Izzy Shale

Izzy Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Izzy Shale

Date of Birth:
- 31 December

Current Age:
- 12

Basic Appearance:
- Blonde with highlights shoulder length hair
-Green eyes
-Not the tallest person in the world

-Izzy is extremely shy but once you get to know her she opens up and easily lets you into her world of music and fun. She enjoys a few sports but isn't part of any teams and she most definitely can't play quidditch, she would go along and be part of the game by cheering he team on. She can be impressed easily by some compliments that people give her and instantly know a guy that she would have a chance with from a guy who just does things for fun.

-Both of Izzy's parents died about a week after Izzy's twin brother Tom was born. So now Alexis,20, their older sister is in charge and looks after the family. She also has another older sister called caley,14. She barely ever sees caley though as she is generally out.

-Izzy does not have any pets but she would one day like to have a cat as she finds them very cute as they curl up next to you purring away. Although she feels that a dog could be very helpful and more intelligent than a cat.

Area of Residence:
-She was born in Scotland and started of life at Hogwarts Scotland until Alexis got transferred over to New Zealand just before Izzy turned 11. She now lies in New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Unknown.

- Unknown

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Singing,Dancing,Reading and playing her flute with her brother on guitare.

Additional Skills:
- None

Izzy isn't amazing at anything but she does like to do a lot of things and does her best at everything even if she really dislike what she has to do.

- Making friends

Describe your character in three words:
- Pretty and wild minded

Favourite place to be:
- In the mddle of a huge field because then she feels free to do what she wants. .

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-She want's to make new strong friendships that last forever and achieve good grades in all her subjects.

Best school subjects:
-Astronomy and Divination

Worst school subjects:
- Defence against Dark Arts and Arthimacy

Extracurricular Activities:
- None

- She will graduate in the winter of 2030

Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- She wants to become an astronomer after leaving Hogwarts.

Your Patronus:
- Probably a kitten because its playful and adorable.

Your Boggart:
- Alexis leaving and the family falling apart

Your Animagus:
- Again a kitten.

Mirror of Erised:
- To see the whole family together laughing and playing.

A page from your diary:
Dear Anne,
Yet another eventful day has gone by. Tom and I were playing for the majority of the day making up new songs and choreographing dances. Yet another day without seeing Caley though, I wish we could she her more and she would be around to enjoy life with us as well as her friends. Well I guess I better go and help alexis.
You shall hear more tomorrow

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