Jarrett Wade Vyhnal

Jarrett Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14" Sturdy Hazel Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
"Realized I can never win...

sometimes I feel like I have failed..."

Inside where do I begin
With aversion, this insertion came so swiftly
[name] Jarrett Wade Vyhnal
[etymology] The first name Jarrett means one who is mighty with a spear. The impression that this would leave is someone who is nice and kind. The middle name Wade means a place to ford a river and it originates in England. The impression that this name leaves is a cute, adorable and suave young man. The last name Vyhnal means baker. When someone puts the name together, it would not match with the impression that he gives. He can be nice, but that's about it.
[origin] The origin of the Vyhnal family comes from Latin. However the name was changed from the inbred and disgraceful Grimrar to Vyhnal, thus the branch that Jarrett descends from are basically unknown. They consist of two different immediate families that have abandoned the inbreds to go live elsewhere.
[nicknames] Jarrett does not answer to any nicknames really. His sisters might call him something, but otherwise, he prefers his first name being said.
[alliance] He is ultimately neutral, as he doesn't want to get involved in the fight of good versus evil.
[birthdate] Jarrett was born on December 11th, 2005. He was born in a hospital around six thirty in the evening. He was a healthy baby boy, but he was born without a single strand of hair.
[age] He is currently thirty-years-old.
[gender] Jarrett is a male.
[sexual orientation] Jarrett is completely heterosexual which means that he is only interested in females.
[dialects] Jarrett knows two languages. He learned French as his second language, but his first and primary language is English.
[hometown] Jarrett, unlike his sisters, was born in Devizes, England. He does not know much about his hometown though. He just knows the name of it.
[residency] Jarrett currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts, in a rather normal sized house. He currently lives with his sister, Valera Vyhnal. He loves his house, and he has the master bedroom with the bathroom next to it.
[heritage] Both of his parents are completely British, making Jarrett's heritage British. However, when asked, he will say that he is an American.
[blood status] Jarrett is a pure-blood because of the Grimrar's and their inbreeding with their own family in order to keep the blood going. Jarrett doesn't know what to tell people when they ask him what his status is, so he just replies sarcastically.
[blood type] Jarrett has the B positive blood type. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits include wild, a doer and cheerful while the worst traits are selfish, irresponsible and arrogant. This is true to his character.
[wand] The wand that chose Jarrett was the traight 14" Sturdy Hazel Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core. A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others. Straight and smooth: what else is there to say? 'Hazel Moans' the poem tells us, but it does a lot more than that. This wand will reflect and respond to its owner's emotional state and so should always be handled with care, and the wizard it calls should work to understand their emotions. One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand’s caster. A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable. (Description from Ollivander's)
[occupation] Jarrett is the beater for a professional Quidditch team in Transylvania.
[health status] He is healthy.
[allergies] He has allergies in the Spring because of pollen, but that is about it.
[pet] He does not have a pet.
My mind is laughing at me
Cut the cord, from this day forward we'll be drifting
[five words] Sarcastic, protective, athletic, loyal, blunt
[personality] Jarrett has a very abrasive personality when someone meets him for the first time. He comes off as a person with a foul mouth and has a huge temper when it is ignited. However, he is a lot more complex than the jerk he may seem to be. He has had a troubled past, which makes it hard for him to ever get along with people, and to open up to them. Once someone does become his friend, he hangs onto them, knowing that he might one day lose them. He does have a soft side to him. He is a big brother that would do anything for his sisters, and when he loves, it consumes him completely. However, there are some downsides to his personality. He will tell people the cold, hard truth no matter what. He is very bold and blunt, and often does not censor what he says. He is smart, but by no means a genius. He is quick to react, and often loves arguments where he comes out the victor. He doesn't like to admit where he is wrong, and is just now coming around to forgive people.
[beliefs] Jarrett believes that everything happens for a reason, so when someone is a jerk, they will end up paying for it.
[boggart] His boggart would be his sisters telling him that they don't need him anymore.
[fears] As with anyone, Jarrett has fears. He doesn't like owning up to his fears. He has a fear that his family will not need him, and forget him. He also has a fear of becoming an abusive father because of his temper.
[likes] There are several things that Jarrett likes. He loves to watch movies and TV. He likes to go outdoors and go camping. He enjoys video games like any regular male. He also likes to read horror books and sometimes even exotic books. He does like dogs, but he does not have the time to train one, so he doesn't own one. Jarrett enjoys some sports like basketball. He also loves Quidditch and getting violent with it. He loves arguments and logical debates. He enjoys hanging out with his friends, and also with his family. He also has a love for kids.
