Closed it stains

Lumos Walden-Cade

are🫵🏻ready? Inquestigator
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Mermaid Scale Core (Aqua Vespera)
Lumos looked down at his handy work, and then down at his hands. Whoops. Perhaps he should have been a little more careful but this was exactly why he'd decided to do this outside. He knew that doing it inside was probably going to cause problems but he did't know exactly how many problems until he was now looking down at the result of his efforts all over his hands and staining the ground underneath him. "Oops," eh reached down to move his broom out of the way so he could try and minimise the damage by dragging his broom onto the grass, and leaving a bit of a long line of the broom varnish across the ground as he did so. Oh well, he supposed eh could fix it later so it didn't really matter to him. This was the only thing he needed it for though, because he didn't need the broom for actually playing Quidditch, he only needed it for flying, which he liked to do when he can. He stared at his hands and looked at the water spout in the Courtyard, should he touch it and risk staining it?
Maggie moved through the courtyard quickly, trying not to be late for her club meeting, when she realized she had stepped in something wet on such a dry day. She looked down and saw a little streak of something on the ground and then looked up and saw Lumos. "Please tell me I did not just step in something gross," she called out to him, closing her eyes and stamping her foot at the same time, almost like a petulant toddler.
"Define gross," Lumos said, looking over to see that one of the twins, Maggie he thought, had stepped into the varnish he'd been using on his broom. "It's just varnish, you don't need to have a cow about it," he said, eyeing her dismissively as he looked at the results of his handy work, running his hand over the broom to see if the varnish was settling in correctly. Besides it wasn't like it was going to stain her not through her shoes. As long as she didn't touch it, she'd be fine. "Just don't touch it and you'll be fine."
Maggie looked at the boy and furrowed her brows. "I'm not having a cow. It could still ruin my clothes," she said, pulling out her wand to attempt one of the spells they'd just learned in charms. "Scourgify," she said, watching as some of the stain removed itself from her shoes, but not much. Frustrated, she looked back up at Lumos. "What are you even doing to your broom?"
"Definitely sounds like you're having a cow," he said, turning to look at her. Weren't Ravenclaw's supposed to be smart? Millie was a Ravenclaw and she was really smart, but apparently this girl was just whinging for no reason. "I'm varnishing it, to make it shiny," he said, as though this should be something really obvious. "And giving you an opportunity to practice your spells, so clearly I'm being very helpful."

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