its been a while

Izzy Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It had been a while since izzy had seen lily. the last time they met the pair of them hated shaylah, she wondered if lily still did hate her as she certainly did.she though back to when the two met, it had been before jerrod had forced her to do his homework and izzy was now sick of him.she knew that they were sibblings so it probbably wasnt the upmost best idea to talk to lily about it.​
Lily walked down to the lake where she was meeting Izzy. It had been ages since she had spoken to the older girl. They'd been good friends when they were younger and Lily hoped to pick up where they'd left off...well, kind of. She didn't want her brother to be there this time. He was a nuisance at the best of times but now he was lying to her. He didn't know that she knew but she was going to leave him to make the decision whether he wanted to tell her or not and that would make up her mind on whether she was going to tell her family or not.

Lily was slightly worried about being so close to Shaylah's favourite spot but she knew that standing united was the best way to go about things. Lily had friends where as Shaylah was alone. Even her sister hated her and that was saying something. The two of them had been best friends at one point. Hell, Lily had been best friends with her at one point. That is, before she changed.

Lily smiled when she saw Izzy stood by the lake. "Hey, Izzy. It's been so long." She gave her a big hug to say hi then continued to smile. Lily had missed Izzy in the time they hadn't seen each other. "How have you been recently??" Lily wanted to know what had happened in the time since they'd last spoken. It wasn't her business of course but she wanted to catch up on the news of one of her best friends.
Izzy smiled when she heard lillys voice behind her at a distance.she sprang up and quickly walked towards the younger girl."Lilly" she exclaimed" it's so good to see you, how have you been?" she took lilies arm and dragged her towards where iZzy had previously been sitting. " I ve been okay I guess, I should probably tell you about what happened the last year though, you can't do anything about it, promise me" she said her voice ending in a whisper. I managed to bump into your brother jerrod.., he bullies me into owing his homework, if I didnt Do it he would tell steve that my sister was cheating on him.I probably shod of come to see you sooner bug anyway how's your yeR been?" she asked almost out of breath
Lily shrugged slightly as she went and sat next to Izzy. "I'm not too bad. Things have started to come together over the past year. Mum's feeling better, Junior seems to finally be in a stable relationship, Steve's graduating, Nick's getting a job as an apprentice bookseller, Woody's finally got a job, David's settled in with his wife and baby and Bella and Rosie are growing up nice and healthily." Lily had been a bit of a wreck a year ago. No one knew what mood she was going to be in and it could be anything from amazingly kind and bubbly to wanting to murder someone. "What about you??"

Lily frowned slightly when Izzy told her to promise not to do anything. She was reluctant to answer but all the same she said "Yeah, of course." She didn't know what to expect so she gasped when he heard Izzy talk. "You're kidding me!!" She groaned loudly. "I swear I'm going to kill that boy soon. First he starts ditching me for none other than a horrible Gryffindor girl and then he starts blackmailing my friend." Lily shook her head. "Mum's definitely going to hear about his idiodity."
Izzy smiled when lily said that things had been better since the last time that the pair had met. ."i havemt heard from the family for a while,Alex found herself a man. But other than that I haven't heard from them." she said smiling. Caley hadnt spoken to her for a while so she was unsure of what she had been up to, tom was well, being tom she hadnt really seen him around the school."you seen shaylah recently?" she said grimacing the last time they met they were both rather mad with the girl and izzy wondered if anything had happened since.

When lily said that her mother had to here about jerrods stupidity izzy quickly span round to face her,"you cant tell her, please lily" izzy pleaded with the younger girl.
Lily grinned when Izzy said she hadn't heard much from her family. She knew how that felt. It seemed to be the story of her life. She was always finding stuff out months after they happened. She was used to it now. "Yeah, unfortunately." Lily shrugged. "She's in the same house so I see her when I'm in the common room. I guess in one way you've got an advantage in that way." Lilz didn't care about Shaylah any more. As log as she didn't get in Shaylah's way, Shay ignored her. It was only when people got in her way that she hurt them. Probably why she kept targeting Jerrod.

Lily sighed. "What else am I meant to do?? He's giving the Green family a bad name. Mum would kill him if she found out." She thought it over for a second. "Would Steve even believe him if Jerrod said that your sister had been cheating though?? He's not in school any more. Surely if he had any suspicions he'd be able to check with her at Brightstone."
Izzy smiled at lily, "hows the music going?"she asked him. "look lily please, steve knows anyway,i cant remember how he took i, or what he said hed do but please you cant say anything," Izzy smiled at her "you never know" she shaid laughing. Izzy was interested in music when the pair first met and she still was, if lily was izzy could show him a thing or two. "you still passionate about music then?"

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