- Messages
- 43
"So what do you think?" Vittorio asked Atretes. He spread his arms wide, grandly, and swiveled to indicate the entire expanse of the broken-down warehouse. He glanced at his twin, shrugged, and added "It's not much, but it's home." It was the understatement of the century, and he and his brother knew it. Atretes had tried to warn him off purchasing the building in the decrepit outskirts of Bleak Street, but Vittorio would not be persuaded. He had little savings to account for, living mostly hand-to-mouth in one country or another, but Atretes had pitched in from his own little cookie jar and helped him get the property of his dreams. It was just as horrible as he wanted it to be. Vittorio wanted a project, something to dig his hands into and drag it out of the mud to begin his empire. Truth to be told, it wasn't just him who was tired of skipping from motel to motel, dodging aurors and occasionally getting zapped by an unruly object. It was part of the business: racketeering, that is. The twins peddled illicit substances (mostly dark artifacts) from one country to another, one wizard to another. However they were happy to add in extra services, for a fee, which included extortion, loansharking, bribery and other obstructions of justice for the purpose of making galleons.
It had been fifteen years since the brothers had started down that path, and finally it had taken them both to New Zealand. Vittorio planned to amass a nice little cash cow, starting with headquarters, but he had yet to convince Atretes to join him. He had no idea why his brother was suddenly so reluctant to join him. Maybe it was the having-not-been-laid-since-that-beautiful-witch-in-Madrid thing. Vittorio shrugged to himself. That would come with the business. Atretes had been talking about a 'home' and a 'job'. What Merlin-forsaken use were those when you had an 'office' and a 'vocation'?
"This is it, brother," announced Vittorio, clapping a hand onto the shoulder of the identical body next to him. "I'm going big - and I want you to come with me, Treaty." Vittorio gave his twin a purposeful, good-natured jab by calling him his hated childhood nickname. The racketeer made to continue, but there was a sudden rustle and a creak of rusty iron that made him spin around.
"Shh," he hissed, dragging his twin behind a crate. The rain outside was thundering and it was a wonder he'd heard anything at all, but there it was. The corrugated door swung open with a crash, and there came the vision that would change the twin's life forever. Vittorio whistled low in his throat, still hidden with his brother.
"Now look what the cat dragged in ..."
It had been fifteen years since the brothers had started down that path, and finally it had taken them both to New Zealand. Vittorio planned to amass a nice little cash cow, starting with headquarters, but he had yet to convince Atretes to join him. He had no idea why his brother was suddenly so reluctant to join him. Maybe it was the having-not-been-laid-since-that-beautiful-witch-in-Madrid thing. Vittorio shrugged to himself. That would come with the business. Atretes had been talking about a 'home' and a 'job'. What Merlin-forsaken use were those when you had an 'office' and a 'vocation'?
"This is it, brother," announced Vittorio, clapping a hand onto the shoulder of the identical body next to him. "I'm going big - and I want you to come with me, Treaty." Vittorio gave his twin a purposeful, good-natured jab by calling him his hated childhood nickname. The racketeer made to continue, but there was a sudden rustle and a creak of rusty iron that made him spin around.
"Shh," he hissed, dragging his twin behind a crate. The rain outside was thundering and it was a wonder he'd heard anything at all, but there it was. The corrugated door swung open with a crash, and there came the vision that would change the twin's life forever. Vittorio whistled low in his throat, still hidden with his brother.
"Now look what the cat dragged in ..."
Out of Character:
- It's up! Hurrah! Okay so in case you missed any subtleties, Vittorio and Atretes are at his new warehouse on a Friday evening. It's pouring rain and Aeryn's the one who's taking shelter. Cool. Onwards!