Jonah Seiichi Edogawa

Jonah Edogawa

kendo • i hate it here • finicky
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Jonah Seiichi Edogawa

determined • frustrated • loyal • passionate • sensitive

Theme // Aesthetic // Relationships

Credits to Zephie (Categories), Clairey (Dividers),
Ghost (Some Code), Zazz and Dan (Company)
Credits to all the lurked bios for all the inspiration
Last updated: 06 Sept 2024

[table of contents]
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All of The Basics
Name: Jonah Seiichi Edogawa
Jonah - meaning "dove" and is of Hebrew origin

Seiichi - meaning "sincere one" and is of Japanese origin (誠一)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birthday: 12 September 2050
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Analytical, Observant, Helpful, Reliable, Precise

Skeptical, Fussy, Inflexible, Cold, Interfering
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
The free spirited Horse is the Chinese Zodiac’s wanderer. Horses need their independence and freedom. They are packed with energy and constantly moving from one activity to another. Horses are good with money and, of course, have a passion for travel.
Heritage: Japanese/American/Italian
Jonah's dad is Japanese while his mom has American and Italian blood.
Blood Status: Half Blood
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Current Residence: Aoyama, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Current Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand Student
Wand: Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

  • On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
  • The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of the wand is perhaps the most traditional and closest to nature.
  • 'Ash is Stubborn,' as the saying goes. Ash wands bond to their owner and do not do well in the hands of others. The master of an Ashen wand may well be stubborn, but arrogance and pride will be met with a wand that is even more stubborn than the wizard!
  • Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
  • A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
Personality: Jonah is a deeply family-oriented individual who values his connections with his siblings and parents, feeling a strong need to stay close to them. He struggles with change and new experiences, often finding comfort in familiar routines and environments. His anxiety about making mistakes and facing consequences can make him nervous and prone to panic, especially under pressure. Jonah is driven by a strong desire for approval and belonging, particularly when separated from his family. He’s determined but impulsive, sometimes acting on immediate feelings without fully considering the consequences. His emotional expressiveness often reveals his struggles, as he finds it difficult to maintain calmness in stressful situations. Despite his initial fondness for his house, Hufflepuff, Jonah wrestles with the conflict of wanting to be close to his siblings and the challenges of fitting in somewhere he doesn't think he should belong.

Appearance: Jonah has dark, straight hair kept at short to medium length that he usually doesn't bother styling. He has dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, and a fair but slightly tanned complexion. He has a lean and athletic build, both from Quidditch and practicing kendo. He doesn't usually think about style as he prioritizes comfort more, resulting in a casual sense of fashion.
Playby: Kaz Chuang
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A Little More In Depth
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ISFP - The Adventurer
  • Introverted: While he is not averse to socializing and making new connections, he values existing close connections more. In particular, he values his family and close friends and finds comfort in familiar routines, often finding himself at a loss when said routine is disrupted.
  • Sensing: He focuses on immediate, practical details, and his comfort in familiar settings, rather than abstract possibilities.
  • Feeling: His strong emotional expressiveness, desire for approval, and concern for the feelings of others indicate that he makes decisions based on values and emotions rather than logic alone.
  • Perceiving: Jonah is spontaneous and flexible, preferring to keep his options open rather than adhering to strict schedules. He enjoys exploring new experiences and can be impulsive, sometimes acting on immediate feelings without fully considering long-term consequences.
Big Five:
  • Moderate Openness: Jonah is open to new experiences in the sense of exploring and trying new things, often seen in his adventurous approach to situations. However, he also seeks comfort in familiar routines and may struggle with abrupt changes in particular to his connections.
  • Low Conscientiousness: Jonah struggles with attention to detail and structure, particularly in the theoretical aspects of his studies. He is very impulsive and tends to act on immediate feelings, often lacking in organization and difficulty in discipline outside of his interests.
  • Low Extraversion: While open to making new connections, Jonah heavily values close, personal connections and finds comfort in familiar settings. He can be quite reserved despite his energetic nature. His friends are usually those that he met when facing some sort of trouble which in his mind is a forging of deep, personal connections.
  • High Agreeableness: Jonah frequently shows a strong desire to maintain harmony in his relationships. He is empathetic and cares deeply about the feelings and opinions of others. His emotional expressiveness and concern for the well-being of his family and his friends support this.
  • High Neuroticism: Jonah experiences significant anxiety and nervousness, particularly about making mistakes and facing new challenges. He tries to hide this for the sake of his family and friends in his desire to protect them, but frequently fails, especially under overwhelming pressure.
Enneagram: Type 6 - The Skeptic
Jonah is very loyal to his relations and it is often seen that he has an underlying fear of instability and uncertainty which manifested when he entered Hogwarts. While he is prone to impulsive actions, we can always see that he is anxious about making the wrong decisions and is constantly seeking validation from those he trusts, particularly his triplets. Jonah’s nervousness about change and new situations, along with his impulsive decisions and emotional expressiveness, are always driven by his desire to avoid conflict and to feel stable within his changing environment. His dedication severely highlights his desire for safety, security, and harmony in his relationships.

