Jeremy Thorne

Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Jeremy Patrick Thorne
The Facts of His Life:

PB: From 11-15 - Devon Werkheiser
From 16-present: Ryan Merriman

Date of Birth: August 15, 2013
Time of Birth: 12:46 PM
Location: Bangor, Maine, USA
Current Age:21
Basic Appearance
Height: 6'
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown. He usually wears it a little longer in the front. Sometimes, he spikes it up when he's going out.
Eye Color: Dark Blue. Jeremy owns glasses, but he only uses them when he is reading and writing.
Build: Jeremy has always been a little on the thin side. He exercises fairly frequently because it is the best stress relief for him, so he has bulked up a little.
Handedness:Right. Jeremy holds his wand and writes with his right hand.
Opinion: Jeremy is pretty happy with his appearance and thinks he is about average looking. His favorite feature on himself is his eyes because he likes the color. He also enjoys the compliments that he gets about his eyes.

Hometown: Bangor, Maine
Current Location: New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed
Mother: Italian-American
Father: British but raised in America
Languages spoken: English. Jeremy still retains a very slight New England accent which is usually more apparent when he is sleepy. Having spent so many years in New Zealand, he uses a lot of Kiwi slang when he speaks.

Wand: Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust: A feminine wood commonly used for healing, health and protection. It is good for spells involving potion charming, astronomy and herbology related charms. However this wand can also unlock very dark magic, to the person with the right mind to do so. The pinkish tone comes from the fairy dust that has consumed the wood.
Opinion: When he was younger, Jeremy hated the fact that his wand was pinkish. He would hear some of the guys snickering at him when they noticed the color. Now, it doesn't bother him much at all. His original wand actually broke when he was moving into his new apartment, but he managed to get one with the same wood and core. Jeremy feels that this wand suits him well, especially after learning that it is good for healing, health, and protection.

<SIZE size="150">Family:​


Alexander Thomas Thorne(father)- Born in 1986. Mixed blood descent. Auror.
Alexander grew up in a small wizarding town. The family was well off, but Alexander was taught to work hard because his parents refused to give him anything without him working for it. He attended Salem Institute and graduated as Headboy. After graduating, Alexander joined the American Ministry in the Department of Experimental Charms but when an opening for the auror department came up, he quickly applied. He works as one of the head aurors today and is especially skilled in the art of tracking. Alexander met his wife when they both were prefects in the school. Alexander was hard on his two children, even though he rarely saw them due to his job. He always expected the children, especially his son, to live up to the rigid standards he set.

After he and his wife have finalized their divorce, splitting everything (including their children) evenly, Mr. Thorne relocated his tiny family to St. Augustine, Florida. After moving, he increased his efforts in spending time with Jeremy and his daughter, when she came to visit. He was, and is, still a very busy man.


Rebekah Thorne (mother)- Born in 1988. Muggleborn. Magic Law Office Employee.
Born in Ohio, Rebekah's family was only a bit surprised to find that she had magical powers. There had always been stories within her family of a great-great someone or other who had been magical. She attended Salem Institute where she excelled in Muggle Studies and History of Magic. She was a prefect and graduated near the top of her class. After graduating, Rebekah joined the Ministry where her then- boyfriend, Alexander worked. She continues to work in the Department of Magical Law and is rarely home. Like her husband, she values education and expected her children to be the top of the class.

Rebekah continues to live in the family's home in Maine. She remarried shortly after Jeremy graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand. Jeremy has gone home to visit a handful of times and the two continue to develop their relationship.


Alanna Denise Thorne (sister)- Born in 2010. Mixed Blood. Magical Law Office Employee.
It was to no one's surprise when Alanna was accepted into Salem Institute. What was a surprise was their parent's desire for their daughter to go to a school out of the country. Alanna attends Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into Ravenclaw house. Their parents were thrilled to hear this especially after they learned that Ravenclaw house valued education. Alanna's entry into that house was no surprise to anyone as she could often be found reading and studying. Graduating with 7 OWLs and 7 NEWTs, and the title of Head Girl, Alanna was easily recruited by the Ministry for a career in Magical Law like her mother. She continues to reside in the United States, but enjoys traveling. Alanna and Jeremy have a very competitive relationship with each other, and he can typically only stand his sister in very small doses.

<COLOR color="#fb8a00">Personality:

Jeremy has always been a bit on the quiet side, mostly because he was homeschooled and never had much in the way of company except for his sister, who would much rather have been off reading than entertaining her brother. He is friendly enough, though he does tend to come across as too serious at times, another effect from having a family that had high expectations for their children.

He is an admirer of magical art and enjoys visiting museums in his free time. He also enjoys exercising and working. Some call him a workaholic, and he doesn't argue with that assessment.

After becoming a prefect and quidditch co-captain, Jeremy began to develop his leadership skills and assert himself a bit more. When he was named Head Boy, Jeremy's confidence grew a lot. He began to realize that even if he was quiet, it didn't mean that he couldn't be authoritative too.

Odd Facts about Jeremy:
* He doesn't have a nickname because his family doesn't like them.
They believe they are too informal and inappropriate to use.
* Jeremy has a scar under his chin from falling out of a tree.
* He also broke his right arm when he fell out of that tree.
* He is not a very good speller and often uses magical quills that get rid of his spelling errors for him. Jeremy's handwriting is pretty crappy too.
* His favorite color is Green.
* His owl's name is Avalon and she's a tawny owl. Avalon is about 14 now!

House: Ravenclaw, Class of 2031
Titles: Prefect, Quidditch co-Captain, Head Boy
Favorite Class: History of Magic & Muggle Studies
Favorite Professor: Professor Spenser- the professor isn't afraid to be silly, but he is also is one of the smartest people that Jeremy knows. He truly admires how the professor is able to make history come to life.

Least Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor:
Professor Eli Adams- Jeremy thinks that the professor is kind of weird.
Professor Ava Sparkles- She was much too hyper and energetic for the calm, serious boy.

Favorite Spot: Sixth Floor

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