Closed joining the dots

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
When Eden had been picked up from daycare babbling on about her new friend Aelin and their fox drawings, Geo had quickly realised who she was talking about. Aelin's father was a man Geo had met last year in New York and while he'd been over to their house for the New Year's party Aelin hadn't been in attendance so her daughter hadn't met Killian's girl. Although she was aware that Killian had plans to move to New Zealand, she didn't join the dots together until she'd collected Eden and was listening to her talk about the efforts they'd had trying to figure out where their dads were.

It had taken a few days to get hold of Killian, but when she'd tracked him down at the daycare it had been nice to see him again. Of course they had more to catch up on than could be said in the minutes they had that afternoon and as such they'd planned to meet the following weekend. Geo would bring Eden to his house, her own being a little far for his daughter to get to at her age. Eden was accustomed to travelling by floo powder between Virginia and Obsidian since she'd been doing it for years with Geo, but it was another thing entirely to expect a four year old to pick it up on a whim, and it wouldn't have been fair on her to apparate.

"Don't drop it," the Auror warned Eden who was clumsily clutching at a small party bag between both hands as they waited on the doorstep for Killian to answer their knocks. Geo had to bring James too since he was too young to be left anywhere on his own, and with James and the other children at school, Geo had to keep her son in tow. She didn't mind of course but James wasn't exactly as easy as Eden had been as a baby, and was now crying in her arms as Geo did her best to calm him down.
Eden was convinced she'd never cried as much in her life as her little brother James did. He always cried and it was very annoying. "I'm not dropping it," Eden said, although she could feel the orange sparkly bag slipping out of her little hands as she spoke. She just had to hope that Aelin opened the door before the bag hit the floor.
Killian had been all sorts of surprised when Aelin had gone on about the girls she had met on her first day at daycare. Not to mention the fit she had thrown about how she had thought maybe he wouldn't wanna be her daddy anymore because he had lied. In the end they established that the girls had had a bit of a misunderstanding, Killian and the Cake girls dad, who turned out to be his colleagues James' daughter, worked at Hogwarts but the girls were not at Hogwarts yet. After calmly talking it through with his 4-year-old they had concluded he'd never leave her like that and Aelin had gone to babble on about other things.

On one of the afternoons as he was picking her up from daycare they had run into Geo, the mom of Eden and Auror that had handled Killian's report last year, they had come into an agreeing of meeting up at his house later and today was the day. Aelin had been busy, cleaning her room and making sure everything was ready. She had even dug up some pictures of grandma Irene's foxes. The professor heard a knock at the door and called Aelin down to come with him, as the young girl ran into his arms Killian picked her up before opening the door. "Hello Geovanna, Eden come on in." He spoke in the friendliest tone he could muster, which wasn't difficult now that there were children around. "Ah this is James then?" Killian asked motioning to the baby in the blondes arms, last he'd seen her fully she'd just been in the early months of pregnancy. "He looks healthy." That was all he could come up with as he lead them inside closing the door behind them, but who could blame him. Killian wasn't the most talkative to begin with.
Aelin was practically bursting at the seams. Her bestest of friends was about to come visit her house today! She had cleaned her room and made her daddy bake a cake for them! This was going to be the best day ever, she joined her dad downstairs as he called for her and immediately went to be picked up. What? She was a daddy's girl and wanted to be close to him. As the door opened her face broke into a smile. "Hi Eden!" She said tapping her dad to be let down so she could hug her friend. "Hi Mrs. Aderler-Cake!" She beamed up to the older version of her friend, maybe she could ask if she wanted to be Aelins mommy too today!
As the door was opened, the blonde gave Killian a large smile in greeting and hoped that the bawling of the infant in her arms wasn't going to be so bad that he was about to close the door to them again. "Hey Kill, go on in Eden," she motioned to her daughter with her head since it was the only free thing she had at that moment. She could see Eden almost doubled over trying to keep the bag from slipping out of her hands and at least if she was inside then it wouldn't have been as bad as if she'd dropped it on the floor outside. "Yes, this is James," Geo shuffled the small bundle in her arms so the pair of them could be more comfortable. It was a different experience entirely to have two children under her supervision and while she'd been there for her stepchildren growing up, it had taken time to get accustomed to babies again, the efforts of which were apparent under her eyes. "Named after his father," it was a little strange having another James in the family but it felt fitting too, especially given James' last sons were twins so it wouldn't have been fair to only name one after himself.

