Just A Few More...

Margarette Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 8 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Margarette was already uncomfortable with the extra weight that had been placed on her. She was now on her sixth month bordering on seventh. Her pregnant belly is now fully visible and indeed, her once slim and curvy body now held a child within. She had been happy the past six months because in those past four months, she had already been living under the roof of her fiance. Well, she had to admit though that it was pretty lonely inside the house by herself, especially since James worked as a professor in Hogwarts and she really couldn't and wouldn't do anything about that. All she had to do was bear with it and be glad that he would spend time with her whenever he could, which she appreciated very much. She had to admit though that being alone bored the hell out of her, so she would do anything she could to keep herself preoccupied. After all, it wasn't like she was still capable of modelling with her current body statistics. For now, all she could handle was watching over Vibez and keeping the house clean and doing the household chores.

Today though was a very tiring day. She had gotten to work on cleaning the house early and though there was a bit of difficulty thanks to her oversized tummy, she had managed to get the work done before getting herself ready for the day ahead of her. After she had cleaned things up, she had gotten herself dressed before heading for her check-up. Terra had to admit though that she was getting a little conscious and a little anxious about the whole pregnancy thing, and she was glad that her fiance had been supportive through it all. After the check-up which had gone completely fine, she had made a stop for Vibez to check on the shop and the inventory, but other than that, she had left it for her employees to deal with. With everything done, she had brought herself home and practically forced herself to relax on the couch, her hand lazily rubbing her tummy through the cloth until she felt it. A small kick. And another but a little harder. And she couldn't help but smile. "Hey baby. Are you doing okay?" she cooed to no one in particular and more to herself than anyone else. She hoped that she'd be a great mother just like her own mom.
Christmas had come and gone yet James had been unable to return home because of the Yule ball. It had been an enjoyable evening but the truth was he would rather have been home in his New Zealand flat with his fiance. James felt guilty that he had spent so long away from her during her pregnancy and he had a growing concern that he would miss the birth of his child all together when the time came. With the Yule ball over and still a few a week until the start of the new term James was finally heading home. He crossed the boundary into Brightstone village and he apparated. He appeared just one street away from his New Zealand home and headed in the direction towards his flat. The streets were full of Christmas decorations yet to be taken down and muggles happily discussing how they spent their holidays. James kept his head down and made his way to his flat.

As he pushed his way through the door to his flat James was stunned by how quiet his home was. He looked over at the couch where he saw his beautiful fiance relaxing and stroking her belly. She looked beautiful, he wasn't sure if it was because she was carrying his child or because he hadn't seen her since September. James put down his bags and slid onto the sofa beside her. "Hey beautiful,"
Margarette couldn't help but smile fondly at her grown belly knowing that there was a growing life inside of her. She had been going to check-ups regularly and though she wanted to know what the baby's gender could be since the healer had pretty much said that the gender could already be determined by this time, Terra had bluntly and made it a point to refuse. She wanted to know, yes. But she was not going through it without James. She wanted him there, and yet she couldn't bring herself to be selfish and ask. Christmas had already past and she was yet to see her fiance which she missed greatly and hoped that he'd be back soon. Truth be told, she wanted to talk to him about her giving birth soon. She needed to talk to him.

Thoughts of her fiance had flooded her mind and so, when she pulled out of her reverie by said person, she couldn't help but be shocked, though quickly regained it afterwards. "You're finally home!" she squealed with delight and if she was not heavy with the child on her stomach, she would have pounced on him really. Instead, she had settled for leaning closer to him and planting a soft kiss on his lips, that lingered a second or probably a minute longer than she had initially intended to. She had pulled away by a centimeter as she closed her eyes and let her forehead rest against his. "I missed you a lot. I love you," she breathed out before kissing him again.
James had missed Margarette a lot during the first semester of school but when he finally got through the door he felt like he hadn't seen her in years. He knew by her reaction when he walked through the door that all she wanted was to fling herself at him and all he wanted was to take her in his arms and swing her around, but she was heavily pregnant. He walked over to the sofa dropping his bags along the way and kissed her, the kiss lasted longer than he thought it would, it was almost as if they were making up for lost time, four months away from the woman he loves was far too long. The two broke apart and Margarette rested her head against his and told him how much she missed him and that she loved him. James would never grow tired of hearing that. "I love you too, I've missed you so much," He smiled as their lips met again. They kissed for even longer, all the passion and desire that had built up over the last few months finally had an outlet. After what had felt like a wonderful eternity, the two gently broke apart and held each others gaze. "How have you been? How's the baby?" James' hand slid along her body and gently rub Margarette's pregnant stomach.
Margarette really wanted the kisses to last longer, but then again, with her state of pregnancy, it probably wouldn't be a very comfortable idea. And yet who could blame her? She really missed him a lot, and by the state of his passionate kisses, it could be said that he missed her just as much if not more. And hearing him say he loved her, well, some could say that it was much, much, much better to listen to him in person rather than in her imagination. She smiled gently as James made a move to ask her how she was and the baby as he rubbed her tummy. It was a funny and comforting feeling as she felt his hand through the fabric of her rather loose dress. "Just a little lonely but I get by. I managed to find something to do everyday," she said with a slight shrug with an afterthought of, which is to clean and cook and stuff. The woman held his wrist as she brought him over to the couch and brought him to sit down with her. Her feet were killing her as it was not really helping that the baby was making her heavier and heavier. "The baby's doing great! We went for a check-up today!" she nearly squealed with excitement. She had to admit that baby check-ups were really fun for her, except for the other mother's who had their husbands with them talking in shushed tones while looking at her of course. She was young and it shouldn't have been a surprise that they would be assuming things. "I've been going to a muggle doctor though. Is it okay with you? I could go to St. Mungo's if you're uncomfortable with it," Margarette informed him. She knew that he used to have grudges against muggles. He had told her so when they were still in school, and it had been a long time since she had asked him about it. Only recently had she thought about it and it never seemed like a good idea to talk about it through letters. Well, that and there were also other important matters that she wanted to discuss with him about her pregnancy.
James was slightly confused by Margarette's remarks but then he remembered just how long she had known him, he remembered a time when he was at school, when he first met his finance, he was not the biggest muggle lover. James' attitudes towards non magical people had mellowed since he left school and got away from the influence of his family. He smiled and took her hand in his, "Its fine with me, as long as the baby doesn't come out flying a broomstick I don't see a muggle doctor being a problem," James smiled at his own little moment of humor. As he looked around his apartment he had forgotten how it felt to be here, and some corners of the room still caused him to have flashbacks to the first night he brought Margarette back to it, he remembered how they came in from the bar, they had both been drinking and a lifetime of attraction finally bubbled over and they returned to the bedroom. They barely left over the following two weeks and the result gave James the perfect opportunity to ask her to marry him.

