James Woodlock

James Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Name: James Woodlock
Nickname: N/A

Personality: James lost his father early on in his life and this event greatly affected his personality. He doesn’t like to get close to people and is therefore a detached person because of this he doesn’t have many friends but occasionally he will try to reach out to someone if they look like they need someone to talk to, this compassion came from having to console and look after his mother even from a young age. James also has a bitter outlook on life because he has never had a reason to see the best in the world.

History: James was born in London, England. Both his parents worked for the ministry of magic, as his parents were magical James has always been aware of his magical heritage but never had any interest in it when he was younger. When James was six his father was killed during the pursuit of a dangerous criminal through the streets of London, as he was killed saving a muggle James came to have a negative attitude of all muggles as he felt they were somehow responsible for the death. The death of his father drastically changed his life and forced to grow and mature emotionally at a rate much quicker than he should have. His mother decided to move to New Zealand because London reminded her of her husband; James began to look out for his mother and always wanted to make sure she remained emotionally stable.

James attended Hogwarts New Zealand and graduated as part of the class of 2032. He was sorted into Slytherin, something his father would have loathed had he survived. Over his time at Hogwarts James learned to mellow and act more his age as his responsibilities melted away from him, he took a keen interest in Potions and Herbology and the two became his best subjects. As he rarely interacted with people outside his house he became a bit of a recluse within Slytherin. James did however occasionally venture out into the grounds where he would meet new people including Margarette who would become his future wife.

Upon graduation James was left in limbo with no clear plans. He returned home to England and spent some time with paternal and maternal grandparents. He took it upon himself to learn more about his father. Two years after graduating James returned to New Zealand and began teaching Herbology at HNZ. He only taught the subject for one year before leaving to travel the world. After a full year of traveling he returned to New Zealand where he began a relationship with Margarette whom he had reconnected with prior to leaving on his travels. Margarette soon fell pregnant, realising that he loved her and was about to have everything he ever wanted, James proposed to her and the two became engaged. James returned to teaching Herbology at the school in 2036. After teaching for another year James became increasingly frustrated by his continued separation from his pregnant fiance and chose to resign his position to spend more time with Margarette.

Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Food: Steak
Favourite Dish: English breakfast
Favourite Season: Winter
Favourite Month: October
Favourite Holiday: Halloween
Favourite Country: United Kingdom
Favourite Animal: Dog
Favourite Number: 6
Favourite Sport: Quidditch
Favourite Place to be:

Current Age: 26
Date of Birth: September 10th 2012
Place of Birth: London, England.
Current Residence: Hogwarts (Term time), Wellington New Zealand (Holidays)
Birth Parents:

Father: Andrew Lucas Woodlock – Deceased

James’s father was a member of the Department of Magical law enforcement and part of a team, which dealt with some of the world’s most dangerous criminals. He was killed during a pursuit through the streets of London, he lost his life saving the life of a muggle.

Mother: Angela Woodlock

Angela was also a member of the Department of Magical Law enforcement, when her husband was killed; she transferred to New Zealand because everything about London reminded her of Andrew. She began working with the New Zealand Ministry of magic however, she never got over the loss of her husband.

Gender: Male
Height: 6’1
Dress Code: James dresses mostly smart casual when not working, favouring jeans with shirts and blazers as to blend into the muggle world.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Married
Skin Tone:
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Type: Short
Eye Colour: Green
Playby: Adam Scott (2030 - Present) David Henrie (HNZ 1-7 - 2039)
Health: Healthy
Blood Status: Half Blood.
Blood Type: O positive.

Educated at: Hogwarts New Zealand
Wand: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust

Good habits:
Bad habits:



Additional Skills:

Graduation: 2032
Current Occupation: Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts New Zealand

Boggart: Loosing his mother
Patronus Memory: The first time his father taught him to fly
Animagus: N/A
Patronus: Dalmatian
Languages: English

Hogwarts Years 1-7 to 2036


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