Judy’s Declassified Hogwarts Survival Guide

Judy Sherman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Judy?s Declassified Hogwarts Survival Guide

<r><B><s></s>In a world full of bullies, insane teachers, and potions experiments gone wrong I, Judy Sherman, and my friends, Megan and Charlie, have put together a guide to help you though these wild and crazy times. Welcome to<e></e></B><br/>
<SIZE size="150"><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Judy’s Declassified Hogwarts Survival Guide<e></e></SIZE><e></e></SIZE><br/>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s>(Your results may very)<e></e></SIZE><br/>
<U><s></s>Chapter one- Hallways/Stairways, Classrooms and Mean Girls<e></e></U><br/>
<I><s></s>Hogwarts New Zealand is a school of magic extended from the original Hogwarts in Scotland. As such you can expect some of the same things here as you would there. One of these being that almost everything in the school will change place or purpose at any given point in time. If you find your self in a, what you think, is an unfamiliar hallway here are some tips to help get to where you need to go.<br/>
1)Look for permanent landmarks remember that while everything may change from time to time there are parts of Hogwarts that stay where they are for longer than a day.<br/>
2)Beware of just before class traffic. Always give yourself at least ten minutes before the rush comes in or you might be looking at getting trampled.<e>
Judy was running late again. As a second year one would have thought that she would have gotten the hang of being inside Hogwarts walls by now but her memory was so poor that she couldn’t really remember where everything was placed. Not there was much that stayed in its proper place anyway. Judy always made it a point to find something on every floor that would lead her to her classroom. In this case it was a suit of armor that liked to mess with people’s hair as they walked by. <br/>
<I><s></s>3)Beware of things that like to mess with you they lead you down the wrong direction<e></e></I><br/>
She reached the History of Magic classroom just in time for the teacher to give her a stern look and a get to your seat. Judy was relived that it turned out that way. And also that she hadn’t been late to Professor Styx class. There she would have gotten a whole month worth of detention because of this little mistake. She wasn’t the only one though the door though. The little book of random facts Megan Vine was making her way breathless into Professor Spenser’s classroom. Again she was sent to her seat which turned out to be next to Judy’s this time. “What happened?” Judy asked softly.<br/>
“I forget that the staircase changed direction today.” She said softly though gasping breaths. Judy nodded in sympathy then started to take notes of the day’s lesson.<br/>
<I><s></s>Stairways are another thing that the Hogwarts student has to look out for. Hogwarts seems to be filled with nothing but staircases. Wide sweeping ones, narrow tricky ones, and ones with the step that your foot can sink though half way up. There where even certain stairways that lead somewhere different on different days of the week. For this there are tips too.<br/>
4)Memorize the schedules of the staircases as much as you can. There will be times when the change will be random but bare with them and make sure that you know some of the alternate routes to where you’re going.<br/>
5)There is never only one way to get somewhere while at Hogwarts. There maybe only one way out but there is never only one way in. Be sure to know all the ways in before you get suck somewhere that you can’t get out.<br/>
6) Always be ready to head in another direction in a moments notice when you realize that this staircase is going to lead you somewhere it didn’t go yesterday.<e>
The lesson had been half way though when the news came that they would be a trip coming up soon. Judy liked trips but they where almost always taken though Portkey and Judy’s stomach was not so strong as to keep down breakfast while on the way to say Stone Hinge. She looked at Megan who seemed to be thinking at the time. Judy closed her eyes and sighed then continued with the day’s lesson. She knew that by the time they got out of class Megan would have more than a few cures that she would suggest to Judy. This was what she liked about her friend but still there was little that could be done for her motion sickness.<br/>
Judy would bear with it though. She was usually fine once she got used to land under her feet again. She was looking forward to lunch even though she was likely to end up on the quidditch pitch again or in the garden classifying different kinds of plants that she hadn’t known existed before. Class let out and the rush came for the next class. Judy was no truant or delinquent so she didn’t know the school as well as others who had gotten themselves out of trouble but she was still curios enough about the schools build that she had taken the time to find out where a few of the passageways where. She dodged out of the way of a lot of people with the hidden corridor though she was in no hurry to start breathing in Potions fumes.<br/>
