Closed Its a Beautiful Day

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire sat up in the tree, one foot dangling. She lay her head back against the tree, playing a song her uncle listened to a lot. The sun was shining, a light breeze blew through her hair, shifting it gently around her face. The sunlight glittered off the near lake. It was a beautiful day. As that song ended, she began another. She fell into the music the more she played. She even began to sing along. "So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover, that I know you can't afford. Bite that tattoo on your shoulder, pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole From your roommate back in boulder. We ain't ever getting older." She bit her lip, a soft smile on her lips as the music swelled around her.
Teliko had quickly got bored hanging out in the common room all the time so she had to get herself outside and enjoy the sun while it was still nice weather. The Hufflepuff found herself wandering down to the lake front, it was a beautiful and tranquil place and at the right time it was peaceful. There weren't many people around the lake but she could hear the faint sound of a guitar and decided to move towards it. There was a girl sat in a tree playing the guitar and had just started a new song as Teliko appeared so she leaned against the tree trunk and listened. When she came to the end of her song Teliko decided to announce her presence. "You have a great voice," Teliko called up to her.
Sapphire opened her eyes as the song faded and a voice spoke to her from the ground. She leaned over a bit, giving the girl below her a smile. "Thanks. Sorry, I didn't hear you come up." She wasn't quite in the mood to quit playing yet, though. "You can stick around and listen if you want," She told the other girl and started to play again. This time she sang along, though she wasn't sure if it was because she had an audience now or not. "You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep,"
Teliko shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sneaky like that," she said leaning her back against the tree trunk so she could listen to the girl sing and play. "Where are these songs from?" She asked wondering if they were muggle songs as she hadn't heard them before. Teliko didn't get much chance to hear music from the muggle world. When the girl switched to a new song Teliko sunk to the floor and closed her eyes to listen.
Sapphire chuckled softly at the girls' words. She knew what that was like. Once the song had finished, Sapphire took a moment to stretch. "Yeah, they're all muggle songs. I don't really know any wizarding ones." She strummed her fingers against the wood as she thought on what to play next. "I'm Sapphire, by the way." She introduced herself.
"I don't listen to any muggle music, nor much music from the magical world either, not a big music person," Teliko said without looking back at the girl in the tree. "I'm Teliko," She said looking over her shoulder at the girl. "You often hang out up trees?" She asked curious about her choice of hideout.
Sapphire chuckled as Teliko asked her a question. She gave the girl a small smirk. "Whenever I can," She told her. "No one ever looks up to notice." She winked playfully, strumming idly. "Do you just wander around the grounds often?" She inquired, staying slumped in the tree. She had noted already that Teliko was kinda cute. Sapph liked her hair.
Teliko smiled at the girls response, she couldn't say she had ever met anyone who considered up a tree to be a genuine place to sit and relax but she got the impression Sapphire wasn't like most girls. "I do actually, you never know when you're gonna run into a cute girl in a tree," She smirked feeling playful all of a sudden.
Sapphire chuckled at Teliko's response. "I am rather gorgeous, aren't I?" She teased lightly, finally deciding on a song. "I've got one," She announced, sitting up and starting to strum again. "Lately I been, I been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be," She sang, enjoying herself immensely. She shot Teliko a wink, though she wasn't sure if the girl saw it. Why was she flirting with Teliko, anyway? Who knew, maybe she liked girls too. Onyx was gay. Maybe she was too. Merlin knew she hadn't had any luck with the boys.
"Yes you are," Teliko answered plainly, not sure what to make of Sapphire, she couldn't tell if she was genuine or if she was just humouring her in a fit of boredom. Teliko caught the wink from the other girl but it didn't do much to settle her questions. "Why not take a break and come talk to me?" She suggested.
Sapphire smiled as she finished the song and Teliko suggested she talk with her. Sure, why not? Sapph hopped out of the tree with a flourish, falling down next to the girl gracefully. "Hi there," She teased, sitting a little closer than absolutely necessary. She laid her guitar in the grass and relaxed against the tree. "Whatcha wanna talk about?" Sapph asked lazily. She was never much for conversation-starting. She would let Teliko do that bit.
Teliko blushed as Sapphire dropped from the tree and sat closer to her than she had anticipated so they were almost touching. "Hi," She said awkwardly. When Sapphire asked her what she wanted to talk about she realised she hadn't thought that far ahead. "I err," She stammered. "Anything but school,"

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