Johanna Murray

Johanna Murray

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OOC First Name
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The Basics
Character's Birthdate:


Current Residence
Obsidian Harbor,New Zealand

Blood Status:


Ministry Official for Improper Of Magic

Playby:Emma Watson
Hair:Johanna has an unusual hair syle.It is a pixie haircut she was wary of it at first but now she loves it.Her hair is a dark blond.
Eyes:Johanna has soft,brown eyes
Height:Johanna is on the tall side with a height of 5"7
Weight:She is average
Birthmarks:Johanna has no birthmarks
Piercings:Her ears are pierced once
Blood Type:Johanna is o negative
Body Type:Johanna has a slim figure
Accent:Johanna's accent is French
Can speak:Johanna speaks fluent French(As it is her native language) she is learning English and when traveling she learned small bits of Spanish,Irish,Swedish and German
Style:Johanna likes fashion but doesn't keep with trends.She will buy what she likes and wear what she likes when she wants to

Johanna is a nice girl.She is mature and sensible but doesn't mind having fun.When she was younger she wasn't in any way social but since leaving school she has become more social and is making friends fast.She is kind but can be cold when needed.She doesn't really like anything loud or noise she prefers the peace and quiet.She is a hard worker and very loyal.She is quite brave too though people wouldn't think it.She loves music and is very musically talented.

Johanna is very calm in difficult situations and she deals with stress easily.She can be a leader when one is needed and she is very brave.

Johanna can sometimes take her studies to serious and ignore her social life

Special Abilities
Johanna is very musical.She can play the violin and piano and she is also a good singer.

Mirror of Erised
Johanna is surrounded by people that she loves.There is someone that means the most to her beside her holding her hand and there are two little people in front of her.

Zodiac Sign

Those born under the sign of Aquarius not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. They are 'mind oriented' individuals, whose thoughts never stop tick-tocking over. Because of their high focus on intellectual exploration, many inventors, eccentrics and highly original trailblazers are born under this sign. Their intense ability to live on many mental levels, holds both pain and pleasure for Aquarians. For example, in the American Hall of Fame there are more Aquarians than any other sign, yet statistics reveal that in mental institutions there are more Aquarians than any other sign too. Many extremes can surround this sign and these extremes can take them to both heaven and hell.

Johanna was born in Nice on the 17/2/2011.When she was two her father left the family leaving her younger mother to take care of Johanna.Her mother didn't have a very good job so she didn't have a very easy childhood.She went through various sets of jobs to help with the income.She went to a poorer school but this didn't stop her being ambitious.She got very high grades and aced most of her tests.It was her mother who brought her into the world of music.She saved enough money for Johanna to get violin lessons she she taught Johanna the piano and how to sing properly.As she got older she started to sing and play publicly giving her a reputation.Her mother was not a witch so when the news came she was a witch it was a big shock to the pair.Because her father had left when she was younger she didn't know what blood status she was.The letter said she would be attending the Beauxbaton academy.When the day came to leave Johanna was very upset.Her mother and herself had developed a strong bond so it was almost felt like she was leaving a part of her behind.But after a few weeks she got used to the new school and started to enjoy it.She has a very strong bond with her mother who is currently working in Paris as a teacher.After Beauxbaton Johanna took two years off and went all around Europe.She is now a ministry official for the Improper Use Of Magic and she lives in the Obsidian Harbor.


<COLOR color="#CC0066">Maire Beatrice Murray

Marie is a gentle and loving mother.She is kind and tries to make sure her daughter has the best in life.When she was younger she wasn't very ambitious and her grades were average.She is very musical and when she was younger it was a dream of hers to make it into the singing business.But she then became pregnant young and had a quick marrige after.Life wasn't very happy but at least there was money coming into the home from her husbands job.Then one night she woke up to see no one at her side.She had given it one or two days but she then realised he wasn't coming back.Now she had a bigger problem she had a two year old baby and she had no job.She quickly found a job that had a small income but it put some food on the table.She started to save then for her beautiful daughter's violin lessons.She wanted her daughter to love music just as much as she had so she could have the dream that was taken away from Marie.She soon found out that her daughter had inherited her music ability and the love for music.With the help of her daughter's money more food appeared on the table and life was good.They then received the letter giving them the news that Johanna was a witch and would be attending a magical school in France.Marie didn't know if her husband was a wizard so she didn't know the blood status of her daughter and she hoped that in the school Johanna would not be bullied for it.It was hard for her when her daughter left and also the neighbours would ask awkward questions but she soon got used to it and the neigbours questions soon stopped.It amazes her how much her daughter grow with each vist.She is dreading the day she goes out into the world alone but all Maire can do is prepare her and make sure she is ready.A few years after Johanna left for school Marie started to get her own life back in order.She started looking around for jobs in the musical section.She is now currently working as a music teacher in a secondary school in Paris.


When Marie's parents died they gave their house to Marie.Luckily they had paid all the taxes on the house so Johanna and Marie were able to live there even in tough times

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Johanna is new at her job and on one of her first days she encounters Ashton Valley falling into the fountain in Care For A Swim during this meeting she is invited to a concert in London where she meets Kida Frost in Rock Concert

While getting to know her new home Johanna wanders into the Medley where she starts talking to Victor Dodge in Get Your Mind Of Things

When enjoying a nice stroll around Takarokaro Park,she meets Steven Green in A Nice Day Out

After getting a broken finger seen to,Johanna is in the waiting room when Lawrence "Enzo" Cavell walks in and they end up in the childrens ward in Waiting

She is again getting to know her new home and she pops into a bar recommended by a friend,in there she meets Mark Stone in Nice To Meet You

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