Jasmine Smith

Jasmine Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1
So much of me, is what I've learnt from you


*Talking to a mirror* So, I've been thinking, I need to work on this whole confidence thing. People are beginning to find me too quiet I think. Well, that's what I've picked up. So here I am. It's just you and me and here we go. I thought of some things I might need to talk about, and here they are. I made a list incase I begin to forget, so please be patient with me. I feel a little silly, talking to myself, but someone said it might help, and I'm willing to give anything a go...

You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart

FULL NAME: My name is Jasmine. Well, my full name is Jasmine Melissa Smith and I guess that's the one you're asking about.
Jasmine is Persian I think. I researched it once upon a time in a small gap of privacy, so I hope I remembered that right. It means A flower in the olive family I don't get why my parents chose it, I mean, it's like insulting to them isn't it. Saying they're an olive family. Well, I take it that way. Not a fan of olives over here. But when I asked father what it meant, he didn't know, so I guess and assume that they just plucked it out of no where. Shows how much attention they put into me now, doesn't it. I'm used to that that, so why should my name be any different? But it's a baby's name. Surely you must put some attention into a name. Or maybe not. I don't know - I don't have any children. But when I do, I'll make sure that I choose wisely and think about the meanings and how it will be taken and all. Let me just write that down and then we will move on.
Melissa = Greek, meaning: A honey bee Hmm. I'm not too sure if this has any true meaning to why I am. I mean a honey bee? Seriously? There is probably some sort of purpose of quality about a honey bee that makes sense when looked at alongside my character, but I will check that out sometime. I will look it up. It could mean that I enjoy being outside - I truly do. I mean I love it. It brings me such freedom. But we cover that later in this conversation.

NICKNAMES: Some people call me Jaz. I don't know where it came from, maybe it was just a shortened version that someone gave me in my primary school. I don't know! Do nicknames come from laziness? No wait, that's not a good topic. Ok, moving on...
AGE: I'm 12. I have been told that I'm older than my age although I don't know how that makes sense. I mean, I'm 12, so I'm 12. Whether I act it or not, I'm still 12. And I will be until the 30th November. That's my birthday in case you didn't know. But as you're my reflection I guess that you do know that, or something like that. Anyway, I guess it's a little weird that I'm talking to a mirror, but I'm talking so it can't be that bad for me. Moving on.
BIRTHDAY: As I've just said, my birthday is on the 30th November. I like my birthday. I mean, it's like mine. I don't know anyone else who shares my birthday, and unlike some of my siblings, I'm not a twin so I'm alone. Mum was the only person who remembered my birthday last year, and father felt bad I think. It was strange that he did, because it isn't in his character to feel bad about that sort of thing. But mum said he did, so I'll take her word on it. They say that if I'm good and work hard, I will be able to choose a lovely present this year.
AFFILIATION: For the good... I think... I haven't spent much time thinking about it. But I can't see why I would go with the 'bad'. But then again, what classes someone as bad? Is it just who they support or what they do? Or their motives? I would think it jolly unfair if someone told me I was supporting the 'bad' side because I was just following the life I was brought up in. I think my parents are in the good side. Well I hope they are. I wouldn't want them to be in the bad side, but I guess the only way to decide that is through school. Here I get to be free and watch other people's choices through life and that makes me happy. Yes, I'll do that. I will watch other people's choices and actions before deciding for myself what good and bad are. Some people say that Slytherin's are bad, but I haven't really met many so I will leave that judgement for later.
OCCUPATION: Well um for now, I'm a student I guess. I'd like a job though, part-time. The older students have jobs in the shops in Brightstone Village and that seems wonderful to me. I wonder if there will be any spots when I'm old enough. And if I keep practicing like this, I'll be good at talking in no time. I think I'd be good as an assistant. "Hi there. My name is Jaz, can I help you?" Well, it might need some work, but I'm sure it'll get there.
SEXUAL PREFERANCE: Straight. I'm sure of it. I mean, I haven't had any of those 'feelings' for another girl, so I'm convinced that I'm straight. But it seems a little harsh to call someone 'not-straight'. I wonder what the exact term for that is. Because surely the opposite of straight is well, bent. Thinking about it, I might have heard that word around the house before, but I recall it being bad, so I won't say it again.
WAND: My wand... I love it so much. It is beautiful and feels like part of me that was missing but now is found. Oh yes, you want to know what type of wand it is. Well, it's an Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna People say that it is: The perfect wand for the budding potioneer, while not powerful in powerful and masterful spells, its perfect for those that enjoy the laid back life and always for the wizarding chef. Its core is just the right thing for potion charming and will make a best friend of those that treat it with care. It can also be useful for those that are kind, loyal and friendly, as Apples personality reflects those properties. It is also very good for those that are quiet and shy. I remember that day I bought my wand like it was earlier today...Buying the first wand