The woman grinned at Aelin, who was practically clawing her way towards Eden. "Very nice to meet you too Miss Fox!" Geo greeted, "You look very lovely today," she noted, wondering whether Killian had nailed the hair bow himself or whether that was something that had come pre-designed. Honestly, as a mom to girls who also loved accessories, she could appreciate the effort. Geo glanced back up to Killian, speaking a little softer so the girls were less likely to pick up on what she said, "..cake?" she questioned, wondering if she'd misheard his daughter.
Eden waddled in through the door, not able to bend her legs without the bag slipping from her grip. By the time she crossed the threshold, the bottom of the gift bag was already draping across the floor, and the toddler followed it down to the ground in a heap. "Hi Aelin! Hi Mr Aelin!" she peered up from her position on the floor, trying to push the bag out from under her and towards her friend. "This is for you!" she squealed in excitement.
Killian gave the woman what he hoped was a warm smile and then looked at the baby and back to her. "You too look well," He said keeping an eye on the toddlers. Poor Eden seemed to be struggling with the bag she was carrying and it made Kill wonder what could be in there. The professor hummed bemusedly at Geo's question. "Yeah about that, so the first day the girls met Eden introduced herself as Aderler-Cake so now Aelin is hell bent on the fact that her name is Cake not Cade." Killian kept his tone hushed too, doubting the toddlers would hear either way judging by the excitement but it was better safe than sorry. As the blonde miniature human addressed him Killian gave her a soft smile before speaking in a tone he only used with Aelin really. "Hello Eden, nice to see you again. You can just call me Killian or Kilkil which Aelin over here came up with the other day." Eden was a cute toddler he had to give the girl that, she even matched his own daughters energy in a way that truly warmed his heart.

"Please come take a seat, can I get you anything? Tea, coffee, water? What juice would you like miss Eden, we have got apple and strawberry, Lin also wanted to bake a cake so we made a chocolate cake, hope that's fine with you." Killian gestured for them to settle on the dining table for now, with toddlers the couch was out of question when food or drinks were involved and with both? Yeah it was down right forbidden in his household. "I think I have Aelin's old highchair somewhere, if you wanted for James I could go grab it?" He offered as he placed some of the juice jugs on the table.
Aelin smiled up at the blonde woman, she was very pretty. "Thank you! Daddy helped me pick out what to wear and did my hair, he always does. He is very good at it." She smiled proudly, completely oblivious to her fathers discomfort at being outed on that one. "Ooh what is it?" Her eyes grew in size as she looked at the bag, a gift? But it wasn't even her birthday yet was it? She took a peek and found different art supplies in taking them out each at a time. "Daddy look! I love them, I love you Eden you are my bestest friend we will be friends forever!" She said excitedly, throwing her small body to hug her friend. Today was truly the best day ever. "Thank you Mrs. Cake! I love you as well!" In her 4-year-old mind she loved everyone right now, except maybe the baby when it cried but even it was sort of cute.
It was the first Geo was hearing that her daughter was introducing herself to others with the wrong name, and while she was glad for Killians understanding she knew she was going to have to speak to Eden about it before something more awkward or different to correct came about. "Oh I see," she glanced down to the two girls between them, wondering if there'd been more to it than just mishearing, but Geo couldn't know just yet. "Is that why there's been baking?" she added with a light chuckle, wondering how far the joke had gone on for.

"I didn't think paint was such a good idea, but since Eden tells me Aelin is quite the artist here I thought crayons and and a sketchbook wouldn't have been too.. unkempt." She chose her words carefully not wanting to offend the little ladies. "Tea would be amazing, thank you," Geo smiled to the man, grateful for his hospitality, especially on such short notice. "You're very welcome honey," The blonde grinned once more to Aelin, she was a very polite girl for her age, which showed her a lot about what it meant for Killian to have raised her. Geo wished she could have said the same for her own kin although they seemed to be increasingly wild the more the years went on. She'd felt a little guilty after catching Killian in the playground but as working parents, it was hard to get a moment to themselves at the best of times. "So I hear your working at Hogwarts now?" Geo asked. She'd spoken to James about Killian when they'd first met, and when he joined the school her husband had mentioned the name again in passing. "How are you finding the school compared to Illvermorney?" she asked. Professor or not, he would still have had some experience with the american institution. At six months old James was just big enough to start using a high chair, and it would have meant the woman also had her hands free to talk to the professor while the girls ate their snacks.
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Eden was used to sharing mommy but not with other people that weren't her siblings. It was bad enough that she had so many other brothers and sisters even though she knew she was mommys favourite, but everyone wanted her attention. Aelin was looking at her mommy now like she was her sister, probably Bailey, and telling her all about her hair and her dad. A wave of jealousy washed through Eden although she didn't really know that's what it was.

