Josh's Place

"We can apparate out of here. Not a problem. I need to pack some things up to bring with me to the States. I need to decide what city I am off to." He walked over to the desk. "Accio atlas." He needed to look at a map to figure out just where he was going to go. "I need to find an apartment or house before I remove my things from here." He flipped a few pages to a map of California. "Hmmm. I think Los Angeles looks pretty good to me. I will be back in a bit. Gonna go find an apartment there. Preferably one that is already furnished." He gave Tristan a wink and then was gone with a pop.
Tristan sighed as he watched Josh scurry around the apartment, gripping his wand and sitting back on the couch, wary for anyone outside. He didn't feel like going back to Azkaban. He really wished Josh the best; the States were nice enough, at least, what he had seen of them.
A short time later, Josh apparated back into the apartment. "Hey. Found a place. Managed to modify a few memories so the present owners don't remember living there, but conveniently had to go on an extended vacation." He chuckled at his skills in finding a place to live so smoothly -- and always fully furnished. "How does a flat overlooking the beach sound?" Josh was looking forward to bringing the last of his things there tonight. That way tomorrow he could apparate directly there after their visit with the Profit.
Tristan made a face, always having hated places with intense heat. "As long as its far away from the Ministry, it's a good place to head to. Mind, though, I have to get back to Morgase and Erik sometime though." He frowned a bit; being out on assignments like this and going places of his own accord were what had cost his previous near divorce with Lorelei and his estrangement from Estrella.
"Understand. No offense buddy, but, you might just cramp my style on the beach." He winked at Tristan, thinking already of the bevy of beauties in bikinis he was watching from the balcony. "I also snagged a few hairs from one of my new neighbors." He pulled a handful of hair out from his pocket. "That's what happens when you fall asleep on the balcony."
"I see," Tristan laughed, "Cramping your style on the beach? Give me a break." He smirked, looking back to Josh. "Should we be going soon then? I don't want to stick around any longer than I have to."

((Btw, I started a thread in the Leaky Cauldron, you can join anytime.))
Josh laughed. "Sorry but I think I would work best solo with those beauties." He moved quickly through the house, gathering items he needed to bring with him. "Yeah. I'm ready to get to my new place for a bit before we head to to the Leaky Cauldron."

(((I already did. Had to find my 'new' image first.)))
Tristan fought the impulse to act like a child and stick out his tongue at Josh. He couldn't deny it though; he was getting old, and just couldn't pick up entirely younger women anymore. "Have fun with your muggle women," he laughed, "They can be a handful, trust me." The pang that ebbed at his heart was not so prominent as it used to be, having pushed Lorelei as far to the back of his mind as he possibly could at this point. He had to move on and forget it.

"I'm eager to see it," Tristan said, waiting for Josh to lead the way; he wasn't excited for intense heat for the second time in the day.
Josh grabbed the last of his things and was ready to leave. "Oh, I know how much trouble they can be. I also am not afraid of using magic on them either." He smirked, knowing his escapades in the past and how he had made his way out of them. "Let's go. I have everything." With that, he apparated to his new apartment.
Tristan followed Josh's leave, disapparating and glad that he had nothing to carry with him.

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