Ivy Doyle

Ivy Doyle

Active Member
OOC First Name
'Ivy Doyle'


''Honest, Loyal and Brave''


Full name: Ivy Doyle
Birthdate: 14 March 2030
Place of birth: Manchester, England
Current Residence: Auckland, New Zealand
Blood status: Muggleborn
Gender: Female



Hair: Long red/orange hair
Eyes: Grey blue, in some light conditions they can look green
Other Distinguishing Features: Her Freckles
Height: Average
Weight: A bit below average
Bodytype: Slim
Skin: Ivy is really pale and barely tans



Education: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: Slytherin
Favourite subject: Charms
Least favourite subject:

Patronus: If able to, a squirrel
Patronus memory: Arriving at hogwarts for the first time
Boggart: Her father 'his dead body'



Her father raised Ivy in to a kind, caring girl. She always had been taught to share and care about others, but also not to forget her own needs. In this way she hadn't become a selfish child, but Ivy wasn’t perfect either. Every personality has its deficiency, and so did Ivy’s.

As she is loyal, she expects other to be it too. When someone betrays her, Ivy will be upset and totally shut the person out. She does that to protect herself, not wanting to get hurt again. You can try to make it up to her, but she will never fully trust you again.

Honesty is also a characteristic of Ivy. It may sounds positive, and it most of the time is, but it can also be a weakness as she just says how it is, even when it’s hard. Those actions aren’t meant with the purpose to insult someone, instead she actually thinks that it’s more helpful to tell how she really feels than ignoring the truth. In that way there won’t be any miscommunications.

Ivy isn’t a girl that picks fights, but when someone is being rude against her or her friends she absolutely isn’t a pushover either. In this kind of situations Ivy her bravery shows up, she doesn’t care who is trying to bring her down, she is just as fiercely to them as she is against everyone in those circumstances. It’s not that she isn’t bothered by the insults, because trust me: she is, but she won’t just show her weakness towards the ‘’enemy.’’



Coming Soon


Ivy and her dad


Name: Roderick Doyle
Relation: Father
Age: 43
Marital status: Divorced

Name: Mary Rose Shelton
Relation: Mother
Age: 39
Marital status: At the moment unknown to Ivy

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