Like a ship blown from its mooring, by a wind off the sea

EYES: Well, when I look into you mirror, you say I have dark brown eyes, and mum says the same, so I assume you're telling the truth. Unless I'm colour-blind. That would be weird wouldn't it, not seeing things in colour. But I guess if you don't know any difference then it's alright. Oh wait, only boys can be colourblind can't they. Ha I remember the day that Tessa came home trying to convince mum she was colourblind. Father interjected saying that only men could be colourblind due to jeans or something. I don't really understand, but if Father says it, I know I must believe it. He went on to say that it was a sign of superiority in men, but surely it's a weakness. Best not to question it though. Mum says that because I'm a closed person, my eyes are hard to read my emotions in. Is that a good thing? I don't know. I sometimes wonder why mum says these things, but I'm sure it's for my own good. I guess that all eyes show something of the person though, so I think that if you get really close you can see the truth. I don't know, it's something I've seen others do. But I'm not going to let someone get that close. That would be weird. Why would they want to?
HAIR: I like my hair, it's, well, nice? Technically describing it I would say it is wavy brunette hair. I'm not too bothered by it though. It seems like too much effort if you ask me. I brush it, wash it and keep it like any other girl, but I haven't really had time to spend on it at home, with all the busyness of the house, so I'm not too bothered. It's plain, I know. Occasionally Tessa will give me a few clips or pretty accessories to put in it, which is nice of her, but unless she gives them to me, I don't have any to worry about. Although, she did give me this pretty clip for coming away. Look, isn't it lovely? I love the shape of the rose, the way the redness reflects a true rose. But it doesn't have thorns. Can you see on the back here how it is attached to a clip that slides in just... here. Nice? I think so.
SKIN: My skin is clear, I don't have any issues with spots like some people began to at my old school. There was this one girl, Jane Day who had spots that completely covered her face all the way through our last year. It was pretty disgusting, and she grew really tall as well at the same time. It was really sad. The teacher said she had hit puberty early when some of the boys got mean and asked. I only hope that I don't get any spots like that as I grow through my teen years. I wonder if there is a magic cure? Going to a muggle school I couldn't talk about it or anything, but I'm sure I've seen Tessa doing some spells at her appearance. And she is beautiful, so I might ask her about that sometime. And brace myself for the patronising laughter. But anyway, my skin is clear and I don't have any freckles on my face, but I have 3 on the side of my neck. I once joined them up with a pen and they make a curve that looks a little like a J without the top line. I like that, it's like my name is printed on my skin permanently and no one can take that away from me, so where-ever I go and whatever I do, even if my name is changed, I know who I first was and who I truly am.
HEIGHT: I'm 5"3. I know that I do. I measured myself just before I came away with mum's magic tape measure. She wasn't looking, and I was trying to sew my robes up a little to adjust them, so I thought it was worth checking. You know, it's the sort of thing that someone might ask. Well actually, no one has. But I'm pleased I know roughly. In comparison with my year, I guess I'm in the small/average height bracket, but that's alright. And as long as I grow at a rate that keeps me there then I'll be happy. That's my plan, although I know I don't have any control over it, so I'll just cross my fingers and hope.
WEIGHT: Um, average. I haven't weighed myself so I don't know. I mean, I'm not feather-light, but I can be picked up. Although, it's been a while since someone got close enough to pick me up. Zac used to do it when we were kids, but he doesn't anymore. Now he is off at Durmstrang and is too busy to spend time with me.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: I don't have any, I don't think. This means I fit in well, which I like. I like to dodge around in crowds, going unnoticed. Like a chameleon, yes, I like those animals so I guess I'm like one.
PLAY BY: I was told once, by someone in my old school that I look like an old celebrity called Victoria Justice but I have no idea what she looks like, so I don't know if that's true or not.

