Is it something I did?

Kovu Lothorien

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
OOCOut of Character:
Warning: I haven't RPed in forever and have never RPed as Kovu, so I may be a little rusty. Just a heads up.

16th December 2026. Around midday.

Kovu tilted his head as he assessed himself in the large mirror located in his dormitory and pulled a face. He had changed an awful lot in just a few years. He could definitely say his appearance was better, but it still wasn't great. He still looked awkward. Or at least he thought he did. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and concluded he would think about the subject of his appearance more later. Stalking out of his dormitory, Kovu headed for the grounds. He had nothing to do today, except study for exams, but they weren't important.

As Kovu reached the grounds, he stood aimlessly in the middle of the great lawn. He had been at Hogwarts New Zealand a year and a half and hadn't made a name for himself at all. He was practically nothing. He didn't have anyone he could call an official friend. He hadn't had a girlfriend. He hadn't joined any clubs, or joined the Quidditch team. What was he? His brothers all had significant achievements to note, but not him. He looked up at the Quidditch pitch, longing to play, but not desiring to do so alone. Yes, he had been teased, but he wasn't the same as he was a couple of years ago. He should have been someone at this school.
Bella's morning had been better than most of her others. She had woken up with a smile on her face, for some unknown reason. She had hummed quietly to herself whilst perfecting her make-up, and curling her hair. Having not seen Xavier in awhile, most of her days she started off in a grump. Without Xavier, Bella had become what some people call rude and obnoxious; overall, a bully. She was quick to judge, and very easy to get angry.
But this December morning, she felt good. And anyone to stand in her way of the perfect-looking day had better watch out. Bella smiled at herself after taking one last glance at the mirror, happy with the outcome. Walking through the dormitory, her smile grew, remembering the day when a Gryffindor first year had crossed her path in the dungeons. How the girl managed to get away, Bella did not know, nor did she care.
Bella took a step out onto the lawn, and breathed in the fresh air. She was pleased that her aimless wandering had led her to place where she could enjoy the sunshine. Walking slowly across the lawn, Bella noticed a boy, around her age, standing alone in the middle of the lawn. She cocked an eyebrow, wondering what on earth he was doing, but shrugged it off, as she pushed him out of her way.
OOCOut of Character:
That's okay ^_^