[dislikes] Jarrett tends to dislike more than he likes, or seems to. He dislikes most vegetables, and amazingly, he does not like smokers, despite the fact that he used to smoke. He doesn't like it when people break the moral code, and he also does not like people that tend to sleep around. He absolutely hates it when people lead him on. He also dislikes most adult figures that are bad parents. He does not like it when people act stupid or immature. He also does not like spoiled brats or anyone that seems to be perfect in every way, which makes him feel completely inferior. See Tristane Matthias for that example.
[goals] His life goals are to settle down and have a family.
[good habits] He has excellent hygiene thankfully. He also wakes up at the same time every day.
[bad habits] He tends to live off of unhealthy food.
[strengths] Jarrett has a few strengths, but the one that stands out would be his loyalty. He is exceedingly loyal to his friends and family. He would go out of his way to make sure that they are okay. Another one is the ability to not back down. When someone tries to come up to him and bully him, Jarrett will stand up for himself. He is not a pushover. Another thing that he is strong at would be Quidditch. Anything about Quidditch and he will generally know the answer to it. He is skilled mostly being the beater, but he is also skilled with playing as a chaser and a seeker. Although, when it comes down to raw magic, he is excellent at curses, hexes and charms. He was talented with Defence Against the Dark Arts. This is his greatest strength when it comes down to magic.
[weaknesses] Jarrett does have a few weaknesses and sometimes, they show up quite well. His greatest weakness would be his temper. With how explosive it can be, without control, he can easily hurt someone that he cares about. His temper has ruined relationships before, so much that he had to work hard to regain what he had broken. Jarrett is also quick to judge someone, and often thinks that he knows a person before really getting to know someone. This surprises him a lot, but he still makes quick judgments. He can't seem to get over that. Jarrett's last notable weakness would be alcohol. Once he starts drinking, he tends to have a hard time stopping. There were several times when he was sent to the AA. When it comes down to magic, Jarrett is bad at History of Magic, much like his sister, Valera. He just doesn't remember facts well at all.
[loyalties] Jarrett is loyal to his friends, family and his Quidditch team.
[magical talents] Jarrett's best talents are his flying skills. He tends to fly better than he can cast magic. When he is in the proper state of mine, he is really good at casting hexes and curses. He tends to follow the offensive side of spells, and is impulsive about his casting, which might not be a good thing. He also has a talent for nonverbal spell work.
[other talents] When it does not pertain to magic, his greatest talent would be to win at debates. With his stubborn attitude, he tends to outwit and outsmart his opponents. He also has a talent for sketching, but it is rare to ever see him sketch, despite being good at it. He also knows how to build buildings, and use construction.
[patronus form] His patronus takes the form of an eagle.
[annoyances] Mostly, stupid and spoiled people will be quick to get on his nerves, and also someone that turns his past around on him. He also gets annoyed when Lucius pranks him, since he normally ends up hurt with his pranks. He also gets annoyed by someone telling him what to do.
Tell me why am I to blame
No direction, no affection, watch the soul dive
[chinese year] Being born in 2005, it makes Jarrett a Rooster. People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Rooster Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationship with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Rooster people's emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave. They are most compatible with Ox, Snake, and Dragon.
[zodiac sign] Jarrett is a Sagittarius, the Archer. The good traits of an Archer are optimistic, freedom loving, good humored, honest, straight-forward, intellectual and philosophical while the negative sides are blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless and restless. These are not always true to Axel, but can describe him nonetheless. What an Archer likes are traveling, getting to the heart of the matter, freedom, laws and meanings and the general 'feel' of things while they do not like off the wall theories, being tied down domestically, being constrained, cooling your heels and bothered with details. The color that Sagittarius chooses is purple and their starstone is the beautiful topaz.
[mutable sign] A Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion. This is sort of true to Jarrett's character.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a Saggittarius makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This does not really pertain to Jarrett, as he has little to no interest in it.
[planet] The planet that rules the Sagittarius is Jupiter. A love of freedom, new experiences,generosity, and expansiveness allows its children to grow through impositions and challenges. The children of Jupiter has a sense of legal justice whether man made or natural. This sign conveys a great range of vision and the ability to assess a complex situation quickly and gain control; however, coping with details is boring to them and for this reason they should always read the entire document before signing on the dotted line. They have a charming sense of humor but they can let it get out of hand; practical jokes are never funny to the victims. They are lovingly optimistic, jovial, generous, philosophical and lucky. On the downside, they are rather arrogant, lack humility, bigoted, careless and lawless.