She watched as Aelin opened her present, and pulled out the crayons that were very similar to the ones they'd used at school, except these ones were better because there were more colours, and the wrappers were in perfect condition and not half pulled off or torn or drawn on. Suddenly Aelin had thrown her arms around her and was telling her she loved her. Lots of people loved Eden, that was nothing new, although she hadn't heard Aelin tell her that before. Technically mommy had picked out the present although Eden had been there when she'd used her magic card. "You are my best friend too!" she almost whispered, nervous that mommy was going to tell Lumos that that would mean he wasn't. She could only have one best friend, couldn't she?

Mr Aelin Kilkil was suddenly offering her strawberry and apples, and she turned her attention to the man with the drinks. He was taller than daddy, just by a little bit. Her eyes widened a little as she focused on him properly for the first time. She'd not really seen many people that looked like Mr Aelin Kilkil before. He had drawings all over his arms! "Do you have orange?" Eden asked after a moment, following after the rest of the group to clamber up one of the dining room chairs. Excited to see what her drink and the cake would look like, the four year old stood up on her seat, hands leaning against the table as she waited to see what was brought over.
Killian gave Geo a reluctant nod, it was indeed why he had been forced to bake. "Yes, I don't usually bake but it's hard to say no to a pleading toddler as I can imagine you'd know." He gave a nod to the kids marveling about the art supplies. It had been a nice gesture, one that Aelin seemed to love a lot. Having only one aunt and set of grandparents made getting gifts a rare occasion, well honestly he also set a boundary not wanting the toddler to learn to take everything for granted, but a little spoiling here and there did happen.

The Professor gave a chuckle at the thought of paints in that very house, yeah no. "Yeah thank Merlin there was no paint, she's well behaved right now but she sometimes uses olive oil to slide on the floor, I have had to store the oil behind locks because she once climbed onto the counter to get it so she could slide all over. I can only imagine the damage she'd do with paints..." Actually he couldn't and wouldn't even go there, that experience would not be a pleasant one. "Let me check if we have any orange juice, ah yes lucky you we have just one orange juice juice box, is that fine?" Killian spoke to Eden, his voice again turning softer as it always did when addressing kids. He brought the girls some juice boxes with a tiny slice of cake on a plastic plate and a spoon before moving onto making the tea.

"Yeah I started this semester, so far it's been nice. I like working with the students and try my best to offer them a nice and encouraging environment to ask questions and learn more. It isn't so different to Ilvermorny, though it's been ages since my days there, but most notable difference is the sorting ceremony at least to me so far." It wasn't like he had only just attended the school nor that he really compared them as a regular thought, but it was an interesting one to play with. Leaving the water to boil he went to look for the highchair and as he came back with it the kettle was ready. Killian poured some water into a cup before getting some tea bags from the cabinet and placing them in front of the woman for her to choose her favourite before giving her a piece of the cake. "Is there anything James could need?" He asked before settling down on a chair himself.
Aelin smiled big to Eden's mommy, she was nice. She then returned her eyes to her friend at the same time Eden looked at her daddy. She was staring at him, Aelin hoped she wouldn't steal her daddy! Eden had her own one and two mommy's Aelin only had daddy! Her thoughts were long forgotten when snacks were mentioned and she scrambled off the floor to go sit at the table. "Apple, please." The girl directed her words to her dad, grateful for the cake he had helped her bake. "I don't have a mommy, Eden told me she has too or well there was old mommy and now there's new mommy. Can I get a mommy too? Do you want to be my mommy too mrs. Cake?" Aelin asked before starting on her cake, she frowned at her daddy's tone as he spoke. "Love you can't just ask that of someone," why not? Why couldn't she ask this woman to be her mommy too?
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," Geo didn't really like the idea that Eden had been the cause for Killian to whip out the baking trays against his will, not wanting to be an imposition. In all honestly for all she knew, just being here was imposing on his hospitality even though he seemed at ease in playing host. "Yeah I know the feeling," she agreed, glancing over toward Eden who was now sitting on the dining room table, feet on her chair. "Eden, look how Aelin is sitting so nicely at the table," she didn't need Killian to think that she couldn't teach her children manners. With seven children she knew other parents would already have the impression that she had her hands full, and Geo didn't need Eden proving anyone right. Perhaps she wasn't the only one that needed to keep a close eye on things though, as the idea of using oil to turn the house into a slip and slide was at least something the Cade's had managed to avoid over the years. "Have you ever thought about taking her ice skating?" Geo asked, recalling the time she and her friends had tried to skate on the school lake one winter. If it wasn't for Professor Layton, that day could have turned out worse than it had.