DiSC Assessment: Steadiness
Jonah values consistency, supportive relationships, and a stable environment. Those with a DiSC S style typically have core psychological needs such as the need for harmony, the need to avoid burdening others, and the belief that they are valuable when they are helping people. This aligns well with Jonah who tries to run from conflict and is usually seeking the approval of those he deems important to him.
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Family Things
FULL NAMEConan Edogawa
LIFESPAN16 November 2018 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Hufflepuff)
OCCUPATIONHNZ Muggle Studies Professor
FULL NAMETaylor Blare-Edogawa
LIFESPAN6 August 2019 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Gryffindor)
OCCUPATIONToyohashi Tengu Coach

FULL NAMECorey Arata Edogawa
LIFESPAN13 April 2038 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Hufflepuff)
OCCUPATIONToyohashi Tengu Seeker
FULL NAMEYukiko June Edogawa
LIFESPAN14 January 2041 -
OCCUPATIONToyohashi Tengu Beater
FULL NAMEKakeru Preston Edogawa
LIFESPAN2 September 2044 -
OCCUPATIONMahoutokuro Student

FULL NAMEJericah Shiori Edogawa
LIFESPAN2 September 2044 -
OCCUPATIONMahoutokuro Student

FULL NAMEHinata Michelle Edogawa
LIFESPAN29 September 2046 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Hufflepuff)
OCCUPATIONHogwarts New Zealand Student

FULL NAMEElijah Kenzou Edogawa
LIFESPAN12 September 2050 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Ravenclaw)
OCCUPATIONHogwarts New Zealand Student

FULL NAMERose Amaterasu Edogawa
LIFESPAN12 September 2050 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Gryffindor)
OCCUPATIONHogwarts New Zealand Student

FULL NAMESayuri Lily Edogawa
LIFESPAN23 July 2051 -
EDUCATIONHogwarts New Zealand (Slytherin)
OCCUPATIONHogwarts New Zealand Student

FULL NAMELewis Yuichi Edogawa
LIFESPAN15 October 2052 -
OCCUPATIONMahoutokuro Day Student

FULL NAMEKai Alexander Edogawa
LIFESPAN24 April 2063 -

FULL NAMEJeremiah Akira Edogawa
LIFESPAN24 April 2063 -

Yusaku Edogawa
Channing Blare

Hiroshi Edogawa
Yukiko Edogawa
Sophia Blare

Fusae Edogawa

Liam Nightray
Jeremiah Nightray
Sergei Zhefarovich
Ai Nightray
Kelsey Boneheart
Arianna Zhefarovich

Jai Edogawa-Kaster
Artemisa Raven
Felicita Zhefarovich
Tiziano Edogawa
Mikael Nightray
Eurydice Nightray
Annika Nightray
Henry Nightray
Rhian Nightray
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Education and Abilities
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Sorting Ceremony said:
Jonah could barely contain his excitement. He was finally here. They were finally here. He couldn’t quite believe that he was finally seeing what his older siblings and his parents were talking about. The Great Hall was so pretty. And the he was going to be sorted pretty soon too and so were Ro and Eli. He held on to Ro’s hand tightly as they stood together because he was hoping it would make her feel less nervous about the whole thing, and it was helping him too. He was excited about attending Hogwarts, but he was apprehensive over the whole sorting business. Corey-nii and Hina-nee were both Hufflepuffs like Tou-chan, and Yuki-nee was a Slytherin like Uncle Liam. Kaa-san was a Gryffindor though. They were all in different houses, and he didn’t want to be in a different house from both Eli and Ro, although he thinks that Eli was practically a shoe-in for Ravenclaw (or so their parents say), he doesn’t know how to be one. Perhaps he could ask the Hat since he was the one deciding the whole thing. Jonah could be a Ravenclaw if his triplet could be one. They share genes (whatever that is)! He could fit in any house that his triplets could! It is with this determination to convince the Hat of this fact that Jonah walked up to the stool once his name was called.

“Edogawa, Jonah”

"I hate to be the one to inform you, but unfortunately you won't convince me of is not the house for you, you will be much better suited to...Hufflepuff,"

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