James and Andy

James Shirley

Well-Known Member
James had just been to History of Magic, and he made his way down the first floor corridor. He was on his way to get some lunch.

His mind was on his sister, today was the first day in around two months that he hadnt been at her bedside. He had only returned to Hogwarts late last night, as his sister had been lying in St. Mungos, unable to communicate, or even move. She had been attacked whilst walking down Bleak Street at night. No one knew much about the incident, as it was only Louise and her attacker there that night.
"Stupid girl," He muttered.
Andromeda had found the History of Magic class interesting enough, their new professor was decidedly more exciting by far than the class itself which totally had distracted her from the subject matter. She would probably have to get some sort of potion to keep herself focused. Leaving the class she glanced at her watch as she began to head down the corridor. Passing a boy she distinctly heard him say the words "stupid girl" and turned to look at him offended.

"Excuse me? Did I do something to you?" she had seen him in her classes often enough and knew he was in Ravenclaw with Zuka and Brian but she had never spoken to him once, she could understand why now.
'Excuse me? Did I do something to you?' James looked up, and saw a girl he recognised from classes and around school, he realised she must of thought he was talking about her when thinking about Louise.
"No actually, I didnt even know you were there. Sorry, I was thinking about my sister." He smiled at her, hoping she hadnt taken offence.

"My names James Shirley, I dont think we've met." He held out his hand to the girl, she looked around his age.
Andy smiled shrugging her shoulders slightly.
"Sorry, I kind of tend to take offence at the drop of a hat" she shook the hand he offered, then hoisting her bag over her shoulder offered up her own name.
"I'm Andy. Andromeda Fiorelli but known as Andy. Yeah, we've kind of been sharing classes for a while now but ... wow, yeah we've never actually spoken".

That just seemed beyond bizarre to her.
"So your sister is stupid then?" she asked falling into step beside him and pushing her hair back behind her ears.
James smiled, "Yeah, I havnt got round to speaking to many people" He admitted.

"Yes, she really is stupid. She decided to go walking around Bleak Street late at night," He shook his head a little.

Lameee- sorry:/
She smiled as she listened to him and wondered at what he said.
"You mean in the past four years you've been here you haven't spoken to anyone or simply just a handful of people?" she found this unbelievable though she did recognise that not everyone went out of their way as she used too, to make friends.

"Bleak Street? I see what you mean by stupid then, it's daft enough going down there during the day sometimes but at night that's just plain stupid".
James laughed, realising how stupid that sounded. "I transferred about four months back, from Durmstrang. But I had to leave for a few months, because Louise got attacked." He explained to Andy.

"Yeah, but we dont know much about what happened that night," He chewed his lip, remembering the times he watched people from the ministry desperately try to get information out of Louise, a few even tryed taking memories, but they had no luck.

{sorry its rather short, i have to rush out!}
Andy looked at him and wondered no longer about having never seen him in class before.
"Durmstrang eh... I was there for a little while" of course the fundamentals were basically know far and wide throughout Durmstrang about who and what she was the professor of DA had made sure of that "back in second year".

There was no point in denying it, one of these days he'd probably look a bit closer at her and remember the strange red head with the amber eyes who was a werewolf. Who got locked in the dungeons of Durmstrang as she was deemed unfit to share the same living quarters with normal students but was found to be of perfectly good experiment use. She often thought the days of torture and sheer agony that she had been put through were over and then another student from there transfered here and she was reminded over and over again.

"Was it possible that whoever attacked her obliviated her mind?"
James thought for a second, "I thought.. I wasnt sure if it was you." He said slowly, looking closely at Andromeda. He sighed quietly, giving up, there was something, something big, but he couldnt quite remember it.

Was it possible that whoever attacked her obliviated her mind?
James shook his head, "No, I dont think so. She remembers, she can see the attack in her head, she just cant communicate and tell us what happened to her." He told Andy, with a shrug.
Andy wanted to groan that he had recognised her, she wondered would he have been this nice to her back at Durmstrang. So very few had and those that had probably wanted to extend the hand of friendship had been afraid, afraid of what the DA professor and his lackies would do to them.

"That sounds more like she's been jinxed not to speak about the attack. Has she tried to draw the scene? I mean it's not technically speaking about the ordeal or her attacker but it might help. If someone did put a jinx or hex on her to prevent her from speaking about who she saw then the chances are she would still be able to draw her attacker or write down a description of him".

It was a long shot but perhaps something new to go on.
James chewed his lip when he heard Andy groan, there was something then. James thought it best not to ask what, he would save that for another conversation.

"She cant," James sighed, "She just lies there, her eyes closed, its as though she sleeping, but sometimes, her eyes fly open, she shakes, screams, cries. Its horrible to watch" He closed his eyes, shaking the images out of his head.
Andy turned horror stricken as he described the state his sister was in.
"James I'm sorry, I didn't realise she was so bad. Wow, I seriously don't know what to say to you. Are you doing ok?"
Andy knew from experience that it wasn't just the victim of an attack that was affected, it was the family and friends as well and so very few bothered to ask them how they were doing, how they were coping.

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