Geo listened as Killian explained what it was like for him teaching, "Remind me which subject you work in?" she wasn't sure James had told her although she hadn't thought to ask until now. She thanked Kill as he handed her the tea and cake, and also helped put her son into a high chair which meant she was free to move about again. James was still tearful, although a few cake crumbs in front of him was doing the trick to soften the blow between mouthfuls. The Aurors face flushed a little when suddenly she heard Aelin say that Eden had two moms. That wasn't true and it would have opened up a rather uncomfortable conversation with someone she didn't know too well. She did her best to smile at the toddler who proceeded to ask if she would be her mom too, and for the first time in a long time Geo wasn't sure what to say. "You know Aelin, I don't have a mommy either," she said, acknowledging the young girl. "But that doesn't mean we don't have other girls we can talk to! And you're always welcome to talk to me if you need to," she glanced up to Killian, unsure of what else she could have said.
Eden was practically kicking her feet when Aelin Kilkil got her the orange juice. Aelin would probably like her even more if she was drinking orange because it was her favourite colour and her favourite fruit. She took the juice box with grabby hands, sipping at it contently when she heard her best friend ask her mommy to be her mommy. Not even chocolate cake was enough to distract the blonde from looking at Aelin with a frown on her face. "You're my best friend, not my sister." she wailed, understandably nervous that she was about to have one eighth of her mothers attention soon. Tears were forming in her eyes at the thought of her mommy replacing her with Aelin, and even though she liked the girl and thought she was nice, she didn't want to be forgotten. Eden's mom then told Aelin that she could talk to her more, which just made her slouch back in her chair, thinking that just like that she was being replaced.
Killian gave a shake of his head, "Don't worry about it." He said, baking might not be his favourite but it wasn't the worst either. Eden seemed to have made herself very comfortable as she was now sat on the table instead of at. "Lower years Muggle Studies, so for some it's the introduction to a completely new and different world." He explained, his face turning into an uncomfortable grimace as his pride and joy asked the woman to be her mommy because she didn't have one. "Love, you can't just ask that." He said as gently as he could, it really was difficult to explain to a kid about her situation. He cast an appreciative smile to the Auror who handled it rather well, "And you have auntie Hope too, who you can talk to." Killian offered, hoping the subject could be dropped. He then looked at Eden whose face looked like she had just drank a jug of lemon juice, great this was going wonderfully. He had no idea how to go about it.

