Open It's one of those days

Morrie Ayre

Careless with the truth
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 8 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Open after @Osiris Vale and taking place after this Laces are hard
Godmodding with permission.

Morrie had seen a ghost at the Yule Ball. Or at least, that’s what she thought when MIA student Osiris Vale appeared out of nowhere after abandoning her without a word more than a year ago. And then he was off again, this time with her shoes! She hadn't seen him take them exactly but she knew he had. One minute they were there, and he was standing right next to them. The next, he and her shoes were gone. Morrie was prepared to chase him down to get them back if she had to.

She ditched the annoying skating girl with the professor and started chasing after him barefoot. The stone floor was cold, but she was so hot with rage that the chill barely registered. If anything, it helped stop her combusting.

As soon as they were outside of the hall, Morrie shouted out to him, "OI OZZY! Come back here NOW or I swear, I'll hex you!" That idiot was not going to make it back to the common room alive at this rate.
Osiris Vale matched the shoes to Morrie Ayre's, and honestly what a great way to say that he was back. He had everything he needed to keep going. He only returned for a handful of people - if one could call two a handful. Handling both of them needed all hands on deck, honestly. He had her shoes in his hand, and heard Morrie's voice shouting after him. He turned around and held up her shoes as he saw that she was walking barefoot. He laughed, "Oh, now don't make promises you won't keep." Ozzy set her shoes down and took a step back. "It isn't safe to walk around here barefoot. You might step on something and hurt yourself, you know." Ozzy smirked mischievously.
Morrie was mad that Oz had stolen her shoes. But just looking at his stupid laughing face tipped her over the edge. What was he even doing here rocking up on the last day of term after he had abandoned her at Hogwarts? One day he just hadn't been in class, at meals, or in the common room any more, and there had been no letter, no explanation, nothing. And that hurt. And when Morrie was hurt, she became angry. Anger was easy for her. Anger didn’t leave her feeling small, like she did when her dad didn't stick around. It didn’t sit heavy in her chest, making her wonder if she just wasn’t worth sticking around for. Anger was her shield, a weapon, her power, and right now, she directed all of it at Osiris.

She stared coldly at him while he stood there smirking. He thought he could steal her shoes, and not get hexed for it? Ha. Fat chance! Morrie could list tons of reasons why she should keep her promise to hex him, and she would if necessary. She narrowed her eyes, her fingers twitching in anticipation. "Try me!" she huffed, ignoring his terrible sense of humour. "There are people at this school who fear me. Of course you would know that if you'd stuck around." she added as she cautiously stepped forward toward her shoes, wary it was some game of his.
Ozzy strangely considered just giving her the shoes back, but her anger was something he liked to see. He wanted to see more of it. And how would he see more of it? How else could he rub her the wrong way to incur her wrath? It was just far too fun for him. He was a strange fellow, and he thrived with it. She even spouted on how there were people at the school who feared her. And how he would know if he stuck around. "I'm no animal whisperer, but little mice don't count as people. They scurry away in fear when anyone approaches them." He was insinuating that she didn't scare anyone at all. He would not know for sure. After all, she was right. He had not been there for some time. She stepped toward her shoes, so he bent down and scooped them up. "How about I treat you as Cinderella and leave you with just one?" He tossed one toward her feet.
Morrie sucked in a slow breath through her nostrils then exhaled to speak, "That's not a very nice way to speak about the Hufflepuffs." She mocked, thinking of one Hufflepuff inparticular who she knew feared her. Morrie had earned that and was not going to let Osiris discredit her in one night.

"Give. Me. Both. Shoes. Osiris Vale." Her voice was dangerously low and even. She didn’t care for his games just like how she didn’t care for his stupid face or whatever thrill he got from winding her up. She picked up the one shoe he'd tossed to her and held it up like a weapon. "I’m not some fairy tale princess, you absolute git. Give me the other shoe before I beat you with the one I do have."

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