Like a seed dropped by a sky bird, in a distant wood

BOGGART: Well, I'm not sure if I should tell you this or not. I don't know. Well, seeing as it is only the two of us. Well actually it's just me. I don't know what I'm doing here. Why am I talking to a mirror? This is stupid! Okay, stay calm Jaz, you're just practicing talking to someone as if they're interested in you. The truth is is that they probably aren't interested in you but anyway, let's give this a go. I already know what I'm afraid of, so I guess all that is needed now is just to say it out loud. Ok, here goes. If I'm being totally honest with you, it would probably be my father when in a temper. He gets very angry and scary, and if I couldn't escape or run away I don't know what would happen to me. I guess he would be drunk, because he wouldn't hurt his daughter intentionally... would he? How could a father do that to their own child? I mean seriously, that's... inhumane! Okay, that's over now. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to meet it. I read somewhere, in one of Tessa's books that the only way to fight a boggart off is to think of it doing something silly and funny. But how can you imagine father in a rage doing something silly or funny? Hmmm.... I've got it! It's the best idea ever! Imagine him very small, like an inch tall running around the floor shouting, in a really high voice. Ahahahahaha that would be hilarious! Oh my word. I'm imagining father being horrible and then being small and squeaky. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm such a bad daughter. Okay, let's move on quickly. What's next? Where's that parchment gone?
PATRONUS: Oooh those are those silvery pretty things aren't they. Yes, I've read about those. They're nice. I don't know what mine would be though. I like lots of animals, so I don't know what it would be. Okay, if I have to decide one it would be a hedgehog. They are gorgeous animals who are sensitive to danger and can protect themselves. I would love to be able to curl up in a ball and present my prickles to the world, challenging them to attack me. I just have to run away and that isn't too good is it? They're quick animals who can run a lot faster than people think. Yes, a hedgehog. I think that is the animal most like me, but we will have to wait until we learn about them in class and practise - only then I'll know for sure.
Oh yes, and I need a memory don't I? Well, I can only think of two that spring to mind. The first would be when I was younger. It was a winter's evening and mum and I were sitting by a fire in the lounge. It was warm and pretty, the lights reflecting from the fireplace on the ceiling. We had been reading but we had both stopped and were just spending time together. It was lovely. Mum began to play with my hair and talk to me, just talk, like friends. It was beautiful. I can remember it still, and I dream sometimes about being back there, with no one else around. Everyone else was out, I don't remember where, but they were out and it was just the two of us. Maybe mum had been ill, I recall that possibly, and I had offered to stay and help her recover. She had done so quickly and always think that the few hours of peace and quiet were enough to re-energize her. She is amazing she is, being so active and healthy despite all she has to do. The other memory would be getting my wand. I can't explain it well, but it was like being reunited with a limb that I had never known was missing. It was exceptional. And I always know where my wand is now, like I can sense it. It's amazing and I can't do the memory justice by words, but that would be the one for a patronus, I'm sure of it.

