It's a girl

Teresa Marshall

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OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Teresa sat on the couch with her legs underneath her. The moving pictures on the box in front of her were funny and she giggled and laughed at the screen. A sharp kick to her ribs made her catch her breath and rub her stomach. She looked over at the man next to her and made a face that clearly told him she was in some discomfort. It was all his fault, he promised her the world and now look at what was happening. She frowned and cuddled further into his arms. She had been in this rather large house for a little over five months, ever since she had first found out she was pregnant, soon she would be discovering what the gender of the baby was. She personally didn't care, it was only that Patrick wanted a boy to take over the business when he grew up. He already had a son, but according to him, Kyle was not fit to take over. The deal was that Teresa bring up the baby in what ever way Patrick saw fit. Teresa was fine with that. Whilst she kept Patrick happy, she got whatever she wanted. Diamond earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets were quite common, and she got them whenever she wanted them. The thing was, Teresa was a gold digger, Patrick knew that, but he said he didn't care. These days he had been spending more time in her bed then in his wife's and she was pretty happy with that. If Camilia was a better wife, Patrick wouldn't go wandering like he did. Was it Teresa's fault that she was younger and prettier? Though she thought it was a little weird that they were all living in the one house, what could she do. She could sometimes feel the disgust and anger that Camilia held for her, but Patrick protected Teresa well and she was happy with that. The point was, at the end of the day, Patrick preferred her, over his wife. That was all that really mattered as far as she was concerned. At least for now.

"Patrick, I'm hungry, can you get one of your servants to make me some food? They don't listen to me and I hate the dirty looks they give me." She whined, soothing her grumbling stomach and pouting. She knew why the servants didn't like her. They were all loyal to Camilia, she knew that Patrick had threatened them a couple of times but that doesn't seemed to have made a difference where the cooks and the maids were concerned. They were rude, and they only tolerated her because Patrick told them to. She didn't really mind, she just really wanted some food.
Patrick Cavanaugh was definitely a patient man, he had to be with his lover and his wife under the same roof. The cat fights were monstrous, but he would not leave Camilia, much as she would never leave here. He still loved Camilia, albeit probably not as much as most husbands would love their wives, and she was not raising their son in the way he had hoped. It was one of the many reasons that Teresa was now six months pregnant and laying in his arms. He had met her a little over a year ago, she was young, vibrant and easily bought. Of course she was also a b*tch, but he didn't care, she always shut up whenever he bought her something nice. Unlike Camilia, she could never be bought, not even with a million trinkets. It was her own fault really, that he was always wandering, she had never stopped him, even when he practically admitted it to her, she had never yelled and screamed at him, only been extremely hurt, and yet she had said nothing. Eventually Patrick fell into a pattern of constant affairs, that threatened to terminate their marriage, but she was single-handedly holding the relationship together. Patrick would have been more then happy to allow the marriage to fall apart, after all, they were basically separated, he had not slept with Camilia in over a year, his affairs had been keeping his urges more the satiated. Sometimes he wondered if Camilia were having any affairs, he certainly wouldn't have blamed her, and he was sure he had seen her look at his brother more then once, but he knew that was not the kind of person she was, she would never concede to letting him win in such a way, she would wait him out, but neither of them were going to win this game, they were in a stalemate and Camilia spent most of her time in her bedroom, or out of the house all together. Lately, Patrick had gotten into the habit of taking Teresa with him to work, if only to keep the two from being alone together. They were civil enough with each other when he was around, but when he was away, he knew, from what Teresa had told him, that the woman fought often and usually one of them would threaten the other, he couldn't have them killing each other over him.

Patrick looked down at Teresa, the woman carrying his child, and tightened his arm around her. She was so young, the youngest of his lovers he was sure, she was probably also the longest running and he had never brought one home to meet the family before. Of course Dietrich had been less then impressed, but he always sided with Camilia anyway, Jerome didn't care either way, though he had yet to actually meet Teresa. Patrick was sure his parents would also not approve, but he cared even less about them then he did about Dietrich. When Teresa spoke, Patrick frowned, he continually warned the staff against aggravating him in such a way, but they didn't seem to listen, looked like he was going to have to do something about it. He smiled at Teresa. "I am going to do something about this love, don't you worry, wait here, what would you like? Some crepes maybe?" He asked, as he slid her head off of his shoulder and stood from the couch. He the proceeded to walk into the kitchen and cast a silencing spell so that he would not be heard. He looked around the kitchen at the three cooks and pointed to the head. "Harold. I am extremely disappointed in you. I have warned you for months about the way you treat Teresa. You seriously think she would not speak to me?" He asked, at the wide eyes expression he was getting. "You have been working for me for years, I respect that, but you have gone to far. I cannot allow my staff to alienate and bully my lover. I don't care if you were with Camilia before you were with me, he point is I pay your wages, I am the one who works my arse of so that you may have money and I pay you more then what I am required to." He told them, his voice low and his eyes blazing. "Because of the constant insubordination I am firing you, the rest of you will also be leaving as soon as I find staff to replace you. I have had it with the lot of you. Get the hell out of this house." He glared at Harold as the aging man left the kitchen his eyes down cast. "As for the rest of you, Teresa is hungry, she wants crepes. After you have finished you can have the rest of the day off, start looking for new jobs, I won't be writing any of you a referral." Patrick left the kitchen and headed back to the loungeroom. They certainly didn't make servants like they used too.

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