Jaken Styx

Jaken Styx

Father of 4 | Plus 1
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 15" Essense of Phoenix Talon
September 13, 2004 - April 26, 2026
Full Name: -
Jaken Larmyne Styx

Birth Date: -
September 13th, 2004

Current Age: -

Basic Appearance: -
He is about five foot eight, and will grow up more as the years progress. He keeps his black hair at his shoulders and the front dyed a bloodred color. He is built, and often works out to keep in physical condition

Kalif Girchen Styx (Zhefarovich) and Namina Victoria Styx (Karochen)

Siblings, if any: -
Alessine Nichole Styx: She has wavy, auburn hair with grey eyes. She was born on April 23rd, 2007, and attends Durmstrang. She resembles her father more than her mother.
Kailf Girchen Styx Jr.: He has dirty blonde hair with lighter natural highlights. He has crystal blue eyes. He was born on July 29th, 2013. It is unknown whether he will attend Durmstrang or not. He resembles Kalif and reflects the talents of Namina.
Kailie Verma Styx: She has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. She was born on December 5th, 2017, and is the baby of the Styx family. She has the sweetness of her mother, and still as innocent as ever.

Pets, if any: -
Nyx, the family black owl

Area of Residence: -
He currently lives in New Zealand, though his father still owns the mansion in Bulgaria. He also plans on going back to the mansion with Namina and Kalif over the breaks and visiting his siblings.

Blood status:(If your character is a sorted student:)-
Mixed blood

Hogwarts House (And why): -
Slytherin, most likely due to the fact that he gets competitive easily, and he still has the spirit of rebellion in him. He believes that only by winning, by whatever means, can get a person to the top.

Best school subjects (And why): -
Charms: He has a natural talent in casting spells, and it is also proven in his family back and back that their talents were Charms and Potions.[/color=red]

Worst school subjects (And why): (all characters:)-
Herbology: He doesn't like plants much at all. Plus, after the incident of the bouncing bulb may have some affect.

What would their Patronus be? -
Most likely a panther

What would their Boggart be? -
A werewolf

What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) -
A panther

What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?-
All his family reunited and everyone content

What memory could they use to create a Patronus? -
The day he first spent a stressfree day at the amusment park with siblings and friends in Bulgaria

Write an example roleplay by your character:-

Jaken grinned as he watched Kailie play with her dolls. He felt guilt wash over him. It was the day that he would be departing for New Zealand. Leaving Durmstrang behind...and most of his family. He patted the small girl on the hand. He sat back down in his maroon chair. Kailie laughed and magically made one doll soar across the room. Jaken shook his head, and retrieved the doll. Kailie let out a soft giggle. Jaken would surely miss doing these small things for his youngest sister.

Kalif Jr. was not in the room at the moment, and neither was Alessine. His grey eyes glanced down at Kailie, and he lifted her small, fragile body into his arms. She kept one of her dolls in her hands. Jaken went back to his chair and sat down. Kailie eyed the family crest above the fireplace. He knew that she was fascinated with it, and he laughed. She tried to pronounce the name, but failed. Jaken laughed gently and corrected her, "Zhefarovich." He knew that someone of her age would never understand. Kailie shivered in his arms, and he drew her closer to keep her warm.

Jaken sadly looked at the clock. Just an hour away until he would have to leave. Namina and Kalif were traveling back and forth, taking their belongings, along with Jaken's, to their new home. Jaken's gaze went back to Kailie, and saw that she had fallen asleep. Barbara would also be here within minutes to pick up Alessine, Kalif Jr., and Kailie. Jaken sighed, which stirred Kailie. He smiled warmly, which wasn't like him when he was depressed. He looked up, eyes narrowed, as Barbara walked in. His glare matched hers, and he could feel the daggers she was sending him. He knew than she felt the same.

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Journal,

It is unlike me to write in here, but nonetheless, I shall anyway. Today, I was sorted into Slytherin. From what I have heard, it is no surprise. I assume it sorted me from what I used to do back in Durmstrang. I must admit, being taken from my family, from my friends or gang rather, and into a strange environment takes a toll on me. I am extremely upset that I am one of the oldest here, perhaps the oldest considering my birthdate. To be honest, I don't want to be a troublemaker here, like I was in Durmstrang. All the pranks I performed with my gang were rather cruel and hurt people.

It is a new year, and a totally new beginning for me. I promise that I will prove to be a better role model for Kailie and Kalif Jr.. Despite my family history, the history of the Zhefarovich, I am going to be a good person once again. Or neutral rather. I refuse to be like my father, and his father before him. Asparuh was almost a legend, or the name rather. There have been at least three men with Asparuh as a name, and my grandfather is reported as dead.

Family is huge to me, but being full-blooded Bulgarian and keeping the family tradition means nothing to me. Mom proved that. I bet my dad only married her because she is full-blooded Bulgarian like himself. I honestly don't know what I am going to do in the future. Dad wants me to be a faithful Death Eater like himself, but I follow no one, especially if they are dead. You know, this year will be the year I will find myself. Pave my own road. No matter if my dad disowns me. I no longer want to please him, but I want to please myself.
I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions :) Feel free to answer them either IC or OOC, your choice.

Why would your patronus/animagus form be a panther?

Why would your boggart be a werewolf? Have you had any bad experiences with werewolves in the past?

Any reason for dying the front of your hair blood red?

What colour are your eyes?

You say that your family are known for skills in Charms and Potions. Are you also talented in potion brewing?

Tell me a little about Barbara. Who is she and why do you hate her/why does she hate you?

Is there a sibling that you feel closer to than the others? ((I hope that makes sense))

Urgh, my brain is fried, so there's a few to start with. :)
Of course I don't mind. I'll answer them IC I suppose.

"A panther would be my favorite animal, and they are quick, smart, and cunning. It reflects my personality more than any other animal."

"I don't think I have been attacked by one, but just seeing one in person is enough to terrify me."

"The dying the hair red, I just love that color."

"They are grey, passed from my father."

"My potions nearly always work, but sometimes...I end up having a few accidents with hurting myself."

"Barbara is my aunt, who was adopted into my mother's family. For some reason, she hates me, and I have no idea why. But I hate her every being because she talked my mom into letting my siblings move into her house, and mom, dad, and I go elsewhere a few months after because I was a 'bad influence'."

"I probably feel closer to Alessine, just because she is older. I am more protective over Kailie, considering the fact that she is the youngest."

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