ANIMAGUS: A Chameleon. I'm sure of it. A chameleon is good at disguising itself and adapting to it's surrounding habitats. They can hide well and prove to be intelligent in most circumstances. They understand colour well and that would be brilliant. To change like a metamorphagus everyday would be very cool. I would love that. So I would be a chameleon, and then I could. I wonder if I will be advanced at magic when I'm older to be able to be an animagus. I would love to be, so I will set that as a challenge for myself, although it is very unlikely to be achieved.
MIRROR OF ERISED: Wow, is it sad that I can come up with this answer so quickly? It would be to be free. Like a bird. But not a bird. Don't get me wrong. No, I'm saying all of this wrong. I'm using too many words and getting confused. Okay, here goes: I would be standing alone with a few achievements. I mean my family wouldn't be around. Father would be gone, and mum would be proud of me. Not distracted by anyone else, or a job she needs to do, but just spending attention to give to me. It would be lovely, but it isn't going to happen. I know that some people's dreams would be to be rich or famous or clever, and all of these seem achievable, but for some reason, I just know mine won't happen. It's so sad I think, but you probably just think I'm being pathetic. Which I am, so that's fine. Okay, moving on from dreams that won't come true...
VERITASERUM: Ooooh secrets... hmm well, what to say about those. I have little secrets, like I used to sneak into Tessa's room when she was out and borrow her books to read and learn about the wizarding world that I lived in but knew so little about. It was fascinating, and I did it as a secret until she found out and told father, who surprising told her to give them to me. I read them back-to-back until the covers began to disintegrate and I loved every word I read. They were pleasant books that began my education. It was amazing reading them, truly, amazing. But I guess that isn't really a secret any more. I have secrets for other people, like Tessa is failing her year in Beauxbatons but won't tell father, and I hear secrets about Mike and Mark being renown bullies at Durmstrang, but that wasn't news to me. I don't know if I have any secrets about myself. Well, I dislike my house, my family quite a lot, but is that a secret? I haven't nicked anything from my house as I've seen the consequences for my siblings when it has happened to them, so I don't really have any secrets about me that aren't known already. Is that sad? Should I have a secret? I don't talk to many people, so I guess I should have some sort of secret that no one knows, but I don't know. It's so hard this question. Hmm, secrets. Oh, yes, I have an idea. Okay, so in the park near my house, there is this beautiful bench. I went there everyday for as long as I could remember living in my house. It was old wood, carved beautifully in remembrance of Molly Drew, a lady who lived to be 78 and loved sitting in that park. I wondered if I would have gotten along with Molly if we had known, from what was said we seemed pretty similar. There used to be an image in a plastic wallet, but that got ruined by the rain and was taken away. Anyway, if you walk to the nearest tree from the bench on your left, and crouch down, you can fit your hand underneath the second root on the right. It's a place that only I know. I put stuff there, stuff in small boxes and so it doesn't get ruined by the rain. Once, in my school I won a medal for something, I can't remember what it was, but the medal is under that root. And a locket I found rusting under one of the swings in the park. It's pretty and in good shape, so I cleaned it a little and stored it there. No animals get to my things, and it is my hiding place. I love it, it's mine. But I won't tell anyone about it because that would ruin it.
AMORTENTIA: Hmmm favourite smells, smells of love. Well this is an easy one, obviously I would like to know for sure by seeing the potion, but for now I'll just have to go off what I think it would be. Firstly, it would be the smell of outside. I'm not sure exactly what that is, or how to describe it, but something similar to the smell of flowers and grass. The way that they mingle to get that outside smell? No? Okay, I'm doing a rubbish job of explaining it here. Umm so as well as grass smells, I love the smell of perfume. There are some beautiful perfumes out there and I love trying them on and seeing the different scents. Although can I really pinpoint a particular smell? That seems almost impossible to do. I'm not in love yet and haven't found that one smell that is amazing, but I'll keep looking or whatever you do.
LIKES: Where to start?! I like being outside, being free in the air where nothing can restrict me. That's so perfect for me, escaping. I go outside a lot, and I have only had a small experience of the grounds at Hogwarts so far, so I look forward to exploring them. They seem the sort of place I can work, and walk. But my favourite thing to do is to run. To run away, to run into life and run into freedom. The feel of the air in my hair, in my face, the numbing of my skin and muscles in the winter, and the overheating in the summer. Running is the perfect expression of freedom. It's releasing, freeing and well, perfect. That's the only word I can think of right now, so I'll use it. Free and perfect. If you've ever run, you know that the feeling is exceptionally like nothing else. It remains with you, in the aching of your muscles as you wander back to your room, and the stretching of the muscles that is so very satisfying. I love it so much, it's amazing. I also like to play the piano. I've had very little time to learn or practice and have had to teach myself everything, but you know, you can pick up small tunes from songs you hear. I hear music at school and I can just sort of work it out on the piano. The notes just work I guess. One of my teachers said I was musical and I should pursue it, but that evening father was in a bad mood so I didn't like to ask. Maybe I should though. But for now, I've spotted a piano in the Student Lounge so I might try that out when no one else is there. That would be interesting to learn! And finally, I enjoy taking photos. You know, capturing the image and all as some say, but it's more than that. It's capturing the moment, capturing the light and the smile that can only be seen in a moving image. I found it hard at school when I was growing up, to use the still images that are so rare in our world, but mother said I wasn't allowed to tell anyone that some pictures move. I guess I just listened to that. But anyway, photography is beauty. Even still images. It's, well indescribable! Oh, I love cooking as well. Yes, cooking is exceptional! It's so creative, being free in the kitchen and mixing and matching different foods and tastes and spices to make something amazing. Or awful, but still, it's beautiful. My family are just happy if they have something to eat, but for me, it's all in the creating and not the eating. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy eating as well! Who doesn't? But I prefer the making and the creativity.
DISLIKES: I dislike my father. Oh wait, I take that back. I can't say that. No, let me think about this. I do love my father, I have to! But I don't think I like him. I believe there is a difference, as I feel a difference. He's well, different to me and I hope I'll get to liking him at some point. Back to dislikes. I don't like fish, the rubbery taste and the awful flavour, no, I don't like it and I don't cook with it. I also dislike muggle sports. I think that they are pointless and a waste of time and far too competitive for such a little prize. That's my personal opinion from my personal experience, and I appreciate there are other thoughts out there, but well that's that. I don't like bullies. I think they're awfully horrible and it's all unnecessary at the end of the day. It's just to prove themselves and it's mean. I hope I'm never like that, but I'd also love to be able to stand up for myself, but I know that will take a long time.
STRENGTHS: Well this is hard, I never thought I would have to discuss my 'strengths' in front of someone. Or even to myself, as I don't know if I have any. I know that I don't struggle at school, and I will work for something, but I'm not really told what my strengths are. I might go and ask someone when I get to know them better. That would be nice. I'll look into that! I guess I can also be a good friend, but I don't know to what extent, so I'll leave the rest of this section until I learn more about myself through others. That's a good plan, let's write that down somewhere.
WEAKNESSES: Ok, now on this topic, I know more. I'm far too quiet for my own good. I stick with the crowd more and find it hard to speak up for myself or someone else. I can even watch something horrible happen without doing anything about it. That hurts a lot. A really lot. I wish I didn't, but I can't change that at the moment. It's so sad. I'm also too thoughtful father tells me. I might not share my opinion with him, but he seems to know when I have one and that's sad as he doesn't think I should even allow myself to form one. So I guess that's something bad and a weakness. But I guess my biggest weakness is that I'm so quiet. It's really not good, I know that, but that's that. Oh, and I like to run away. Mike says I should learn to stand up for myself and learn to stand up for things, but I can't. Thinking about it, my family says that everything and anything I do isn't good and I should learn to change that, but those are the things I like. I don't know about that anymore, maybe I need to wait for longer to form my opinion on their opinions.
PERSONALITY: My personality? That's a weird question to think about. Well I guess some words would be quiet, shy and thoughtful. In the sense that I think about things a lot. I'm quiet and I don't share much with people, hence this activity, and I've always known I was shy. I'm just me, just quiet. Oh, I don't know, this is a really hard point to think about. Let me think about this and come back to it another day, when I know some more. That's right, I'll wait to see my personality come about now I'm away from the restrictions of home, and then my personality should be easier to comment on. Right?