Judy loved the subject but hated some of the side affects, like dizziness or color change, that came with being in that classroom for too long. She started to see why they held class in a place with stone walls and out of the way of the rest of the school. Something went boom it would be a while before it got up to the main school. Too bad everyone down there would fry if the teacher became incapacitated by said explosion. Judy let these thoughts go before her love of explosions made her think of things that would get her in trouble.<br/>
<I><s></s>In every school they can say that every class is different. Not the case at Hogwarts. Every class<B><s></s>room<e></e></B> is different. Depending on the teacher’s personality you may find yourself looking at something you may not even think is a classroom. Again there are a few things you have to know before getting yourself in a holy mess. <br/>
1)Never, ever breathe in anything pink or black. Pink is most likely a love potion while black can lead to no good. Remember that nothing at Hogwarts can kill you but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to try.<br/>
2)It’s in a cage for a reason. If you’re in DADA or any other class that has things in a cage don’t try and poke it. You may leave with a note to the Hospital Wing to get your finger regrown.<br/>
3)Charms are active forms of magic. This means that things will pop up in the classroom without warning it is not proper to scream when it does.<e>
Classes ended for the afternoon for lunch. How all the students fit into one Great Hall Judy didn’t know but then it was a school of magic it could have been possible to stretch the hall like that. It was here that she saw her Slytherin friend Charlie. Judy took a moment to marvel at that fact that a Slytherin, a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw all became close friend like this. Judy again was shaken out of her thoughts when she followed her guy friend’s line of sight. She winced slightly.<br/>
“He’s not really…” Megan asked but Judy had only one reply. Charlie was staring at the Glam Squad leader Isabella Chaos. She was nice enough Judy thought but she did have a mean streak to her that she was afraid to let out. Such was displayed when she gave a soft smile to Charlie who was a fellow Slytherin but acted like Judy and Megan where not even there. Judy gripped her book bag a little tighter. “Honestly I don’t know how some girls can get it in their head that they own the world.” She said shaking her head.<br/>
Charlie was not listening. Judy put her mouth right by his ear and yelled “EARTH TO CHARLIE COME IN CHARLIE WE NEED YOU!” this shook the star stuck boy awake. “Sorry Juds.” He said scratching the back of his neck and murmuring in embarrassment. Judy could relate but still it was amazing to her what a well endowed chest could do to the male brain. At least it wasn’t one of the half veela girls that had made him stop like that. She would have had to slap him silly to get him to stop gawking.<br/>
<I><s></s>Mean Girls, every school has them and Hogwarts is no exception. Weather they are the best dressed or the richest depends on the atmosphere of the school here it depends on what kind of blood runs through your veins. Isabella is a Pureblood, her friends are purebloods though one is mixed with veela and they seem to have a hold over the people in their year. She can also make a boy stop and stare when ever she walked by as if she had a natural magic. Point is with girls like her and her friends there are several things that can be done if you’re on the reseving end of Mean Girl Ice.<br/>
1)Don’t take it personally. Mean girls thrive on making the lives of people miserable and in their mind 99.9% if all people they meet are not worthy. It you’re in that majority then you’re not alone. So shake it off and walk on chances are they won’t even give you a second look. <br/>
2)If your one of those people that gets mad easily because of one thing or another avoid mean girls at all costs. They will play on your anger and you will be made to look like a fool because of it. Be grateful you do not share a year with them if you’re younger.<br/>
3)Be mean back. This is not advised unless you have one hell of an acid tongue but there have been reports of people taking on mean girls and actually coming up on top. If you think you can take them on then you’re more than welcome but other than that keep your head down and stop yourself from being humiliated.<e>

</s><I><s></s>Italisis= guide<br/>
reguler text = story<e>

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