Closed Just a Kiss

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire was having a rough time. Feeling vulnerable, shut out by Zennon and confused about Chrysander, with no one she really wanted to turn to, she made her way to find a different Hufflepuff. Mo didn't need to be bothered with Sapphires issues, and Kira and Arc were grieving themselves.

Spotting the person she needed up ahead, Sapphire hurried. She caught him just as he turned onto an empty hall. Perfect, that was exactly what she needed. "Maxwell!" She darted in front of him and grabbed his shirt, shoving him into the wall. Without another word she stood on tiptoe, yanking him down and kissing him.
Going for a walk instead of finding Sapphire, Noelle left the common room and took the empty corridor just a few meters from their door. With NEWTS that year, he was already looking into school openings for a teaching position. For the moment, only his career kept him going. He thought he would be happily engaged to Willow, her pushing for auror while he for professor. Things did not turn out that way but he had to accept it. Lost in his thoughts, he did not notice the thundering feet behind him until he heard being called. Before he could turn to see who it was, Sapphire was in front of him. "Sapph, wha-?" His back hit the wall, he could not make any sound as he was still startled at what happened. He looked down at his shirt and met her eyes only for his lips to meet hers. His hands went involuntarily to her waist to steady her as he stood there, frozen. Slowly, he kissed her back. One hand came up to cup her cheek. He pulled her closer, him being taller that he knew she tiptoed to reach him.
Sapphire felt the frustration ebb away as Noelle kissed her. The kiss itself meant nothing to her- he was in love with Willow and Sapphire didn't date- despite what her heart tried to whisper sometimes when a certain motorbike riding boy came to mind. But the reassurance she felt, the warmth, the physical contact she had been missing, it soothed her a bit. After a little while she pulled back, not speaking as she laid her head on his shoulder, still holding tightly to his shirt.
Something was wrong. And somehow he knew Sapph would not easily spill her feelings out. So whatever it was, all he had to do was wait for her to tell him herself. All he could do, was to kiss her and whatever frustrations she had away. She slowly broke off the kiss and leaned on his shoulder. He rested his chin on her head, subtly catching his breath, his arms went around her in a hug. They stood there, well, leaning against the wall in silence. He would wait. Wait for her to talk or whatever.
Sapphire just relaxed against Noelle for awhile. She knew he knew. Slowly, she started to talk a bit. "Zennon shut me out. Chrysander... Is an ass, but he used to be my brother. And my brother.... Is gone." She stated simply. "No one is left to pay attention to me. Im supposed to be a prefect, a co captain. The team will fall apart next year. None of them respect Blake. I don't know how to fix that." She sighed, shutting her eyes.
Noelle smiled inwardly. He was right to wait and Sapphire really talked. He listened attentively and somehow remembered Alexis going through a rough patch and still had responsibilities. The difference was Alexis had Joshua, Xavier, and him that she could turn to. Sapphire felt she had none. At the mention of brother being gone, he stiffened. "What do you mean Onyx is gone?Not the worst, I hope." He knew he was not coming back but it should not mean he was gone. "Sapph, you will do great. You will kick ass, leading the team to another cup. I know you can. You know why? Because you are Sapphire. And you're not alone. You still have me. And my dorkiness if you want.", an attempt at a joke. He squeezed her reassuringly.
Sapphire shrugged at his question. "I mean my brother is a stranger. Onyx- my onyx- she took him. All thats left is this.... Look alike. He doesn't remember. He isn't the same. He's a stranger. And I'm a stranger to him." She sighed.

His reassurance was... Oddly comforting. "I don't know. Maybe. What happens next year when the team falls apart? If they don't respect their captain, and he doesn't lead them, how will they survive?" She worried. She hesitated, before pressing up on tiptoe and kissing him again- this time, with a bit more hesitance. "I know I'm not her." She spoke softly. "I just.... I feel so alone right now. Can I just... Keep your attention for a while?" She asked softly. She felt vulnerable this year, and if she could just limit that to when she was with Noelle, maybe it would be easier to handle.
Noelle rubbed Sapphire's arms after pulling her back to meet his eyes. "He is not a stranger, Sapph. Technically, he is still your brother, your twin. And you will get him back. He is just lost so you, I will help, we will do everything so he can come home." He could symphatize with the Slytherin as he would be lost if something would happen to Yvette.