"Aelin do you want to go fetch the pictures of nana's foxes we dug out?" He asked trying to steer the conversation back to safer ground. As the toddler scurried off Killian turned to Geo and then her daughter. "My apologies, she's not usually like this but might be confusing seeing families that aren't quite like her own and Eden don't worry about it I would much like to keep my daughter so she will stay as your best friend." How did you explain any of this to a four year old, seriously toddlers should come with manuals.
Aelin was completely oblivious to the rising tension in the table that her question had caused. "I guess I don't need a mommy, my daddy is the best daddy so you can keep your mommy, just don't take my daddy?" She offered to upset looking Eden as the blonde had told her she was her best friend not sister, not fully sure what the difference even was. At the mention of the pictures Aelin took a napkin cleaning her hands and mouth before running off to get the pictures, they were normal ones her nana was a muggle who preferred the muggle pictures. "Here are some of the foxes my nana has helped!" She said as she reached Eden's side placing the pictures on the table as she climbed onto the chair next to her friends. "Thank you mrs. Cake for your offer, but you are Eden's mommy and I don't want to steal you. I wouldn't like if someone stole my daddy either." Aelin spoke with a smile, looking at the smaller human. "Why is it so small and snotty? Is it okay?" She asked pointing at it.
Geo nodded, thinking for a moment. She knew that not everyone would grow up with the opportunities their children had, to already know about the wizarding world and they'd likely be a part of it when they were old enough. Even Geo had been left at an orphanage for the magically inclined so it wasn't as though this had come as a shock for her despite not knowing her parents. "Do some of them find it difficult to get started?" she asked, genuinely curious to know how when the tables were turned, what it would be like for those that grew up without muggle influence to be introduced to it properly for the first time.

The Auror was glad that Killian stepped in to help give his daughter the boundaries of talking to other women. Of course Geo was happy to be their for Aelin, but that didn't mean she always knew what the best thing to say was for someone else's child. It had been the hardest thing to learn when she'd made things official with James; knowing that Maddie's children were now technically her children, and she'd have to bring them up in a way that would make both of their parents proud. The blonde watched as the girls looked over the pictures of the foxes, taking a moment to take a sip of her drink, before Aelin motioned to her son. "He's only a few months old," Geo explained, looking at the sixth month old that was still trying to get through his cake crumbs. Crossing between them, Geo took a tissue out of her pocket and wiped the snot away from his nose, stuffing the tissue back into his pocket once he was dry. "Babies need a lot of constant care and attention so that they can grow up big and strong like you," she shot Aelin another reassuring smile.
Eden also thought she had the best daddy, not Aelin, but for some reason, she didn't really feel like telling her that. She'd probably only try to argue with her. Maybe Aelin was more like a sister. Sitting up higher in her chair, she peered over at the pictures of the foxes that Aelin's family person had helped out with, although she didn't really know what that meant. "Were they pets?" she asked, knowing that their own pet elf Dakrey could look after himself more often than not, and often would help them out instead. Aelin quickly got distracted though with her brother, and Eden sighed to herself given that this was becoming an increasingly common occurrence. She was no longer the baby of the family and others would often find James got more of her mommy's and friends, attention now. Therefore, Eden turned her attention once more to Aelin's dad, resting her head in her hand and watching to see what he'd say to her mommy.
Killian looked over to Geo as she presented the question, thinking for a moment before answering. "Well not exactly, they do find it a bit puzzling though you know, but I make sure to let them know were there any questions they are free to ask and I'll answer but so far everyone just seems very excited to learn." They were even sometimes surprisingly good at handling the new information, but then again adults had always had a bad habit of underestimating kids and now Killian had just become one of those adults he supposed.

Watching the girls made Killian smile and the way Aelin considered back what she had said and how it had affected her friend and apologized made the man an extremely proud father. The Professor watched as his daughter took interest in the baby and gave a chuckle at her questions. "You know Lin, you used to be just like that too?" He said softly, thinking back to the times she was still a small bundle and needed everything handed to her. Time felt like it was flying by far too fast and Killian just sometimes wanted to stop the time, because his daughter was growing faster than he'd like but he supposed that was every father's worst nightmare. Watching his kids grow, soon she'd be off to Hogwarts and Merlin knew what else. Needing something else to focus on he turned to Geo's girl Eden. "The foxes weren't pets no, my mom takes in injured foxes that may have been left alone or otherwise are in need of help and nurses them back to health. She then lets them back to the wild if they are capable of fending for themselves." He tried to explain it to the best of his ability. "Some of them stay with her though and those are kind of like pets I suppose," he added, some of them did stay whether it was because they didn't want to go back to the wild or other reasons but some of them did stay every once in a while or just came back to visit.
Aelin stared at the small thing and listened to what Mrs. Cake was saying. She gave a little nod as though signaling she understood, she did not, well in a way sure but essentially she just assumed it'd grow bigger. It was confirmed when her father said she used to be like that, wrinkling her nose Aelin looked at her dad and then to the baby. "He is cute I guess," she admitted, the more she looked at him the cuter his wrinkly face got. It was that ugly kind of cute. Aelin returned her face to her friend who practically had hearts and stars in her eyes staring at her daddy. Weird reaction but perhaps Eden too was thinking Aelin got the best daddy in the whole wide world.
Geo remembered what it was like to be a third and fourth year and the amount of new subjects they were able to take. She also remembered that as the year she'd burnt out, it had been Professor Pendleton who had found her having a break down in the trophy room. It was a hard time for students, trying to find the balance between the child they'd come to the school with and the adult they'd soon be leaving as. "I think making sure you're there as someone to talk to is quite possible the most important role as a professor at times," Geo added, not looking up to meet Killian's eyes as though he'd see straight through her if she did.

