when a Gryffindor boy came up to her. He was obviously a few years older because she had never met him before or even heard from him. Margot was worried, she didn't want to scare him off or anything, she just wanted to seem friendly even though she was extremely anxious. He offered her a chocolate commenting on her nervous appearance. Margot gave a court smile before accepting it.

"Thanks, it's much appreciated." Margot said with a soft tone, "it's just been a long week with traveling and stuff, you know?" she unwrapped the bright purple wrapper, "I'm Margot," popping the chocolate in her mouth, "and, I'm from northern England." The chocolate was a funny taste, Margot didn't want to be rude so she ate it anyways. Folding up the wrapper she put it in her pocket worried that she would drop it. Margot looked at her feet and waited for the older boy to say something.
Desi's smile widened as the girl ate the chocolate that he gave to her without question. As she introduced herself, the boy nodded his head. "Nice to meet you, Margot from Northern England. I'm Desislav from France. But, my friends call me Desi." The boy had an accent but it wasn't a very strong French one. He knew several languages but spoke English most, so it had messed with his accent. Walking beside her, the teenager watched as the girl's hair slowly, from the roots, was turning a magnificent purple. He hid a chuckle with a cough and continued. "Well, you're back now, and you'll be here for five and a half long months before we get to break free again" he mused. Desi was counting down the days.
If she was honest, Margot didn't fully know if the older boy wanted to talk to her. She hoped he wasn't just being nice because Margot was really enjoying his company. He introduced himself as Desislav, but Desi for short. "Well Desi, from France, it is very nice to meet you!" Margot chuckled nervously. Biting her lip, she went to brush her hair back behind her ear. Her mousy brown stands has turned a vibrant magenta. Letting out a slightly horrified gasp, Margot turned towards Desi, "What has happened to my hair?" Her voice trilled, "Des!" She was trying to keep her breath, "do you know what's happening?!" By now, Margot was running her fingers threw her hair rather frantically.

"Haha, yeah. Only five more months!" She giggled without any humour in her voice. "Well! I'm not going back home if my hair is freaking neon violet!" Good grief! Desislav better have an antidote for his own sake!
As soon as she noticed her hair, Desi knew. A second later, he figured everyone else did too. If the Gryffindor had been going for an epic reaction, and he definitely was, he had received it. The teen grinned from ear to ear. He shrugged, but it was obvious he knew something. Finally, he was able to get a word in. "Margot, reeeeelax" he stated, gesturing with his hands that she should calm down. "It'll go back to normal in a couple of hours...or days. I forget which" he stated. "I thought you could use a laugh" he added gingerly, "and it looks pretty cool."
Why was he smiling? Margot was growing madder and madder by the minute. Calm down, at this point Margot wasn't going to be mellow for at least another hour. Flipping her magenta hair open her shoulder Margot looked him dead in the eye, "no Desi, I want my hair back now." If there was something Margot didn't enjoy having messed up, it was her hair.

"Thank you for the compliment," she blushed to her own dismay, "but I'm not sure if the punk rocker look is my look." Margot laughed nervously. I guess it's true, hopefully I don't seem that stiff all the time! exhaling, Margot looked at Desislav a bit more humorously. "I still hate you though!" She said jokingly.
Desislav shrugged his shoulders at the girl. There really wasn’t anything that he could do about her hair. The candy hadn’t come with a serum or anything to undo the magic. You just had to wait it out. “Oh, that’s ok. My friend Kayleigh tells me that all the time too, and I know she doesn’t either” he said with a laugh. “Bet you forgot all about whatever was stressing you out though” he added, nudging her in the side as they continued to walk.
OOCOut of Character:
OMG! I’m so sorry that this reply took this long! Feel free to nudge me next time if I’ve gone more than 2-3 days without replying!
Margot could tell that there really was nothing Desi could do. She smiled at him warmly, while he told her about Kayleigh, whoever Kayleight is... don't think like that Margot, you're fine. Margot laughed with him, "well Desi, you might have been the first person to ever get my sarcasm!" She joked, "and you're right. Whatever was bothering me before, isn't." Margot rested her head on Desi's shoulder for a split second, gratefully tucking her ridiculous hair behind her ears.

OOCOut of Character:
I hope you don't mind me deciding to finish!!

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