He responded to the kiss, this time he deepened it for a while. There was hesitation from her part but he would do his best to erase that. He gazed into her eyes and slightly winced when she mentioned her. There was no name to be mentioned but they both knew who she was referring to. He smiled warmly. "You have my attention until you will be the one to push me away. I'm here." He stroked her cheek before leaning in to press his lips onto hers. He had grown to care for Sapphire yet his heart still yearned for Willow. He wondered how the Gryffindor was doing. Pushing the thoughts of a certain blue haired girl to the back of his mind, he focused his attention to the girl who was willing to be with him.
Sapphire was eating up the attention, leaning into Noelle's touch. She ran her fingers in his hair, losing herself in kissing him for a while before pulling back. She laid her head on his shoulder again, feeling a lot better than she had since school had started again. "Noe?" She murmured, running her fingers lightly over his ribs, a habit she'd picked up from Kira. "When we do get you your girl back, we can still be friends, can't we?" She asked softly, wanting to prepare herself in case he said no.
Noelle hummed in appreciation as he felt Sapphire's hands through his hair. He pulled her even closer to him until they slowly broke off the kiss. He smiled in content when he felt the girl relaxed in his arms. Whatever it was between them, whatever was shared, they both knew it meant nothing and they both agreed to it. Still, he was grateful for Sapphire to be there for him. "Hmm? Of course. You're stuck with me for a long time." Pressing a kiss on her hair. He said it with firm confidence, He could see that it would be a long time for them to get back together, even have a conversation. The last time they talked was during the breakup.
Sapphire smiled softly. That might be a bad idea, but she was feeling selfish. "Do you wanna find somewhere to sit and talk for a bit?" She asked, looking up at him. "It's been a while since I've really sat down and talked to someone that wasn't on the team, in my dorm, or Kira or Arcturus," She hadn't made a new friend in a while, and she felt... connected? to Noelle. Not romantically, but like they could really be friends. It surprised her a little that she was willing to attempt to make a connection with anyone, especially a maxwell, but she wanted to try.
Noelle glanced down at Sapphire before he straightened up. He slid down to the ground before pulling Sapphire onto his lap. Then he wrapped his arms around her again. "Better. Sit, talk and cuddle." He must admit this was new for him but Sapphire was willing to spend time with him despute he being a Maxwell. He leaned his head back on the wall as he gazed into her, letting his hand hold hers. If anyone saw them in that position, they would think differently and at that moment, he did not care
Sapphire was surprised when Noelle pulled her down, but she didn't fight it. She could win in any scrap. She smiled softly, settling into his lap. "I suppose I can allow a little bit of cuddling." She held her fingers up, holding them close together but not quite touching. "Just a little bit." She smirked a little, running her fingers over his arms. "So, Noe. Tell me about you. We graduate next year. Any plans?"
Noelle smiled, nodding. Frankly, he missed the comfort and was glad Sapphire was there when he needed someone. He promised he would be there for her as long as he wanted. "As long as you want." He leaned back, tightened his hold in her. "Sapph... You know me." He chuckled, tickling her slightly on the side. "Well, I am looking into some professor positions once I graduate. Will try some herbologist positions too. What about you?"
Sapphire rolled her eyes. "Well yeah, but I can always know more about you," she pointed out. She giggled a little as he tickled her, shaking her head and leaning her head against his shoulder. "See? I didn't know you wanted to teach. That's something." She chuckled. "My plan is... well, a bit more secluded. I'm going to travel the world, photographing magical creatures in their natural environments. Do you remember that field trip we went on where we saw that fight out in the wild? I'd capture things like that. Sell my work to magazines and magizooligists." She tried to explain.
Noelle laughed out loud. "Alright, alright. And I thought being a professor is already a given career for nerd like me." He countered, looking down at Sapphire's head, listening to her. It was pretty admiring for a girl like her but she was Sapphire, no surprise there. "You know Alexis, right? Her brother works with dragons and often travels. He would gladly take you if you want to."

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