The woman listened as her friend explained to her daughter how they'd come to look after so many foxes as well as how they'd care for them. It was sweet, she supposed. Geo had never really been a big animal person, although she had worked in the Menagerie for a few years when she'd been at Hogwarts. She knew that Veronica wanted to follow in her mum's footsteps too and become a Magizoologist, so maybe it was time Geo started paying more attention to what kind of animals were out there. "Do you want to study animals when you're older Lin?" she asked, trying to gauge whether the child had an idea of the things that interested her most yet, despite her young age.
Eden was only half listening when Aelin's daddy was talking to her about her brother, or foxes, she wasn't entirely sure. It must have been the foxes because Aelin called it cute. Her brother James certainly wasn't cute, he had very little hair and wrinkly little head and Eden was certain she'd never looked that ugly. She did hope that one day he'd grow up and then they'd be able to talk to each other, although she didn't really know what she'd say to someone so much younger than her. Her older siblings seemed to delight in having James around, but it was Eden that they got to talk to, which meant she was quite sure her siblings preferred her to her little brother. Especially Lumos, who Eden would tell everything to. "You don't have any brothers, do you?" she asked Aelin, eyes fixed on Mr Aelin. "Maybe you should ask for a brother before having another mommy?"
Killian watched as the blonde lowered her head, clearly having something she did not want him to see as she spoke. Deciding not to press on the issue for now Killian just nodded. "Yes it is important the kids have someone to go to if needed, after all they are still just kids and those ages they spend in school are very crucial and it can do a lot of damage if they are left alone with it all." He had seen his fair share of breakdowns back at school, he was fortunate enough to not experience one but then again he never took things too seriously.

Killian watched his daughters friend for a beat as she seemed fixed on him, feeling a little uncomfortable with the constant staring he decided to shift his attention to something else until Eden presented a bit of a blunt offer. Technically having a mommy and getting a brother didn't cancel each other out, besides Killian had no intention of getting another child with only one parent but he wouldn't explain that to a four-year-old. Clearing his throat he answered for Aelin who was shifting uncomfortably seeming on the verge of tears. "No she does not have any siblings for now." Killian got up from his seat and scooped up his daughter who was now just looking around a little helpless.
Aelin beamed at the question she was presented with. "Study? What is that? I want animals and I wanna spend time with them if studying them includes that then yes!" She liked animals very much, shooting her head towards her friend who was fixed on her dad she was about to respond the question when another reminder of her lack of mommy was dropped. It made her feel very sad, she thought they'd moved past that and being reminded she didn't have a mommy but Eden did didn't feel nice. Aelin shifted in her seat uncomfortably looking for an escape, not sure how to respond because after all she didn't even fully understand what having a brother meant or a mommy for that matter. The four-year-old was about to start crying when her father picked her up, giving a sense of safety immediately. She was glad he offered an explanation but was still a bit sad. "Will we ever get me a brother or a sister?" Aelin asked quietly as she snuggled closer to her dad.
"Eden you can't ask things like that," Geo hadn't had a child quite so inquisitive before and she wasn't accustomed to having to put down boundaries, but seeing that Aelin was now on the verge of tears it was clear that family was a touchy subject for the infant. She looked back at Aelin who was now hugging her father, "I think you'll get to study lots of magical animals when you go to Hogwarts!" She said, trying to cheer the girl up. It wouldn't be foxes as such but if she was interested in animals then she'd certainly get to meet a good number of them while she was there.

Geo didn't exactly know what Killian meant by for now, but it wasn't her business to ask, something that her daughter would have to learn. She clearly took after James in that area, unable to hold back from doing or saying whatever was on their mind.

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