Who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you


Harry Smith
Mixed Blood.
Ministry of Magic employee
Father is, well father. He isn't very involved with us all, and that's sad but mostly for the best. Father works at the Ministry of Magic and although I don't know what he does, I know that I must be thankful to him for bringing the money home. I don't get along with him very well, and I feel that he thinks I'm a waste of space. He lives in the old old days where men were superior, and I wonder if Grandmother and Grandfather brought him up like that from their childhood memories. Father likes to build things and loves my brothers. He thinks that whatever they do is amazing, but I can't do anything to please him. I know he believes that women should be domesticated and work in the house and kitchen, but I don't understand this thought. We can do just as much as boys can. Father prides himself in Tessa, his beautiful, sociable eldest who is a perfect example of how a girl should be in today's world, according to him. He tells me I should be more like her because she can stand up for herself, and makes herself beautiful so that everyone loves her.


Allyson Smith
Mixed Blood.
Mum is supportive of us all, and sticks up for me if there is an argument, but being one of so many siblings and being a quieter one of the group, I tend to be forgotten. I don't get how that happens, how you can forget a child, but I know it's my own fault for being too quiet all the time at home. If only I found it as easy to talk to everyone as I do to my own reflection, I would have no issues. Mum has to balance everything in the day and being a home mum, she cooks, cleans, washes and keeps the house in order for a family of 9. That's quite a lot I think for a family, and we live in a normal sized house so she does a brilliant job of keeping everything in order. Mum taught me how to cook, and I love cooking so much. It's so amazing, like to be able to be creative with food - that's exceptional! What a gift to have been given by my mother. I plan to go and find the kitchens in Hogwarts to be able to see how they do their cooking, and then I could take some tips back to mum in the holidays. She would love that, she has such a natural gift with cooking. All my brothers were home-educated instead of going to primary school, and it was only Tessa and me that went to primary school, so mum had to teach at the same time as looking after the house. It seems a hard job being a full-time mum.