[element] The Sagittarius' element is Fire. People with an emphasis on the fire element tend to be outgoing, inspirational and 'fiery'. When expressed well these people often are an inspiration to others, are quite moral and can be very creative. If the person has difficulty expressing or experiencing the more enjoyable aspects of the fire element they may become selfish, risk-takers and/or inclined to give in to their passions too easily. A lack of representation of this element can indicate a lack of initiative, inspiration and difficulty in becoming inspired. They can be lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people as well as aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention, thinking they are never wrong.
[birthstone] Being born in December, the birthstone is Turquoise. Turquoise was once linked to happiness, fortune and luck, making it a very popular gem in centuries gone by.
Aren't we suppose to be the same
You're dissected, resurrected, still don't know why
[martial status] As it stands right now, Jarrett is only interested in someone, and has been for the last several years. However, he is currently single.
[whom] He is interested in Astoria Snow.
[jarrett vyhnal and astoria snow] These two had a complicated and rocky relationship. When they first met, it was instant rivals. However, over some time, Jarrett asked her out. The relationship did not last long, perhaps a few months, before Astoria broke it off since she thought that Jarrett didn't like her (as he just didn't know how to be a boyfriend). The two remained friends, sort of, while also fighting like cats and dogs. Eventually, she was kicked out and he offered her a place to stay. He started to have feelings for her again, but she was engaged to another. While Jarrett longed for her, he managed to get her pregnant while she was engaged to another man. After the engagement fell apart, he tried to have another chance but she rejected him. They had a baby girl together named Aaryn, and Jarrett just wants friendship with the woman he secretly loves, since he believes that it is over between them.
[past relationships] Michelle Faraday, Annabelle Mardi, Haley Tentafield, Astoria Snow, Jessa Jameson
[innocence] Jarrett lost his virginity to a woman named Michelle, and the relationship between them did not last long. He was only seventeen at the time.
[past sexual partners] Michelle Faraday, Annabelle Mardi, Haley Tentafield, Freya Calvaresi, Astoria Snow
[turn ons] Brown hair, bluntness, odd colored eyes, feisty attitudes, athletic
[turn offs] Spoiled brats, stupidity, bossiness to a degree
[aphrodisiacs] The smell of coffee
[the perfect female] The female that he thinks is perfect for him would be someone who plays Quidditch, and he can open up to without feeling like he will be harmed in the process.
[the perfect date] Just hanging out at the house is his perfect date.
That's why I will never tame
This illness is like a monster that is eating us alive
[playby] Daniel Peter "Danny" Masterson
[natural hair] Jarrett has light brown hair that tends to darken during the winter months. He received this trait from his father while the rest of his siblings turned blonde like their mother. It is extremely curly, often growing out and up, opposed to growing down toward his back. He keeps it trimmed short, and often does not bother to comb it since it does no good.
[eyes] Jarrett's eyes are a shade of purple, and he can show all of his emotions through his eyes. When one looks into them, they will see a ferocity, but when he is around friends, they softened, and they look like he is very pleasant and nice. However, he often hates his eyes, so he wears sunglasses. Not many have seen him without sunglasses on. Also, there would always be a mischievous gleam in them as well. Exquisite and sophisticated color that has connotations of spirituality, nobility, psychic energy, and purity. Violet eyes can indicate a refined and noble person who is both a natural leader and seeker of spiritual truth.
[height] He stands at a height of six feet two inches.
[weight] Jarrett weighs one hundred and seventy three pounds, which is normal for his height.
[complexion] His complexion is fair, but he does become tanned easily.
[scars] He has a long scar on his leg from a severe Quidditch accident with a bludger.
[birthmark] It has faded too much to see.
[smile] His smile often looks mischievous, but around strangers, it is rare to ever see.
[body build] Jarrett is lean, but also muscular without having a six pack or anything like that. He tends to remain strong because of his career.
[body modifications] He has a tattoo of his dead brother's birthday on the back of his shoulder.
[dominant hand] He is right handed.
[style] Jarrett typically dresses in muggle clothing. He wears a black shirt, sometimes with a band or a TV show on it, or even a movie. He always wears blue jeans and boots. It is incredibly rare to see him in robes, unless he is in his Quidditch robes. He can be seen in a hoodie, jean jacket or leather jacket when it gets cooler.
This thing that's burning in me
Hold on, be strong
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times">
[school] Jarrett attended Salem Institute for his years of schooling.
[special titles and awards] He did not receive any titles or awards.
[extracurricular activities] Jarrett played Quidditch during his time at the school.
[favorite subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[best subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[loathed subject] Astronomy
[worst subject] History of Magic
[favorite professor] Defence Against the Dark Arts's Professor
[loathed professor] Potions's Professor
[grade average] Acceptable
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
History of Magic: Dreaful; Exam: Dreadful
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Astronomy: Poor; Exam: Poor
Herbology: Poor; Exam: Dreadful
Muggle Studies: Acceptable; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

