James is bored!!!

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James Lock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair

When James gets bored James becomes a rebel.

Whether it's:

- One night stands.
- A lads night out.
- Or James getting himself into some trouble with a death-eater or two.

I need lots of rp's for James!!!

Just as James is making amends for the mess he made in the past, he is starting to drop again.

So any ideas? :) Thanks Guys.
I can kind of see James and Aran having a wild boys night out, because Aran is having the infamous 'mid-twenties-crisis' and is a bit more crazy now than ever. He can be a jerk sometimes, even to the point of seeming like a jack-ass, but he never means it. He just wants to have fun, even if it's a little dangerous. If you want to know more about him I have his character development in the siggy.
So a fun, crazy, get together would be fun to RP. ^_^
James is scarily similar to Aran. I think they'd get along pretty well and have a laugh. James is a bit of a show-off and he knows it and loves it. He's got a temper, but I don't think that'll show because James needs some cheering up so I reckon a slightly crazy mid-twenties guy would cheer him up. James is up for wild night!!! :)

Do you want me to start an rp? or do you want to? :p
I have Sawyer Franklin that I could offer up as a one night stand if you so wish. She's a Beauxbatons graduate and has hit quite a wild streak since she's moved to New Zealand and out from under the protection of her parents.
Wherever you'd like to start one is fine with me :)
Adrian Slick is my character, interested?
Adrian Slick is a Librarian at HNZ. He loves to torture his little brother (when he's not working at HNZ), and he also likes to go to to the candy store. When he's not working, he hangs out with some of the Hogwarts students and entertains them. His favorite sport is basketball.
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