Tessa Smith
Mixed Blood.
Tessa is beautiful. Like seriously beautiful. Boys flock to her. She has this way, of just being, well, beautiful! She goes to Beauxbatons and is in her 6th year. She has been assigned as a prefect this year, and I guess she really deserves it. She is like the model student, apart from her grades. I wouldn't go to the extent to say she isn't intelligent, but she isn't at the top. Tessa likes to escape from our family, but her way is to be rude and take herself to her room. She is friendly to me, but pretty patronizing. Tessa stays out of the house a lot, like me, but she goes to her friends' houses. Tessa has a lot of friends I think, and most of them are boys. I don't know what she spends her time doing, but she is out of the house a lot. There used to be a strong bond between us, but Tessa betrayed me and isn't very good at keeping secrets, so I left that friendship alone and she seems to agree that it is for the best. She is quite noisy compared to me, and that's fine as she gets a lot of the attention.


Mike and Mark Smith
Mixed Blood
Well, Mike and Mark. I guess we don't really get along. I don't know why that is, but we don't. I guess it's because they don't like me. I'm the quiet one who they can bully I think. But don't tell them that, they wouldn't like me for that. Oh wait, I'm being silly, I just need to be honest. Okay, I don't like them and they don't like me. They bully me for being the youngest girl and not living up to their expectations. They leave Tessa alone, because she is older and pretty. Mike was expelled from Hogwarts Scotland for being a bully and not passing any of his classes. He was allowed to keep his wand on the condition that he was home-educated by mum and that she would teach him well. Mark left soon after and so they're always at home now. I don't think they'll get anywhere in life because they don't work hard enough and won't have good enough grades, but they'll find something I guess. They're bullies in our neighbourhood and no one likes them. It's all mum can do to keep them calm around me. They have no respect for me and hold father's opinion that women should only be there for domestic duties.


Zac Smith
Mixed Blood
Zac's my friend in the family. He respects me and we get along well. He treats me like a friend, like a person, not a house-elf. Zac doesn't think of girls like Mike, Mark and father, but as girls. He's lovely. I really like having him as a brother, and being a similar age we can chat easily. It's nice, pleasant. Zac is home-educated at the moment, but if it works out for me at Hogwarts, then he might ask to join me. Mike and Mark don't question him, as he has a temper to rival everyone in our family, so he protects me which is nice, but I still have to tread carefully around him.


Jake and Ryan Smith
Mixed Blood
Jake and Ryan are, well, Jake and Ryan. They haven't really developed a reputation of some form of striking characteristic so I can't really say much on them. They like mischief and keep all of us entertained, which is good. They're pretty immature though and have started to use 'naughty' words but father things that is hilarious and doesn't tell them off. They don't seem to have a very high opinion of me, but I don't know how I could change that so I'll just ignore them. With a family as big as mine, I can do that, stay out of the way and keep myself to myself. That's the advantage of being a middle child in a huge family.

PETS: I have a cat, called Marble. But she is at home. She is my cat though, although I wasn't allowed to bring her with me. I wish I had though, she loved me and I loved her. We were really close and it would be nice to have a friendly and familiar something to cuddle. I might bring her after the holidays, that would be nice. She is marble coloured, brown with white flecklings and patches on her. She is a sweet pet, and very understanding. I'm not a fan of dogs, so I wouldn't want to get one, but I would love to buy a phoenix. I think that would be the best animal ever. They're so powerful, gentle, strong, caring, trusting and magical creatures, I really would love one. Father would never buy me one though, so I know I need to save up secretly as the chances of someone getting me one are laughable. Haha but I would seriously love one and it is now going to be my mission to save up for one.
BLOOD STATUS: I've mixed blood. I know that as Father's side of the family were all pure-blooded until one of his grandfathers married a muggle born and was rejected from the family. Mother's side were also pure-blooded until a few half-bloods were brought in. So I'm mixed blood. I don't really have a thought on the whole blood type thing. I mean, if you're going to be fussy about it, someone is either magical or they aren't. How can there be more to say? It's either there or not. And muggles can still be brilliant. Look at all the things they have invented without magic, something that put us as a society to shame I think. Like electricity and lightbulbs, they're amazing inventions! So no, I don't really have an opinion on blood status so I'm pleased I have no specific title of 'pureblood' so I don't have to worry about it.
HOMETOWN: My home is in Wellington, New Zealand, Southern Hemisphere, Earth. I used to write that down in class when we were told to, I remember we all did, but not any more. No I've grown up a little. I'm from Wellington and have lived there all my life. It's a lovely place, with a lovely area around, but you know, I don't really know many other places and it's my home, so yeh. I'm not really sure what else to say. It's New Zealand, isn't it!
CURRENT LOCATION: Hogwarts, New Zealand. Quite close to home, which is nice, but a good distance to be free. It's a lovely place here, but I still have to explore it and find out more than I know already. I hear tales of special rooms, and places in the grounds that we're not allowed to go to, but I think I would like to be a little daring and go exploring!
ECONOMIC CLASS: We're in the middle class. I know that, I've heard mum telling Tessa before when she has asked. I'm not really sure what it means other than that we're not hard off for money, but we're not super rich. I guess that's all I can say, as it's all I know.
HISTORY: To be completed

