Jealousy at Honeydukes

Benson Thacker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Benson tugged at his lumpy hand-me-down jumper uncomfortably as his mother left him to go shopping. It was his own choice not to go with her but now he could say he regretted it. He had only ever been to Brightstone once and he wasn't even in the shopping area. This was his first time and it seemed like everyone was out. Benson swallowed hard and made his way through the crowd, he wished his mother had let him bring Vince along but she said that shopping area's were no place for dogs.

Benson 'excused' himself a couple of times and would quickly slip inbetween groups of people but after being shoved a couple of times through the maddening crowd Benson decided to just run and push. He got a couple of angry shoppers but in the end he made it out alive. He looked back at the groups of people and shook his head. Most of them were woman. He didn't know how they shopped all of the time. Benson looked across the street to find a huge sweet store. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

Honeydukes. He had never seen such crazy yet totally awesome supply sweets before. Benson ran over and looked into the window in awe. He wished he had money with him to buy something in there. How he had not seen this before he didn't know but he defintely wasn't going to leave the window anytime soon. He looked jealously at kids coming out with lollipops the size of gumball machines and gumball machines that had gum the size of tennis balls.
Charlotte looked around a little anxiously as she wandered down the main street of Brightstone Village. Charlotte was well out of her comfort zone, here. Back home, when she went shopping, she was either with her mother, or some of her friends. Not here. Here, she was alone. Because now she knew she was different from everyone she knew. She was a witch. Her parents weren't magical, nor were her friends, so for once in her life, Charlotte was isolated. Out of her comfortable social circle.
Charlotte wasn't quite sure how to behave in the magical world, anyway. Especially alone. She wasn't used to being alone. Charlotte had always had a group of close friends. Here she knew nobody. Now there was the task of making friends again. She couldn't ever remember having to stop and actually contemplate going and making new friends. Usually she knew at least a couple of people in new situations, and from then on a group grew. Even when she changed schools at the start of the year, some of her close friends changed with her, and she didn't need to put herself out of the way to meet new people. Now, she did.
Sighing, Charlotte walked along the road, until she saw a boy standing right in front of her. Stopping just in time to avoid crashing in to him, Charlotte turned to see what had caught the boy's attention. And smirked. Right there was a large sweet shop. Sweet shop, of course, was an understatement, more like an emporium of wonderous candy and sweet items. Wow, she thought, and was just about to say words to that effect. Instead, what came out was "I really hope there are some good wizarding dentists nearby. I am sure they do good business."
Benson nodded absent mindly as a kid came out with an abnormally large box which he could only pressume was full of sweets. Then he realized that someone had actually spoken and he had just answered automatically not even knowing who the person was. Benson turned around to see a girl about his age. He didn't recognize her one bit. He laughed finally registering what she had said. "Yeah." He nodded again before he realized something else. "Wizarding dentists?" He had to laugh this girl was obviously new to magic.
Charlotte looked curiously at the boy next to her, who looked to be close to her age. She hadn't expected him to reply to her, but then again, she hadn't expected to make the statement she had made, either. Charlotte, while being well-raised, wasn't exactly genteel, often speaking her mind and making comments that were perhaps better left unsaid. Such as what she said next. "You mean wizards don't have dentists? Ugh, you all must have disgusting teeth." Realising about two seconds later what she had said, Charlotte's hands flew to her mouth in horror. "Oh gosh, did I just say that out loud?" she asked, knowing full well that she had. I'm not with my friends anymore. I have to be extra careful what I say. Why does my brain have to be 5 minutes behind my mouth? she asked herself. It was a question her mother had asked her many times.
Benson raised his eyebrows at the girl as she commented on wizards teeth but then quickly tried to fix it. Benson continued laughing at the girl. "Well we do go to dentists." He said slowly for her. "But muggle dentists..." He continued at a slow pace. "Muggles are non-wizarding people." He added. It seemed the girl didn't know a lot about the wizarding world so he guessed she didn't know about muggles either. Benson then continued to laugh at her. He didn't know what he found so funny but he couldn't hold it in any longer.
Charlotte found herself rolling her eyes at the boy. "I knew that," she snapped, slightly annoyed. "No need to treat me like I'm some sort of special case, I'm quite capable of understanding," she continued, folding her arms across her chest in a defensive manner. However, she was slightly disarmed when he started laughing at her. "What? What!" she exclaimed, although realising she looked a little ridiculous, she dropped her arms and took a more relaxed stance. "Oh. Sorry for, uh, snapping at you like that, I've...I've got a bit to learn, by the looks of things."
Benson instantly stopped laughing when the girl suddenly snapped at him. Girls are insane! He thought desperately almost wanting to back away a bit from the girl. Though he had to admit it was kind of funny to watch her go crazy like that. He wanted to laugh again but knew that that would just make her go even crazier. Benson looked down at his feet so he wouldn't laugh. Though when she spoke again it was much more relaxed, look up at her! he reminded himself. Benson faced the girl once more, "Its oka-" He started before bursting into laughter once more. After a couple of seconds of this he tried to catch his breath, "I'm... s-orry. I can't help it." He said to her between breaths. His laughter died down to sniggering. Which he was thankful for, Merlin only knows what she'll do to me now He thought to himself.
Charlotte scowled, noticing that the boy started laughing at her when he looked at her. "Hey!" she exclaimed, more confused than anything else. "Do I have something on my face or something?" she asked, waving her arms in a mixture of irritation and frustration. Of course, as most people know, laughter is very contageous. Dropping her arms, Charlotte began to chuckle along with the boy. "I have no idea what you're laughing at," she explained between laughs, as she tried to regain composure. "And I don't know why I'm laughing, either," she continued. "Ridiculous!"
When the girl asked if she had something on her face Benson laughed harder. His stomach was starting to hurt at this stage, so much that he had to wrap his arms around it. He couldn't stop laughing and at this stage he had completely forgotten why he was laughing. It seemed the girl didn't know why she was laughing either. When Benson eventually stopped and looked up at her. "Sorry." He said once more with now just a smile on his red face. "I'm Benson." He said calmly and put his hands in his pockets, "...or Ben. Whatever." He shrugged lazily.
Tilting her head to the side, Charlotte paused as she looked at the boy for a moment, a little confused, before breaking in to a smile as he introduced himself. "Well, nice to meet you, Ben," she replied, politely, holding out a hand to him. "I'm Charlotte." She stopped, and looked at the boy for a second longer. "Are you going in to your first year at Hogwarts?" she asked, out of curiosity. He looked about the same age as her, so he probably was. Then again, Charlotte could have been wrong. She often managed to say the wrong things.
Benson smiled back to the girl and only noticed that she had held out her hand a couple of seconds later. His happy smile turned into a apologetic, embarassed smile and he took his hand from his pocket and shook hers. Charlotte. Benson sucked when remembering names, especially girl's name, but he really didn't think he would have a problem remembering Charlottes name. "Eh..yeah I am." He said in response to her question. He put his hand back into his jeans pocket and said, "I am guessing you are too?" I realy have to stop pressuming these things, Benson reminded himself of the last time he pressumed and Charlotte had snapped at him. He waited in hope that he was indeed correct about his assumption.

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