Is this becoming a regular thing?

SHe rested her head on his chest when he put his arm round her. She felt like she had a big body guard there to protect her and keep her safe. "Yeah. I suppose. It's just annoying having to live through all this cr@p."
The thought for a second before speaking. " Well maybe you should do something about it, like face your fears kind of thing. I mean you say tha you afraid of Ashton then maybe you should talk to him." He looked down at her as she rested her head on him. It was an odd feeling he wasnt sure if he liked it but he had come this far he wasnt going to screw it up
Ana looked up at him. "I don't know." She snuggled close to him. "I suppose I should at some point but I don't know..." She had always been scared of Ash and that would never change. It was his fault that she had lost Nat and she was never going to fogive him.
Theo smiled kindly at her, not that it worked or reached his eyes. " Dont worry, i will be there with you, if he tries anything i will sort him out ok." He smoothed her hair and sipped his drink. He knew exactly what he would to to Ash if he tried anything
"But..." Ana sighed. "You said you didn't want any of your family knowing you're here. If you're with me then he'll know. And wont seeing you put him in a bad mood??" She couldn't see how this could go well.
Theo rolled his eyes. " Ana think about it. If Riley knew i was here the first thing he would have done would be to go to Ash, to see if he knew anything. Im guessing he already knows im here." He frowned slightly then finished off his drink
"He's still going to be in a bad mood." She hugged him tighter. She always needed someone to hug when she was scared. "Ok. I'll do it." She sighed and covered her face with his chest.
Theo chuckled at her being scared. " He is always in a bad mood. Why do you think he doesnt get any ladies very often. He isnt the best person in the world. Anyway if he tries anything i will stop him. I wont let him do anything." He kissed the top of his head
Ana smiled at him. "Thanks." Then she looked back down and snuggled back into his chest. "When are we going to go then??" She wanted to know when she would need to be prepared for it by.
Theo shrugged. " How about next week. Im not busy then so it will be easier." He looked down at her again. " Is that ok with you?" He didnt really care if it was good or bad for her, her opinion to Theo was worthless
"Yeah, sure." Ana was scared now. She didn't want to talk to Ash. She didn't want to lose another baby. That was the reason she had been thinking about having an abortion in the first place.

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