It isn't easy being the new 'puff

Sam growled jokingly as they raced for the water together. Catching up, he picked up Sephora and threw her into the water, diving in after her. As he surfaced with her, he waited to get splashed or hit as he laughed and laughed. Boy, would she be angry!

Sam hadn't felt so free in a long time. The water was at the perfect temperature as winter had warmed to spring. He rolled and floated on his back, staring up into the pink sky. "What a great day," he said softly. Even as he spoke, the feeling of missing something rose in his mind, and he frowned to himself. There was something he was forgetting still.
Sephora screamed when she felt Sam picking her up;
"Hey!!! thats not fair put me--" next thing she knew, she was in the lake.

Rising up to the surface, she laughed and splashed water at Sam's face;
"You cheated" She poked her tongue out and dove under the lake; maneuvering herself so when she rose back up she would be behind Sam.

When she rose up, she splashed more water behind his back.
"Thats what you get for cheating" She grinned.
Being in the water made her feel if there was nothing else in the world.
Sam was shaken out of his reverie as he was splashed from behind. He laughed- now wasn't the time to be thinking so hard. Now was the time for play! Silent as the grave, he disappeared beneath the surface with a grin, and opened his eyes underwater.

Beneath the surface, the lake was amazing. All sorts of creatures zoomed in and out between their legs, and wavy tendrils of kelp swayed back and forth in the lazy current. Sam soon found his target. He reached out slowly without disturbing the water, and took a hold of her ankle, pulling her down with him. He bobbed to the surface and fell about laughing all over again, waiting for her to come up again spluttering.
Sephora watched Sam dive under the water.
Happily swimming around she watched the lights at Hogwarts magically turn on at the same time;
"Nooo not yet!" she said out loud. She didn't want to go back inside soon.

Looking around wondering where Sam was she couldn't see him at all;
"Hm...he couldn't have too fa--" Her words cut short, something pulled her down by her ankle.
Screaming before she went down she opened her eyes to see Sam floating up on the top laughing.

Frantically, she pushed her way up. Coughing and spluttering the water she looked at him in amusement;
"You had to do that didn't you?" She laughed and splashed more water at him.
Having fun was her priority for today she decided.
"Yep, had to. Just once," he winked at her. He tipped onto his back again floating silently with a smile until he also noticed the lights up at the castle. "Oh, now come on," he moaned. It wasn't even properly dark yet. And dipped his legs under and swam to Sephora, treading water whilst looking back at the castle. "Think we ought to go yet?"

It was probably the last thing in the world that he wanted right now. First of all, after all that cake he had, dinner didn't sound like a very pleasant prospect. How had the day gone so fast? They must have been messing around for hours. In the corner of his eye he just saw the last of the sun disappear behind the clouds. He sighed, turning back to Sephora.

"Probably should head back,"
Sephora sighed;
"Just as we got into the fun stuff" She gave Sam a sad smile.
The lake was slowly turning into a bitter cold ever since the Sun went away;

"I think we should head inside before we freeze to death" She dove under the water for the last time and appeared be side Sam;
"This time...lets not race back to the shore but, take our time back to the castle" She smiled as she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the shore.
He smiled as he grabbed her hand, and kicked out to keep up with her. The made their way slowly to the banks with easy paddles, soaking up the last of the light before a teacher came to tell them to head up to the castle. Sam slithered onto the bank smoothly and drew Sephora up with him till they were sitting beside each other.

The groundskeeper would later be perplexed at the piles of sand spread out to the banks. Sam smiled at this thought, then looked back at Sephora. "Are you still hungry? Because I'm not," he grinned, thinking of all the cake they had consumed. They should be alright after that rough and tumble and swimming. That was what kids did. "Here," said Sam, handing her her towel. He threw his own around his shoulders and together they began the walk back up to the castle.
Sephora wrapped the towel around her as she packed her sun-dress back into her bag.

She smiled at Sam's comment;
"Noo...I'm not hungry at all after eating all that cake" She commented as they walked up the path towards one of the castle's entrances.

"Then again, we should have something nutritious to eat...but I'm not saying right now" She she looked back towards the lake; glistering in the late-afternoon light, the sand was still in the messy pile as they left it.
Sephora sighed and said with an honest voice;
"The afternoon went by too fast...I wish it was more slower" her face turned to a subtle shade of pink, hoping that Sam didn't notice.
"Me too," said Sam gently as he smiled at her. As a matter of fact, he did notice she was pink. He did that himself a lot, so he was both conscious of it and accepting without remark.

"Although I do think we're having a roast tonight," as he remembered looking on the meal plan for the week up on the Great Hall noticeboard. Despite all of the cake, his stomach grumbled. "Haven't you had enough?" he addressed his stomach with a laugh. Up ahead, the light of the great doors began to grow smaller. They were shutting the doors. He took Sephora's hand and began to run.

"Quick! They catch you if you don't get in before the door's shut!"
Sephora noticed the doors we're also beginning to grow smaller.
Clutching Sam's Hand she sprinted along side him. The doors we're now the size of a garden archway and they were getting smaller - fast.

She opened the door and pushed Sam through before squeezing in the small archway herself.
Inside, she looked behind her where the door was now non-existent.
She leaned against the wall where once was a door and started laughing;
"Now...that was fun!" she beamed.

"We better get changed into our uniforms before any professors start to question why we're dressed like this" She smiled and picked up her belongings.
Once again, he was not walking into the Great Hall shirtless. "I think you're right, " he said, blushing as he let go of her hand. At that moment, the thought that had been floating in the back of his mind during the day came to him- this day should have been with Siobhan. After all that, and the person he had been missing was the sweet red-haired Irish girl. But yet he was having so much fun with Sephora? What on Earth was happening? He wouldn't dare admit to himself that he liked either oft hem more than he cared to. Even so, the thought was jarring. Sam closed his eyes and dismissed it. They were just friends- both of them.

Forcing a smile, he waved to Sephora as they finally parted between the girls and boys dormitories. They'd see each other later tonight. In the meantime, Siobhan's face haunted him in his mind, and he got dressed in silence with a heavy heart.
Sephora waved Sam good night and trudge her way upstairs;
Sephora...can't help smiling at the day she had - Once was a gloomy day had turned to a best afternoon ever.
Proud of herself with her bold actions; she decided to stop thinking about it for the day and decided to have a shower to rinse the sand out of her hair before making her way down to dinner.



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