He was didn't know what to say at first when she told him she was a little lonely, it wasn't surprising, he was gone most of the year and, the time apart wasn't easy for him but for Margarette having to go through her pregnancy alone must be so much worse. James had often found himself wondering if his job was worth being apart from her for so long. "I've missed you, I hate being apart from you for so long, He said as he gently rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand.
Margarette couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief at her fiancee's words. After all, she had been so idiotic as to suddenly appoint the help of a muggle doctor for her pregnancy without even consulting the father. And so, seeing James act nonchalant about the said situation was quite the relief for the woman. She chuckled though at her fiancee's rumor and she just had to lightly and playfully slap his bicep because of his playfulness. "You're hopeless," she said cheekily at the man beside her. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't play Quidditch as an infant. No promises when he enters school though," Terra said with a small chuckle as she landed a quick peck on James' cheek as a sign of affection. She couldn't help being clingy today, after all, she knew how little time they had together thanks to his job as a professor in their former school. The woman smiled though as it seemed as though the man had missed her just as she had towards him. Giving a light squeeze on James' hand, she leaned on him as her free hand was left to wander around her overgrown belly. "I've missed you too," she muttered to him with a small smile. "Well, you can make it up to me. I'm heading for a check-up any day this week and you definitely have to come along," the woman chided playfully though there was slight seriousness in her voice. After all, she really did want him to be there instead of her being alone again.
When Margarette struck him lightly on his chest he held her hand there for a few moments. While he was away at Hogwarts he had missed moments like this, and that was what had made him reconsider his future at the school, but for the time being he just wanted to enjoy being at home with his beautiful fiance. "He can play all the Quidditch he wants, as long as he plays for Slytherin," He gave his fiance a little wink but they both knew he didn't care what house his baby ended up in. When Margarette said he could make it up to her by going with her to a doctors appointment James relieved that there would be something he would be there for. "I'd love to be there with you, I'm glad I'll be there for at least one of your appointments," He knew that he would miss some appointments but when the time came for the baby to be born, he wouldn't miss that for the world.
Margarette merely chuckled at the words of her fiancee. Of course he would want the baby to play for Slytherin and honestly, she didn't mind. She knew they both didn't care what house the child would end up with in the future, she'll only make sure that this child of theirs receive the love he, or she, deserves. "Well, I don't mind him playing for Slytherin. Though, it'd be better if she played for Ravenclaw," the woman stuck her tongue out in response to the wink her future husband gave her. Well, it wasn't a total secret that she wouldn't mind having a daughter as much as he would a son. She would pay no heed whatever the baby's gender would be though having a female to dress would be fun as would be having a male to play with. Terra's couldn't help but beam brightly at the words of her fiancee that he would be more than willing to accompany her. After all, being by herself often caused whispers within the clinic that she was not all too happy to deal with alone. At least now that James would be coming with, she wouldn't have to let herself get lost in thought to rid of the voices of the rude pregnant ladies. "I just knew you'd say yes!" she squealed and hugged him before returning to her original position in the couch and letting a yawn past her lips. She hadn't even noticed she was tired. Well, a little nap couldn't hurt them, right?
James nodded along at his fiance words and smiled, "Honestly as long as he pays Quidditch I'm fine whatever colour he wears," James was a little surprised by the reaction of his fiance that he would accompany her to her next scan. The only reason he hadn't been there before was that he had been away at the school working, but now that he was home and that a scan fell within his holiday he would be more than happy to go, he wanted to go, he assumed he would go whether she would have asked or not, he was however happy to see her so enthusiastic about having him there. Terra had leaped up to hug James to show her jubilation but she had no sooner returned to the couch and let a yawn pass through her lips. James smiled and took her hand in his, "I think you need to get some sleep, and I'm not taking no for an answer," He said on the assumption that she would argue. With him just getting back she might not like the idea of going to sleep in the middle of the day, but he would be home for a while and they would have plenty of time to spend together later, but right now she needed some rest.

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