It's Late, but Oh Well!

Cato Austman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Cato Austman found his first year at Hogwarts New Zealand to be fun. He had met many people and learned many things. The only thing he hated about it was that he had not caused much trouble. He had not pulled any pranks on any teachers, and that did not make him happy. It was all because his partner-in-crime was not her with him. He was at stupid Beauxbatons. He was so excited when he found out Rafa was a wizard as well. Now, they could cause trouble together. Who wouldn't want to cause trouble with Cato the Awesome? That right. Everyone, except Rafa. Cato walked up to the Owlery with the letter he was going to send to his best friend. Before sending it off, Cato read over the letter. Rafa was the best writer ever, and he always pointed out the mistakes Cato made in his writing. He guessed he had gotten at writing. Professor Styx had them write a ton of essays. All those sentences nearly made Cato's brain melt from actually getting smarter.
Letter to Rafa said:

Dude! You have no idea how much I have missed you! I wish you were here at Hogwarts with me. We could have caused so much trouble together! I am sure you have been able to cause a lot of trouble at a preppy school like Beauxbatons. Why do you even go there? I, your best friend, know that school is not your style. I am pretty sure your horrible etiquette got you some detention, right? I got an O in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Do you think that is a required class in order to become a wand maker? Ever since I got my wand from Kiera Potter I have wanted to go head to head with her, and I don't really like flying. I also won't be having any kids for awhile or ever. Out of all my options making wands is the coolest, right? I need your advice, dude!

Let's stop talking about me. What about you? How is Beauxbatons. Does your twin go there with you too? Actually, tell Tiffany I said hi. Tell me everything, Rafa! Over the break you have to let me go over to your house! I have never been to your house, and it's not fair because you have been to my house plenty of times! I know you have a big family, but I kind of do too, right? I am sure your family is not as bad as mine. I can promise you that, Raf. Have you been getting good grades? Are there other people like you there? Well, you know what I mean. They're magical, but are they like you? Are there any scary teachers? Hogwarts has a few. Professor Styx is pretty creepy. I will need you in order to pull a prank on him! My Head of House is pretty scary too. I am in Gryffindor! Did I forget to mention that? Probably. People boast about how awesome it is, but I don't think it it that awesome. Hufflepuff should be considered the best because they are always assumed to be the worst and stupidest people ever. Most end up becoming very powerful people! That's how strong they are.

Gryffindor right now is pretty boring, but that's because I have been studying. That's hard to believe, right? I am serious though. There are so many things I don't understand, and I just have been stuck in the library trying to understand things. I actually think my IQ is higher, but that's a muggle thing. You won't know anything about it. Hurry and write me back, Rafa!

Cato Austman
Rafa Della-Robbia had tried to be on his best behavior during the school year. It had just been so tempting pull pranks on all the professors. Beauxbatons raised the finest students, but Rafa did not want to be one of them. His father had expected that a bright boy like him would be on his best behavior. That's was not how he was going to let it be. Concord loved getting his way. He hated it when his children strayed from the path he had set for them. Rafa sighed and opened a letter he had received earlier this morning. He sat down at his desk and read the letter. It was from Cato! He knew that something good would happen to him at the end of the year. A letter from Cato made him beyond happy. "I hope he asks me to stay over at his place." he mumbled happily to himself. Rafa read the letter and smiled. His friend always expressed himself better through letters even if he had a few errors. Rafa got some parchment and started to write back. Why had his friend waited so long to write him a letter. It was inexcusable to him.
Letter said:

Why did you wait so long to write me? I am a little mad that you took so long. You know that I am suffering here, and you do not write me until the end of the year? If you weren't one of my only friends I would call you a jerk, but that would be very rude. My father thinks it is better for me here, but I won't be staying here for long! I am transferring somewhere else next year. My father still has yet to decide where. I have gotten detention, but not for bad etiquette. My manners are much better than yours by the way!

Wand making? Seriously, Cato? I know how much you hate the Potter family, but that should not fuel you to try and figure out what you want to do with your life. You will only end up exhausted. I think you would have to be at performing magic in general to be a wandmaker. I think you have to have a teacher as well. You should think on that yourself Cato. I, honestly, cannot imagine you handing out wands to first years when you are older.

Don't even ask about it. The only thing good about Beauxbatons is probably my sister. I would have gotten kicked out if it weren't for her. Tiffany is doing fine. She hasn't caused any trouble at all. I don't think you would like my family, Cato. Things are a little complicated at the moment. Maybe next time? My grades are good. They aren't the best, but they are good. Defense Against the Dark Arts happens to be my worst subject. Reminder, my definition of "worst" is not the same as yours. Yes. There are a quite a few people with veela blood at Beauxbatons and in France in general. You act like saying it is some type of taboo! If there is a professor that scares you I suggest you steer all your pranks away from them. I am just looking out for you future, Cato. Sometimes the scariest people are the most powerful. That's what my Dad tells me all the time.

I think that Hat put you in the right house. I cannot imagine you in yellow. You are a loyal person, but I would not necessarily call you a hard worker. You like to have things handed to you, and you only work for things when it really means something to you. You're my buddy, dude. If I wasn't I would not be telling you this. It is a miracle that you have been studying. I should give you those doughnut things when you get back home. During the summer, I can help you understand the things you learned this year. I am sure it will help you, and next year you can get good grades in classes other then DADA. I have got to finish packing, Cato! See you over break?

Rafa Della-Robbia

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