It happens.

Aion Zephyr

🐉 magizoologist; father; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2027 (35)
Aion had almost been at Hogwarts for a month already. A Month! He sighed. The transition had sure been smoother than he imagined, but that didn't stop him from worrying about his family. They were part of the reason he'd moved too. After recievng the news of his grandmothers passing, Aion knew he would need to make contact with his parents sooner or later. Although he wasn't close to his grandparents, his parents were, and he knew as their only son they'd be looking for his support.

He took himself to the Hogwarts Garden, hopeful to find a space to construct his letter. His first since his arrival. Grateful to find an empty bench he took out his parchment, and began to write out his message to his family. Things had been going well for him at school. He'd already made new friends and found that the subject he'd most been looking forward to, had turned out to be the most rewarding. He mentioned in his letter his plans for the future. Despite not talking to his parents that often, when he did he liked to keep them fully informed.
The Garden had been a place Dan had not been to for a long time unless you counted the celebration Kaia had pulled off for the twins which had been very sweet of her. As annoying as his little cousin could be he had to admit she knew exactly when to cheer them up or make their day. Daniel wandered through the garden, having lost his twin again - where did she go anyway for him to lose sight of her? He needed to be with her most days and today she had promised they would hang out. So much for twinning. Daniel found the only bench he could sit on to read the note his cousin had written him, because it wasn't often he was able to find his Ravenclaw family member to ask her how things were going. Hopefully good. Except the bench already had someone there. "Mind if I sit?" He asked the guy politely, not knowing who he was. He didn't want to interrupt if he wanted to be in his own space. But there were no other places and he might as well wait here in case Amy or on rare occasions Kaia were to go looking for him.
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OOC: I just had to post with him I might as well at some point :p
As Aion was coming to the conclusion of his letter to his parents, he was interupted by another student, who wanted to sit beside him. "Go ahead" he nodded, and as Aion looked at the boy he felt as though he'd seen him somewhere before. Did Aion know him? He certainly looked incredibly familiar, but he would surely know who he'd spoken to recently. Putting it down to being a new student, and how he was bound to forgot a few people here and there in a school this big, Aion completed his correspondence and began to fold it up.

Not ready to go back into the castle, to pretend to be his happy perky self, Aion turned his attention once more to the student who now perched beside him. "I'm sorry, have we met?" He asked outright. He would have introduced himself but it would seem ridiculous if he knew who Aion was. Honestly was the best policy afterall.

OOC: Yay :D
Dan nodded in appreciation and sat down, opening the letter as he was finally able to relax after weeks of being tense for one reason after the other. He frowned because the message was short, simple sentences as if Kaia had written it in a rush. He skimmed it, taking out his parchment and quill and ink before responding to her, asking her a couple of questions specifically. That girl was smart when she wanted to avoid things; she was able to sidetrack others easily. He smiled at the thought. She'd gotten a lot better at it these past two years she'd been here with them.

It took him a few seconds to realise the other guy was talking to him. "
No, I don't believe we have. I'm Daniel," he introduced himself. There were a lot of people who asked the Rosemary twins whether they've met them before and for a split second Dan wondered if this boy knew his sister because many people told them they looked alike. "I have a twin, a lot of people assume they've met me when they've met my sister," he smiled at the guy and then got curious. If he'd met Amy, how exactly did they meet? Or maybe he'd seen Dan around the school before. But the Slytherin could not remember his face from anywhere.

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