Jake Saylye

Jake Saylye

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" with a Tail of Charmed Newt core
The Basics
Character's Name: Jake Saylye
Character's Birthdate: April 13, 2012
Hometown: Daytona, Florida
Blood Status:(Note: Purebloods must be approved)
Wand: None.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Hair: Dark with hints of blonde, usually mid-length, sometimes long...
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'1"
Other Distinguishing Features: Nope. None.
A Little Deeper
Personality:(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?) Stuck -up. He is obviously rich, and feels the rest of the world below him. He is VERY kind to those who win over friendship with him, however.
History:(How did your character grow up? Where? How did they enjoy their childhood? Anything interesting happen to them? How did they first learn about magic?)
Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

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