Joli Karhunlappi

Joli Karhunlappi

New Member
OOC First Name
Yet to be arranged... I want one with unicorn hair!
Joli Tautoru Ihuicatl Sini Karhunlappi
Giggly goth ~ Horse mad ~ confident
born: 4 April 2015 ~ currently 10 years old

Joli's first name is the name she goes by. It has no meaning. Beau and Tess call her Joli-poly.
Tautoru is her Maori name, meaning Orion's Belt.
Ihuicatl is her Peruvian name, meaning sky.
Sini is her Finnish name, meaning blue.
Karhunlappi is the family name. Of Finnish/Saami origin, it loosely translates to "Bear of Lapland"

Basic Appearance ~ Tall and thin for her age, with long dark hair. Wears heavy eye make-up and black clothing.

Personality ~ Horse mad and giggly, although I like the image and concept of goths, so I dress like that. I also like dark stuff, like songs about dying and stuff. Nearly everything is funny. Even death.

Family ~ OMG, just look at Beau's page [pop]. Seriously, it's all there.

Pets ~ our dog Kuri. Mum promised she'd get me a puffskein too. Pango and Koura are so cute! And I get to share Ruru, Beau's owl, when I start at Hogwarts.

Area of Residence ~ Broad Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand

Blood Status ~ Half blood

Heritage ~ Finnish (mostly muggle) and Peruvian (mostly pureblood). But I'm definitely a Kiwi.

Special Abilities ~ I can freak out all of the boys at my school when I do this weird thing with my eyes. Oh and I wanna be an animagus.

Interests or Hobbies ~ Horse riding, maths, reading, scary movies, girlfriend magazine.

Additional Skills ~ ZOMG! I'm like, only the best at everything! =)) Jokes!

Strengths ~ I'm strong. I know my way around horses. I'm quick to learn stuff and I can stand up for myself.

Weaknesses ~ Um... I don't have any. Duh. :p

Favourite place to be ~ in the dark watching scary movies with my friends or Beau. Or watching nice movies with Tess and Beau.

Friends ~ Sarah, Becky, Nevada, Sabrina, Tiegan, Starjhan, Umran, Monique, Gloria, Gladys, Harri, Tracy, Regan, Riley, Tyla, Pip, Poppy, Kelly G, Kelly R, Rebecca, Yani, Wendy, Paris, Rona, Jane, and there are more, but I can't be bothered writing them all. I don't know anyone who's going to Hogwarts yet except my brother, Beau.

Hogwarts House ~ Beau's in Hufflepuff. That is such a funny word! Ravenclaw sounds cool. Slytherin sounds kind of icky, but I like it. Gryffindor sounds a bit rough, like the when you say the name you're going to get a sore throat or something.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions ~ To find out how to turn my mum from a squib into a witch so she can talk to her mum again. ~ To find out how to turn my mum from a squib into a witch so she can talk to her mum again.

Best school subjects ~ Social studies, maths and PE

Worst school subject ~ Maori

Extracurricular Activities ~ Ballet, Hip Hop, Gymnastics, Maths club, Drama club, Horse-riding

Graduation ~ 2033

Future plans ~ to be as smart and beautiful as my big sister, Amelie.

My Patronus ~ A bear.

My Patronus memory ~ my first magical difference, the day I realised I was a witch, too.

My Boggart ~ Mrs Hewlip, my primary school principle.

Animagus ~ mouse (see avatar)
Hi there :)

Here are a couple of questions:

When did you first get into the whole 'goth' thing?
What do people generally think of you?
Are you happy that you'll be going to HNZ?
Do you get along well with your brother?
What is one thing that would surprise people to find out about you?
What is one thing that always makes you happy? mad?
What is your favorite color?
Thanks Cyndi!

When did you first get into the whole 'goth' thing?
Just in the past year. I used to always just wear what my big sister said was cool, but then I was like, hang on, I think this is cool!

What do people generally think of you?
I'm really cool. Like, at school everyone always wants to play with me and at dance everyone copies me. I'm also really smart, so even the nerds like me. But I think they might be a little bit scared of me. But that's cool, cos then I can make them do what I want. :) (She's a bit arrogant and doesn't realise it. Adults think she's too mouthy, but most people her age think she's cool. Except for the ones who are intimidated by her. They think she's a show off)

Are you happy that you'll be going to HNZ?
Yes, so much! But I wish all my friends could come too.

Do you get along well with your brother?
Which one? I have three! xD I guess you mean Beau. Yeah, we get on really well, but he can be a show off sometimes. Mostly he's really nice and let's me do whatever I want. Oscar and Will are way older and we don't really do much together, but Oscar is my only brother left at home now, so we've been hanging out a bit more. But not really. Beau is the funniest person in the world, and he's gonna teach me how to fly! He said he's going to buy a broomstick!

What is one thing that would surprise people to find out about you?
Uh... my friends would be totally surprised to find out I'm a witch. But I don't think that's what you mean. Okay, well, don't tell anyone this, but I'm scared of the number zero. That's really weird, cos I'm like, really good at maths and stuff, but I hate seeing that number. It's kind of the same with most circles, but especially when it's the number. But I like the letter O. Strange, I know. But yeah, I don't like most round things.

What is one thing that always makes you happy? mad?
Beau can always make me happy. And scary movies. Sometimes my little sister makes me mad cos she idolises me and copies everything I do, and she gets away with heaps of stuff cos she has downs syndrome, but mostly I just love her. But littering makes me mad. Whenever I see people drop rubbish, I get all up in their face about it.

What is your favorite color?
Grey. My friend Umran says it's not a colour, but I totally think it is. Cos it has so many different ways of being, you know? Okay, you probably don't know, but I know what I mean, and that's what's important, right? :p

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