[newt grades]
Potions: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Acceptable; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

[graduated] June of 2024
"I am the one who chose my path...

I am the one who couldn't last..."

I feel the life pulled from me
So right, so wrong


[daughter] Aaryn Zoe Vyhnal
[born/death] May 20th, 2035
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/4 Bulgarian, 1/4 French, 1/2 British
[martial status] Single
[occupation] N/A
[education] N/A
[titles] N/A
[playby] Emma Watson
[roleplayer] N/A
[th colspan="1"]Children[/th]

[mother] Donnah Ariella Grimrar Lestrate-Vyhnal
[born/death] March 3rd, 1983; December 6th, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Married to Gerald Vyhnal
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Salem Institute
[titles] N/A
[playby] Anna Camp
[roleplayer] N/A

[father] Gerald Mycroft Grimrar Vyhnal
[born/death] June 10th, 1980; December 31st, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Married to Donna Vyhnal
[occupation] Hit Wizard
[education] HS; Gryffindor
[titles] N/A
[playby] Sam Tramell
[roleplayer] N/A
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[younger brother] Camden Mason Vyhnal
[born/death] November 30th, 2006
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Married to Kendra Vyhnal
[occupation] Chaser for Thundelarra Thunderers
[education] Salem Institute
[titles] N/A
[playby] Christopher Masterson
[roleplayer] Jessye and Kaitlyn

[younger sister-in-law] Kendra Caterine Casey Snow-Vyhnal
[born/death] February 22nd, 2015
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[special] Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[martial status] Married to Camden Vyhnal
[occupation] Keeper for Thundelarra Thunderers
[education] HNZ; Slytherin
[titles] N/A
[playby] Brittany Snow
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[younger sister] Taralynn Sage Vyhnal
[born/death] November 8th, 2008
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Seeing Azerail Zhefarovich
[occupation] Former Model
[education] Salem Institute
[titles] N/A
[playby] Taylor Momsen
[roleplayer] Jessye

