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- OOC First Name
- Linda
- Wand
- Padua - Aoaman Wood wand with essence of Griffin feather 10 3/4 inch

[Name:] Isabella Antoinette Ormonde
[Age:] 19.
[Gender:] Female
[House:] Gryffindor Graduate 2023
[Blood Status:] Mixed Blood
[Power/special gift:] Half Veela
[Appearance:] sallow skin, grey eyes and gold hair, roughly about 5ft 5in height and a very slim figure. Isabella looks like an ordinary girl though her Veela blood makes her exceptionally beautiful, it also causes her to go through an extraordinary change when she is angry. As she is only part Veela, she does not have the ability to change her facial features to resemble a birds, her skin is not silvery either and nor can she throw fireballs at will, her dancing would most definitely not attract the male race as her mothers would (who is a full Veela) but when Isabella Ormonde is angered, she sprouts wings much to her annoyance.
[Brief History:] Father Henry Ormonde, a wizard, his father was also a wizard who moved to England after the German occupation of France during WWII. His mother, a witch but of muggle decent had met and married Laurent Ormonde during the war. They had tried for many years for a child, it was not until they were both in their forties that they finally succeeded. Henry was born in 1965.
Mother Claudia Matisse (full time mother and Veela) lived in Nottingham all her life. Isabellas grandmother moved when she was a child to England after WWII. She met and fell in love with the son of another well known Veela family in the area. In 1977 they had a beautiful daughter.
Claudia and Henry met when she was 25 and he was 37. They married the following year 2003 and had a honeymoon baby. In 2004, when Henry was 40 and Claudia was 38 they had their one and only child, Isabella Antoinette Ormonde.
Where does your character come from? Nottingham, England.
[Personality:]What is your character like? She hates quidditch and seeing as she could sprout wings since she was a baby, she has always loathed flying. Isabella thinks her heritage is a nuisance and usually plays down her mothers side of the family. It was only the headmaster and her head of house, and the other professors who knew of her heritage and her ability. Since then James Potter was the first to deduce that she was Veela and since making friends with Sakura she has also told her. Mainly as when she gets really angry her wings tend to sprout and she has the capability of flying at this point nearly five feet off the ground. Not much but more than enough for someone who hates flying.
She has a sweet nature, a pleasant enough disposition but she hates seeing anyone wronged or alienated. I think its because of her heritage and the fact that she was bullied as a result of her ability growing up that she strongly advocates the rights of Elves and other magical creatures that need to register their identities.
She is now manageress at the Leaky Cauldron.