Because I knew you, I have been changed for good

CREDIT: Credit goes to moi. I made this, spent time coming up with the different sections, topics and colour schemes, so please don't steal this. In the event that you wish to use the design, please PM me and ask and I can send you the coding. The lyrics come from the musical Wicked.
School Years
[] Jasmine was sorted into Hufflepuff.</SIZE>
Sorting post:
Jaz located herself near the back of the group walking to the Great Hall doors. The doors loomed over them, the small group they were and Jaz gulped, because despite being in the middle, nearly out of sight, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that it was all false. Everything. The letter, the application, the entry. Her brothers must have set this up, to make fun of her and make her a fool in front of hundreds of students. Gulping her heart back into her ribcage, she continued to drift forwards, almost in a trance. Bumping into the person in front of her, she quickly apologised, blushing a shade of pink. Stepping back into formation she tried to blend in. It was getting harder, the doors were opening and the young students were greeted with a sea of older faces, inquistively surveying the 'new bunch'. The rest of the students seemed delighted with the attention, but for Jaz, all she felt was numb nervousness. Walking forward, her feet remembering how to move, she suddenly came to a stop as the students gathered around the stool. Focussing on the ragged hat on the stool, she smiled grimly. How hard could it be? All she had to do was put the hat on her head, right? Gulping again and coughing slightly, she tried to clear her throat.
Watching several students be sorted, she began to relax, however when it neared her end of the queue, she felt the panic bubble up inside of her again. Something was definitely going to go wrong. Something had to. It couldn't be this easy. The hat would say something awful, like she wasn't qualified to study. She would have to walk back down the hall, unsorted and unwanted, back home to the laughter and bullying. It would be too much. She'd never live it down. Scanning her eyes around, she looked for an escape route, a hiding place, a refuge, but there was no such place. Instead, all she saw was hundreds of students, all trained in magic, no matter how little or much. Blinking fresh tears back, she waited.
Smith, Jasmine
That was her. Looking around, no one else moved. No one knew it was her. She could stay here, and pretend like the rest of them that she had no idea who that was. But they would know somehow and it would make a bigger scene. And that, that would be terrible. Moving forward, she brushed past her fellow students and stepped up to the stool. Perching on the edge, she closed her eyes, to not be seeing the image of hundreds of faces looking up at her. She felt the hat slip down over her eyes, and waited.
It felt like forever. She waited. Um Mr Hat, Sir, Please, please, please make this quick. I don't mind where I go, but I want to be happy and have friends. Um... Thank you... Her thoughts trailed off, leaving the hat in full control. This was the moment. What would happen?

What the sorting hat said:
"I can't make it too quick, you're a bit tougher than I expected. You could be a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. And you don't have a fancy at all, hmm? That's not very helpful. Hmm, alright. Time to do my job and sort you, then. You'll do fine in either house - but perhaps a little better in HUFFLEPUFF!"
<SIZE size="50">

[] Meeting fellow 'puffs
[] An exciting friendship
[] Another friendship
[] Jaz found the Room Of Requirement and began to use it as a retreat
[] Exam time for the 1st semester
[] The Yule Ball
[] Jasmine's dress
[] The Yule Ball - going with friends

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