It's greaat to see you.

Imogen smiled and nodded again. She sat up fully and looked out to the lake. She loved this place in hogwarts. It was pretty amazing. She stood up from the ground and brushed off all the grass strands from her clothes. She wanted to stay out longer with Teddy, but she did have work. Lots of work and she would hate to fall behind.

"I should go back. I have so much work." Immy smiled and leaned down and kissed Teddy Lightly on the cheek. "See you soon, Boyfriend" Imogen said with a little giggle, before walking off. Smiling to herself. She had a date with Teddy. This day was amazing
Teddy sat up when she stood, but didn't stand with her. He felt like staying outside for the rest of the day, it was nice out and he couldn't be bothered to spend it indoors. "See you then girlfriend." He turned just in time so her kiss landed on him lips instead of his cheek and grinned cheekily at her.

Teddy watched his girlfriend as she walked away. HE was going on his first date, with one of his best mates no less. It had better be awesome.

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