[younger sister] Valera Zephyrine Vyhnal
[born/death] October 2nd, 2013
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Artist
[education] Salem Institute
[titles] N/A
[playby] Jessica Stam
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[younger brother] Nason Cristin Vyhnal
[born/death] December 6th, 2014; December 6th, 2014
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] British
[martial status] Single
[occupation] N/A
[education] N/A
[titles] N/A
[playby] Freddie Boath
[roleplayer] N/A
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

I feel the anger changing me
With all of our senses
<FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">[history]
In January of 2004, a man named Gerald Grimrar changed his last name to a Latin name of Vyhnal. He met a woman who approved of this change, and then agreed to wed him as soon as possible. They have been in love for the past few years as well. Gerald's younger brother, Cristin also changed his last name as well. Donnah Lestrate soon became Donnah Vyhnal, and she soon became pregnant with Jarrett Wade Vyhnal. Jarrett grew up in Devizes, England; however in 2006, in March, the family of three moved off to the United States to start new, however the name change have not changed the screwed up gene of the grayish-purple eyes when Jarrett's blue eyes changed over to purple while he was a toddler. And then, when he was four, Donnah had another baby, this time a girl. And her name was Taralynn. She inherited her mother's beautiful blue eyes. Then two years later, they had another baby girl but had inherited her father's eyes, and her aunt's red hair on her mother's side. After Valera, they did not have any other children for a while. Jarrett was rather close to his siblings growing up, and he was the only one born a non-United States civilian. Then Donnah fell pregnant in April of 2011, to give birth to a beautiful baby boy whom was on the ultrasounds. They already gave him the name of Nason, however, Donnah fell extremely ill, and Gerald was very worried. Jarrett and his siblings were unaware of how sick their mother was. When she was about to give birth, a little early in December of 2011, Donnah died as soon as the baby was born, whom turned out to be a stillborn. Gerald, and the family were devastated over the loss of their beloved mother and wife, and also son and little brother. Jarrett then had to learn to grow up with his two baby sisters in February of 2012, when Gerald was tracked down and killed by a couple of Death Eaters. Only turning eight, Jarrett had to take his sisters, by smuggling them into a boat, and then taking them overseas to Diagon Alley, where they had to hunt down their parents' treasure in Gringotts. However, tragedy struck when Jarrett saw that there was barely enough in there to get by. Jarrett emptied the vault, leaving it shut forever. By the time that they had reached the United States once more, the small treasure lasted long enough for Jarrett to use it while he would be at school.

He used the gold to put Taralynn and Valera through a boarding school and a church so that they would have a warm place to stay, and hot food to eat. He remained at home, losing weight and drinking water from a well. Soon, Jarrett's hopes were up, when he was accepted into Salem, where he would actually get the same treatment as his sisters, and then he had to borrow some second-hand books from his parents' storage, as well as robes. He went to school, and then he had to earn money while he was in school. Jarrett pulled many pranks and dares, where the richer kids would give him galleons for doing such tasks. Jarrett was soon able to feed his sisters, before it was their own time to enter the Salem school. Jarrett continued to do what he did best to earn a spare galleon here and there, losing the professors' respect and earning a bad reputation as well. Over the years, he became bitter having lost his childhood, and raising his sisters without any help. Also, there was the issue with the parents, as Jarrett started to hate them for leaving him and his sisters. A shine of light appeared when Jarrett reached the age of sixteen in 2022, when he was recruited into an American Quidditch Team, where he earned a lot of galleons and money. Immediately, he put the galleons to his sisters, as he always done, and then when they were all taken care of he treated himself. In 2024, Jarrett graduated from Salem and left his American Quidditch team to go to Transylvania where he had been promoted to Beater, and earning a lot more money than he can really see. Because of his family's brokenness, Jarrett opened up the vault, and he put all of the gold that he earned in the vault. Just in case he were to die, that way they would actually have something to live off of until they could stabilize themselves before they went out into the real world. Jarrett made sure that they had an elf to pick up the house, while he was away during the Quidditch team. Jarrett also continued on with his foul mouth. He also became the Beater that was famous for fouling the most. He went through girls, never really settling down because they were just using him for money and power, and he did not find them worthy enough really. Jarrett spends all of his times traveling and everything. He buys his sisters everything in the world. Jarrett travels the world while Valera is in school, now that Taralynn has graduated, but Jarrett still manages to chase off the boys from his beautiful sisters, and never sharing with them how they were truly raised, which was almost homeless and poor.

