- Messages
- 39
- OOC First Name
- Lauren
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- heterosexual
- Age
- 11
♧Jennifer Wade ♧
Birthdate : July 20th, 2040
Hometown : New Zealand, Akaroa
Blood status : Mixed blood
Nationality: New Zealand
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Relationship Status: To young to care
Wand: Unknown
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (born on 20 July) Born and significant among people during this period. In this way, Cancer can expand its knowledge and make new friends. Although they are friendly and sensitive, they often tend to be privately owned. Such reasons are necessary to accommodate the openness and trust between governments. By nature prudent, sometimes inexplicable, for fear of losing what is before not making sure that the new and better than anything. Representatives of this mark have no tendency compared to all controllers.
Element: Air- Representatives of the air element like a stimulating society - these personalities are extremely sociable and use every opportunity to exercise their minds by exchanging ideas. This makes them great interlocutors. They prefer free cooperation. Representatives of badges like culture, and they know how to evaluate order and system - everything must be logically formulated, otherwise it will not seem real to them. They have to understand everything with their minds so that the universe makes sense to them. Those born in the air are usually sensible and objective and are able to perceive and understand other people's opinions.
Air : People who have few or no planets on the Birthmark of the Air Sign often find it difficult to formulate their thoughts. In addition, they may lack the social skills so characteristic of Air Signs; these people may also find it difficult to understand others and accept new ideas. If there are too many planets in the Air Sign, there may be a lot of anxiety: these people's overactive minds are always looking for new experiences, but they rarely stay in one place long enough to build a really close relationship. The ability to cope with everyday challenges can be quite exciting as long as one is able to discipline oneself mentally.
Positive: Representatives of this element have a lot of positive character traits, but their biggest feature is that they have a very unusual view of life.
Negative: Ambiguous, indifferent, frugal, stubborn and confident.
1. Swimming
2. Sketching
3. Partying
4. Helping Animals.
Dislikes: Introverts, quiet places
Strengths: Her sister Aurelia and she always is by her side to help her.
Fears: Losing a family member, being forgotten.
Play by: Georgy Henly
Hair: Jenny has dark brown, straight hair reaching the length of her waist. Some strands of hair are colored lighter brown
Eyes: Sea blue colour
Style: Jenny likes comfy clothes and would much rather wear baggy jeans than something tight. She prefers green tones and she also love wearing hoodies
Animal lover | Sunflower | Dreamy | Loud
Jennifer is a bet loud outgoing girl. Although she is only those closet to her knowls who she really is, when it comes to being social she is completely the opposite of her twin AurelitwJennu is close with her sister, but sometimes their differences makes them agrue. And that happens since they were very small. So when she doesn't always win an agruement or something else, she can get pretty angry and maybe even a little aggressive. Jennifer has mood swings quite often, sometimes without her even noticing. Though she has quite a few bad traits, she is also bet good at sharing since she grew up being exactly as equal as her twin.
JEnnifer was born in Akaroa, a small village. If it could be counted as small. The fresh country air, the peaceful atmosphere that prevailed in the village, gave the court a positive impression of the place. The girl was born on a nice evening in July, when the sun alternated with the moon, the flowers smelled, and summer vibrated in the air and birds chirped. She was a highly anticipated child in the family of Abigail Wades and Aaron Wade.
The girl's mother was a purebred witch for several generations and her father was born into a magical family. Magic was not the daily life of the Wade family, but it was not rejected. Even when Jenny began to show the first signs of her magic, unlike her sister who destroyed certain thing she would have help put tiny birds around the village in a special way. However, all this was kept a great secret. Nevertheless, the girl attended a local school, studied diligently and was almost a role model. However, she was not in love with her peers, she was not the most beautiful, slender or otherwise did not stand out to become popular among children. The girl was who she was. True. It was easy to fit in with her peers, Though she didn't like them, she had social skill far better than her sister. Despite being slot different than her sister, they are very close and shares everything with each other.
Jenny was not one of the tallest girls. She often had to sit on her father's shoulder to see what others were seeing, or reach for the coveted delicacies on higher kitchen shelves. However, Jennifer liked the small stature. She was different from her sister Aurelia although they were both identical twins, but she was glad that she was not exactly like her sister. Jenny was definitely the lazy one between the two. That's how she just was. Small, but with a heartfelt smile. The girl's light face was also adorned with light blue eyes and dark brown hair that extended jus over her waist. Both twin had beautiful long hair until Jenny's sister Aurelia decided to chop her hair off. At least now they aren't really identical anymore and now people can tell who is qho
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