Isabel Valeria Rivera

Isabel Rivera

OOC First Name
Anna Lee
Curly 14 Inch Rigid Sycamore Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Full Name: Isabel Valeria Rivera
~ Isabel pronounced IZ-ah-bell
Latin meaning My God is bountiful; God of plenty

~ Valeria pronunced vah-LEH-ryah
Latin/Italian meaning Brave; Strong; Valiant

~ Rivera pronounced rih-VAIR-ruh
Spanish meaning River

Nickname: Friends tend to call her Isa, but she really doesn't have preference one way or the other. Her family likes to call her Iz or Izzy.

How She Feels About Her Name:
When her mother found out that she was going to have a girl, she knew that she wanted to her daughter to grow up to be a beautiful and strong woman so she picked a name that would reflect that. She named her Isabel so that her daughter would always remember God's blessings and to always seek out joy. She decided on the Valeria to reminder her that true strength comes from within and that some things in life are worth fighting for.

Date of Birth: Isabel was born on June 16, 2017 in Miami, Florida to Gabriel and Ramona Rivera.

Previous Areas of Residence: Her family established Puerto Rico as their home base while they traveled across Central and South America and the Caribbean as health advocates. Currently she is a wanderer. Because her family was always moving, she was home schooled for her entire magical education. Once she took all the necessary exams and received her graduation certificate she decided that she wanted to bag pack across the magical world and hopefully decides what she wants to do with her life somewhere along the road.

Current Age: 19

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Zodiac Description: Like most Gemini, Isabel places a high value on independence and want to experience the world first hand. Although she can seem a bit flighty, she is an engaging friend and a good communicator. She very reactive to the environment she is in, so she can often appear high strung and temperamental. Although she is perceptive, she can be very superficial in her conclusions which can lead to her misjudging people and their motives.

Blood Status: Half-Blood - Her father is a muggle alternative medicine specialist and practicing doctor. Her mother is a mixed blood witch and a herbology expert.

Views on Blood Status: Isabel is complete indifferent toward blood statuses. She evaluates people on their abilities and their character rather than their family background, although she does hold a slight prejudice against werewolves.

Heritage: She is 75% Puerto Rican with remaining 25% being a mix of American, Dominican, and Haitian family roots.

Special Abilities: None

Length:14 inch
~ A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Curly
~ Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Sycamore
~ Known to burst into flames if used too often for boring or mundane tasks, Sycamore wands are suited to adventure and excitement.
Core: Unicorn Hair
~ The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Rigid
~ A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Education: Homeschooled for her entire wizarding school career. She took her NEWT exams in 2032 and was granted her diploma.
~ Best Classes: Charms, Potions, and Herbology
~ Worst Classes: Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts

Current Career: Unemployed (currently trial shifting at the Leaky Cauldron)
~ As of now her future is undetermined. She hasn’t really given much thought to what she would like pursue as career.

Plans for your future: Isabel wants to eventually settle down, stay in one place though, and put down some roots somewhere, but balancing that with her need for excitement will be tough. Here rough draft of an immediate plan looks a little something like this. Step 1. Find a job. Step 2. Find a place to stay. Step 3. Find some friends. Step 4. Find a man. Step 5. Somehow become a grown up.

Current Place of Residency: A hostel outside of Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand

Current Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle</COLOR></FONT>

Gabriel Rafael Paloma
Born: January 12, 1983
Current Age: 53
Hometown: New York City, New York, USA
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle Public School for Elementary through High School
Muggle University - 2004
Muggle Medical School - 2008
Occupation: Muggle Doctor traveling with Doctors Without Borders
Interests and Hobbies: Traveling, cooking, and trying new foods​

Ramona Alma Paloma (nee Alvaro)
Born: July 7, 1988
Current Age: 48
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Blood Status: Half Blood
Alma Mater: Brazilian Wizarding School - 2006
Occupation: Herbology Expert
Interests and Hobbies: Herbology, discovering new uses for plants, discovering new potions​
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Her Relationship With Her Parents: ---

Pets: She had a burrowing owl named Hootie. When she started of traveling she couldn’t bring it with her so she left it with her parents and they use it to send letters to her when distance permits. It is a nice reminder of home.

Physical Appearance: ---

Personal Style: ---

Personality: Isabel lives to explore and understand the world around her. Her spirit of adventure as served her well this far in life. From each new experience she gains a new knowledge and tries to incorporate it into her life. She see possibilities everywhere and she loves to talk and share/debate her ideas with others. Well she can be a great problem solver and be very creative, she often fails to follow through with any her grand projects and scheme. She tends to jump from one big idea to the next.
Although she can make friends easily and is enthusiastic, she finds it difficult to express her true feelings to others and will be defensive if pressed about them. She fears a boring life and the idea of settling down is terrifying to her. She currently feels directionless and is just focused on seeking happiness where she can. This philosophy has led her to become quite the party girl. Drunken nights and hard partying are common for her. Under stress she will get hung up on small details that don’t seem to important to anyone but her. She can also hold a grudge is wronged and it would take a lot of work to get back on her good side.

Interests or Hobbies: She is an explorer at heart and likes to seek out new things and experiences. When she was little would go out forging for unusually leaves and plants and preserve them in binder. So far she has 3 volumes worth.

Additional Skills: She likes to cook and bake. She also has a natural aptitude for science and skilled in potions and herbology. She is fluent in English and Spanish, with English being her primary language. She can make out some words in Italian, but not enough for conversation.

Strengths: Quick thinker - Very knowledgeable - Excellent brainstormer - Original - Charismatic - Energetic

Weaknesses: Argumentative - Insensitive - May find it difficult to focus - Dislikes practical matters - May be intolerant - Get bored quickly

Describe your character in three words: Determined, Flighty, and Flirty

Favourite place to be: She likes being anywhere near the water especially oceans and rivers.

Your Patronus: Wombat - "Wombat medicine teaches us to dig beneath the surface, to find the substance and meaning hidden from view. Wombat people tend to be resourceful, self-assured, motivated, and capable. A wombat totem can teach us to stand up for ourselves, strengthen our work ethics, and strive to fully develop our natural talents."

Your Patronus memory: Zip lining in Costa Rica

Your Boggart: A werewolf - She is prejudiced against werewolf. The prejudice is many born out of ignorance. Growing up in region of the world that she did, there are a lot of superstitions and folklore surrounding werewolves and she has bought into it.

Your Animagus: Wombat

Mirror of Erised: Herself at book signing. She wrote a book on the healing properties of south american tree moss.

Friends: She is a believer in the saying people come into you life for a reason a season or a lifetime. So far the only lifers are her family. While she expects and treats most people she meets as only being there for a season, she really wishes that she could develop some relationships that will be there for a lifetime.

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