Ivy Diamond

Ivy Diamond

The Basics:

Name: Ivy May Diamond
House: Ravenclaw
Birthday: May 21st
Hometown: Linkwater, New Zealand
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Mixed blood


Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Naturally wavy hair kept at different lengths.
Eye color: Light brown.
Height: 5'4".


Father's name: Oak Diamond (Dead)

Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Mixed blood, He was a very self-centered man, the only thing he cared about was the things that affected him. He had several jobs and was still family oriented, somewhat. Died in a plane crash.

Mother's name: Maria Frost (Dead)

Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Mixed blood, Was very giving. Was a very loving and caring wife and mother. Loved to swim. Drowned a few years back in the lake near our house.

Siblings (names and descriptions):

Sage Diamond:
Sage is adopted. He dosn't know this, and I havn't told him yet. The crazy thing is. I love him. Not the nice family way either, we'll see how that goes. He is 23 and looks basically like the other family members feature wise.


What you might like to do after Hogwarts: She loves to swim and surf. She has also tooken up readind since her days in hogwarts.

Five words to describe: Uncaring, Open, Stressful, Friendly, Unforgiving

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