Ivy Dalebreeze

Ivy Dalebreeze

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Ivy Maria Dalebreeze
- Birth Date: 2th of July, 2008
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Long, dark blond hair, usually hanging loosely around her face.
- Parents: Daniel Dalebreeze and Simone McEntire
- Siblings, if any: none
- Pets, if any: A dog called Dice, but she left him with her parents.
- Area of Residence: She travels with her parents, who work as a geologist (Father) or archeologist (Mother), so she doesn't have a real home.
- Blood status: Half blood. (Father)

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw
- Best school subjects (And why): Doesn't know yet, but she's looking forward to learning charms.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Doesn't know yet, but she thinks transfiguration sounds difficult.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A cat.
- What would their Boggart be? A white shark.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Most likely a cat.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself as a succesful witch, with a lot of friends and people who care for her.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Her first childhood boyfriend from Greece.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
-coming soon-
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
-coming soon-

- Why are you afraid of sharks? Did you have a particularly bad experience with one before?

- I have a friend with a dalmatian called Dice. What kind of dog is your pet?

- How old were you when you met your friend in Greece? Was he a Muggle or Wizard?
I've been afraid of sharks ever since we went on a trip from Indonesia to the United States by boat. We were cruising a few miles away from the east australian shore (The McEntire line has all had their own ships, it's tradition.) The waters were calm, so my father wanted to dive. About thirty seconds after he submerged, we saw a fin cleaving the water's surface in the distance, coming our way. My mother and I were terrified, but we didn't have any way of contacting my father, who was already out of sight. We were (of course) watching as the shark approached and to our horror the beast dived out of sight. Up until recently, I had no idea how my dad survived it, because every time I asked, he fell silent and just grinned at me stupidly. Now I know that he probably took his wand with him, although he still wouldn't tell me the details.

What kind of dog Dice is? Well, he's a dalmatian too, I guess with the spots and all most dogs named Dice are dalmatians. Funny fact: Our family actually prefers cats over dogs, but due to the travelling life we lead, a cat wouldn't suit us. As you probably know, cats tend to bind themselves to the house they live in rather than which family they belong too, whereas dogs are the other way around.

The greek boyfriend is most likely a muggle, although one can never be sure. Up until recently, I didn't know anything about magic, so I didn't have any contacts with wizards (besides dad, but I didn't know he was one). Although I haven't seen him since I was nine, we still write each other letters frequently. The trouble is, how do stay good pen-pals with someone, when you're a witch going to Hogwarts, and he's a muggle?

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