Jarrett remained friends with just one of his ex-girlfriends, Astoria Snow. For ages, he still harbored some feelings for her, but broke up because he had no idea how to handle being a good boyfriend. After she was left, again, and cheated on, Jarrett opened his house. He thought that this might give them a second chance, but she met and fell for Tristane Matthias. He was a handsome male that everyone loved, and Jarrett hated. Valera and Taralynn made sure that Astoria never moved out of his house by hiding her money. Lucius assisted Jarrett where he could, giving him the friendship he needed. When Astoria first became engaged, Jarrett threw a fit. He admitted things to Lucius he would have never admitted on his own. He then met with Astoria, and they kissed. It would have progressed to more, if Lucius had not interrupted them. While she was engaged, Jarrett took up drinking heavily to handle his problems. She continued to live with him. One night, when she got home, he proceeded to yell at her about leading him on, and the anger quickly escalated into a night of lust. Jarrett managed to deflower Astoria. He thought that she would have dumped Tristane for cheating, but he was wrong. She didn't, and he cracked. After Jarrett found out that Astoria was pregnant, he laid off of the drinking momentarily, as the engagement between her and Tristane fell apart. Jarrett tried to get Astoria to give him another chance, but she wouldn't. Jarrett exploded, demanding what did she want from him before he threw a glass bottle toward her and hit the wall. Astoria left, out of fear of his temper that could hurt the baby and herself. Jarrett started drinking again, and fell apart. Once his nephew was born, Jarrett cracked down and knew that he needed help. He isolated himself to his room, and his friends and family forced him into therapy, where he was treated by the annoying Nicholai Van Zant. Jarrett finally came forward about his true source of anger, and finally forgave his parents. He learned that Astoria had a place of her own, and raising their daughter. Jarrett decided that it was now time to try to get to know his daughter, and hopefully, rectify things with Astoria.​
"Sometimes I can never tell...

if I've got something after me ..."

That's why I just beg and plead
All of our defenses

Jarrett Vyhnal x Nadine Toralba: Did You Bump Your Head?
Jarrett meets someone while shopping for a record. It didn't go well.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Harley Aria: Just Another Meeting
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow: Rough Game, Rougher Player
Jarrett meets up with an ex, and then takes her in when her parents kick her out. Tensions run high.
Jarret Vyhnal x Astoria Snow x Ozias Zhefarovich x Tristane Matthias: Before I Fall
His team loses, and he meets with a perfect guy. Jealousy occurs.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Lucius Verdelet x Zinnia Chamberlin x Liliana Chamberlin: Amusement
Lucius drags Jarrett to a fun theme park, only to meet with Lucius' crush.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow x Alyssa Chevalier: After All, We're Only Human.
Jarrett eavesdrops on Astoria while he was drunk at a party.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Rurik Hensel: Dusk's Beginning
Jarrett makes a new friend, amazingly.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow x Lucius Verdelet x Tristane Matthias: Murder Son, She's Painful.
Events lead up to the big engagement.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Freya Calvaresi: Beating the Dawn
Jarrett gets wasted, and passes out, only to make a new friend and fling.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow: But passion's grip, I fear.
The two argue, and then sleep together.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow x Taralynn Vyhnal x Valera Vyhnal x Ozias Zhefarovich x Azerail Zhefarovich: Big News
Taralynn comes forth about her pregnancy, and Jarrett goes ballistic.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow x Tristane Matthias x Tylien Matthias: When You Were Young
Astoria tells everyone about her pregnancy, and also ends things with Tristane.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow: The End
Jarrett tries to get a second chance, and he makes things much worse.
Jarrett Vyhnal x Astoria Snow: Lights will guide you home
After Jarrett finally seeks help, he goes to see his daughter for the first time.

For this curse to leave me
Hold on, be strong

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Maroon - Did My Time by Korn; White - Hold On by Korn
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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