Just a dream

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lilith walked into the Forbidden Forest. She had never been in here before in her life and she really was not sure why she was in here now but it felt right. Alex had gone and broke her heart and there was no fixing it. She had done everything to avoid the Slytherin Common room during the day only returning way past lights out and hurrying to her room. If she saw Alex out and about she would run as fast as she could the other way. She would not talk to anyone and when a Professor asked her a question she would glare at them until they went to someone else. Finding a clearing Lilith walked into it and sat upon a smooth flat rock that looked like many students before her and sat upon it. Closing her eyes and tilting it toward the sky. Lilith let the tears fall. Crying as loud as she wanted Lilith let her sadness wash over her in hopes that maybe when she was done she would be fine.
Vanessa was in her usual happy mood. She had gotten bored and all of her friends were either doing homework or she couldn't find them. She decided to go in to the Forbidden Forest. She walked until she found a clearing and she saw someone sitting on a rock. She hurried over, and noticed that the girl was crying. Her expression immediately turned serious.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" she asked. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Lilith looked up to see who the voice was coming from. She did not know this girl and she was not a Slytherin Lilith knew that much. Wiping the tears from her eyes. Lilith looked at the girl more closely. "No I am not okay. I am far from it, and in less you can wave your wand and bring him back to me than you can't help!" Lilith screamed nearly hysterical. Dissolving back into tears Lilith closed her eyes once again it was all to painful for her. All she wanted to do was go home. She did not want to me a witch anymore if she had to live without Alex.
Robbie stood in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest, watching two girls in front of him. One of them was crying, he had seen that one around the school, she was a Slytherin, and her name was Lilith. The other girl on the other hand, was a Hufflepuff, but he couldn't recall her name. Robbie wanted to go up and say 'Hello' to them, but he wasn't entirely sure if he was welcome here, he didn't even know if he was supposed to be out here.

Robbie didn't usually venture out of the castle much, he was a shy kind of person, so he liked to keep to himself, and he didn't like people teasing him, so that was always a good reason to stay inside. Robbie liked to have friends though, and even if the girl here that was crying had just snapped at the other girl for no reason, that didn't mean she wasn't that bad at heart. Robbie didn't care what people were like on the outside, what mattered to him is how they treated their friends.

Robbie walked over to the two of them, and took them both in. The Hufflepuff seemed nice enough, after all, she had tried to help the other girl. Robbie looked between the two of them. "Hello? What's going on here?" He asked, shyly. Maybe I should have just walked off, who knows what will happen now? Robbie thought to himself.
Vanessa sighed. She didn't blame the girl for snapping. That's what she had done when she had been upset about her best friend dying. She played over what she had said in her mind. "Bring him back to me..." Boy problems? She had heard about this kind of stuff from TV, but her first and only boyfriend would never do something that would upset her that much. She was wondering whether she should to try to comfort the girl or leave her alone when a boy came.

Vanessa thought that he looked like a first year. She wasn't sure what to say. She would have given him a friendly smile, but in the current situation, it didn't seem right. "Hi," she said before turning back to the crying girl. "I know it may seem like the world is ending or something, but things will get better. Trust me, I've had experience."
Lilith looked up and saw the boy. The last thing she wanted to see was a boy. "We are having a tea party. What does it look like to you?" Lilith snapped at the boy. Turning back to the girl Lilith wiped her eyes. "It just makes no sense. He told me he loved me and than he left me. How could he tell me he loved me and than leave? It makes no sense. I never did anything wrong." Lilith looked up at the girl eyes wide full of tears that where just waiting to fall from her purple eyes.
Vanessa watched as the girl snapped at the boy and then spoke to her. She gave a look to the boy that let him know he didn't do anything wrong, the girl was just upset. Then she turned back to the girl. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. Boys like that are jerks. If he made you cry, he's not worth the tears. And besides, there are more people who aren't jerks that would be happy with you."

She sat down on a rock next to the one the girl was sitting on. She tried to think of what her mother would do. Her mother had comforted a lot of people, it was just the way she did things. She wished that she could do it, too. But what was she supposed to do? If she wasn't so afraid then she would go and punch the boy for being such a jerk, but she couldn't. She just sat there, thinking.
Lilith listened to the girl. Maybe she was right but she loved Alex like really Alex he was the first person to really make her smile. Without him Lilith really did not feel like she could stay here. "He can't be a jerk. He's so handsome and when he kissed me I forgot that one but him cared about me." Lilith saw the girl sit down next to her. She really was all alone. Her sister Eden was so busy with plans for her own wedding that Lilith was just a sidekick nothing important.

Without thinking about it Lilith threw her arms around the girl and started crying again. It felt like she was never going to stop crying and this girl seemed to care something that Lilith did not get to often. Crying on the girls shoulder Lilith closed her eyes and pretended that this nice caring girl was her big sister instead of her sorry excuse of a sister she had.
Robbie watched the two girls after having being snapped at by the Slytherin girl, he had no idea what he had done to deserve that, but it had happened. Robbie sighed softly, he shouldn't have come over here in the first place, especially considering he had only gotten snapped at by somebody. But he saw the look on the Hufflepuff girls face, and knew that he hadn't done anything wrong, and he had just walked in on the wrong conversation, at the wrong time.

Robbie turned to the two of them, thinking about what was going on at this point in time. Lilith had clearly just suffered a break up, and was distraught about it, and was snapping at any guy who tried to reason with her, "Lilith, whatever this guy did to you, whatever he said to you, clearly he didn't mean it, and you shouldn't linger on it. I know it'll hurt for a while, but constantly thinking about him will hurt more." Robbie said, shyly.
Vanessa was surprised when the girl threw her arms around her. She decided that it was best to do what she could to help this girl. She was a victim of something horrible. She put her arms around the girl. "There, there," she said. "You're going to be okay. It's all going to end up alright. Don't worry." She hoped that this would help somehow. She hadn't really been in this type of situation before.

"Yeah, he's right about that," she added after hearing what the boy said.

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