Open It's a little too quiet

Alana Cosgrove

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
12/2049 (12)
It felt good to get out of the dungeon every once in a while and Alana didn’t do it nearly often enough. She hadn’t yet caught the bug to explore the castle as she still felt like she was finding her bearings. The urge to get out had come sudden, so sudden she had been in bed almost ready to fall asleep when she suddenly found herself alert and restless. She didn’t know where that feeling came from because it certainly wasn’t something she inherited from her father, perhaps her mother was more adventurous than she had let on to her.

The castle looked different at night, it was Alana’s first time seeing it at a time she wasn’t supposed to be. The corridors were so silent she could hear the scurry of the smallest creature, the distant chatter of ghosts and every so often she could see the lights from torches carried by prefects, once she saw those she quickly, and quietly, scurried in the opposite direction.

Hours of avoiding ghosts and prefects later and Alana wasn’t completely sure where she was, only that she was high up. She was at the top of one of the schools many towers, she just wasn’t sure which one. It held a spectacular view of the castle, it was just a shame there wasn’t a little more light to illuminate the surroundings. It would have made a beautiful photo to send home, even if both her parents had no doubt seen that very view countless times before.
Percival was making his way to the owlery with a letter in hand. The night was his preferred time, the stillness allowing him to enjoy the stars without interruption. He often took these late night walks, appreciating the quiet and the opportunity to stargaze. Tonight was no different, save for a brief detour to send off his correspondence.

As he climbed, he noticed a figure standing, gazing out over the castle grounds. He squinted, trying to make out which student it was in the dim light, recognising them as one he had taught. Clearing his throat, he stepped forward, unsure of how to approach the situation and wished there was some sort of script for a professor to follow in this situation. "You're up past your bedtime, Miss Cosgrove," he said, his voice awkward and halting. He just wanted to post his letter but now he had a student to deal with.

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