Lost in his own thoughts, Kovu was taken completely off guard as he was pushed. Stumbling forward, he tripped on his own feet and did an awkward dance trying to regain his balance, but successfully managed not to fall flat on his face. "What was that for?" He began to exclaim as he turned towards who had pushed him. "You couldn't walk aroun-" Kovu's words caught in his throat as his eyes caught the face of the person. It was a girl, she couldn't be much older or younger than himself. In fact, Kovu could have sworn she was in his year, but he hadn't really paid much attention in his classes so he couldn't be sure. All he was sure of now is that she was pretty. Very pretty. And that he was no longer concerned at all with the fact that she had pushed him. In fact, he couldn't even remember her doing it. He was staring, but he supposed he could shrug it off as his way of accusing her for pushing him, but right now he just needed to stare, and wonder why he hadn't noticed her before.
Bella snorted with laughed as she saw the boy try to regain his balance out of the corner of her eye; and turned around as she heard his exclamation. She raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips as though daring him to say something to ruin her mood. Bella watched as the boy stopped talking, and her eyes narrowed in confusion as he stared at her. After a few moments, Bella cleared her throat. "Um, excuse me, freak, staring is rude." She said bluntly. "I mean really, do you mind keeping your eyes to yourself?" Bella said angrily, though secretly enjoying it. It was refreshing to Bella to catch someone else interested in her, rather than walking around miserably, picking fights with girls, and longing to see Xavier.
Kovu cleared his throat and his eyes quickly snapped away as the girl caught him staring. "You bumped into me!" He exclaimed, trying to cover up his actions with an accusation, or at least distract her long enough to forget his blatant taking in of her appearance. "Aren't you going to say sorry?" He continued, it only just dawning on him how rude she had just been to him. He was no freak! How dare she! Although Kovu could hardly stay mad at someone so pretty. He was sure he could change her opinion of him. This girl was the first one to stand out to Kovu at the school. Something about her was just interesting and Kovu needed to know more about her. He decided that even if he was about to pick a fight with this girl, he could at least talk to her a bit and maybe even find out her name, if he was smooth and whether he was going to be was debatable. He didn't exactly have a history with girls to note.
Bella half smirked; "I bump into you, so you stare at me? Ooh, what a punishment that is." Bella took in the boy's appearance. She looked him up and down and concluded that he was an alright looking guy - of course nothing compared to Xavier. While Bella thought that the Gryffindor boy was attractive, she would never let him know; nor anyone else. He's a Gryffindor afterall. . .Bella thought, scowling. She rolled her eyes as he asked her to say sorry. "Oh please; you should be apologizing for standing in my way. Besides, why would I intentionally do that?" Bella scoffed as she slowly moved closer to him. "And if anyone were to ask what happened, it would be so much easier to believe that a big, Gryffindor, bully," she started, placing her hand on his shoulder, "pushed over a small, sweet, innocent girl." She smiled, and fluttered her eyelashes as she looked up at him. Being quite short, Bella was able to play her cards well; hardly anyone found it easy to believe that someone of her height could be a bully to people much taller than her. "So, how about I forgive you for this small misunderstanding, and I can move on with my perfect day, pretending that this never happened?" Bella offered, taking a step back.
Kovu flinched at her words, damn she didn't buy his attempt to cover up his actions at all. Oh well, no point in denying the fact that he was staring. Although, as much as he tried he couldn't think of a single successful comeback. Damn. However the girl continued talking, so he figured he could get away with not responding. Kovu raised his eyebrows as the girl moved closer, at first his eyes showed surprise at the words that were coming out of her mouth, but then they flashed in challenge. He had no idea that such a sweet looking girl could be so manipulative! The hand on his shoulder was burning through his shirt, preventing Kovu from thinking very straight, but Kovu managed to retort. "I guess you're right, but everyone knows that Gryffindor's are far from bullies and that Slytherin's are cunning and manipulative. How do you plan on explaining that one with no proof?" He said casually, crossing his arms over his chest. This girl presented Kovu with a challenge. He could get her to like him, even if it took him a lot of time and effort. "And you may be willing to forgive me but I won't forgive you until you give me your name." He said, a lazy smirk lifting his features.
Bella smiled when the boy explained the 'Slytherin' traits. She placed her hand back on her hip and looked at him, straight in the eye. "Hmm, cunning and manipulative, our greatest traits. And in saying that, you will realize how easy it is to, manipulate, people into believing what a cruel, and mean person you are. And I daresay you wouldn't want everybody to think that of you, would you? Plus, just because you are in the same house as Harry freakin' Potter, does not mean that your house is not full of bullies." Bella scowled. She hated the thought of anyone thinking they were better than her; especially for the fact of the Boy Who Lived. Ugh.
"Besides, just because you are all brave and whatever, does not mean that you are not cruel. Surely it would be the Hufflepuff's to be the ones far from bullies?" Bella asked, raising her eyebrow.
Bella withheld laughter as the boy stated that he would not forgive her until giving her name; though a smile did show. "And what point would there be in having my name? I don't think I'd ever have the want to speak to you again, so I don't see why a name is needed." Bella stated, a small innocent smile on her face.
Kovu shook his head and rolled his eyes. Okay this girl was cute, but Merlin was she infuriating. "No one at this school knows me well enough to care even if you did tell them all I was a bully." Kovu reasoned. He doubted she could convince anyone of anything, he had barely said two words to any of the other students. Besides, Kovu knew what bullies were like. He had been bullied his entire life. To be thought of as a bully would be far better than to be the one bullied again. Even so, as nonchalant as he appeared, he didn't want people to get the wrong impression of him. Kovu didn't know if he could stand being judged and teased again, in a school he attended for the purpose of escaping that lifestyle. So he thought it best to try and stay on the good side of this girl. Or at least the good side of the bad side she was showing.

"Don't forget that if it weren't for Harry freakin' Potter you probably wouldn't be attending this school right now. You'd be living in fear that you would be killed, so don't be so quick to talk badly about him Missy." Kovu said, knowing that his tone was very know-it-all, but intending for it to be that way. His parents may be purebloods, but they know when to appreciate something that was good for society. If Voldemort had stayed in power Kovu's family would probably have been recruited and life would not be pleasant for anyone.

Kovu took in her raised eyebrow and shook his head in frustration. Why were they even arguing? "I'm not even a bully, so I don't understand what the problem is." Kovu was tempted to give up the fight, but wasn't ready just yet. "But I plan on talking to you again, so I think a name is definitely needed." He grinned widely.
Bella smirked as she saw the boy shake his head. Good, I'm irritating him. She thought happily to herself. The new found love for picking on people was quickly becoming a part of Bella's second nature; a way that she was living her life, which filled her with confidence and energy. Though Bella knew that it was becoming easy for her because she was able to take her anger and frustration over Xavier out on random people. "You've been at this school for how long, and nobody knows you enough to care? Wow that is sad." Bella laughed; though she shouldn't have been one to judge. The only person that really cared about her had been missing in action for quite a while.

Bella scoffed at the Gryffindor's opinion on Harry Potter. She rolled her eyes, but didn't have much to say in argument for her defense about her claims on Harry Potter. Instead, she quickly chose another aspect on the boy to pick on. "You know, sounding like a know-it-all doesn't make you any cooler. It really doesn't suit you; maybe try something else? Like, not talking?" Bella stated rudely growing bored of the conversation.

"Okay, so you're not a bully, I clearly have no interest in you, so why are we still talking?" Bella commented looking around for a distraction, before her eyes snapped back to the Gryffindor as he spoke. "And a name is something of importance, and something I choose to give to those I want. So if you plan on talking to me again, you had better start making a better impression; because you are not doing so well at the moment." Bella ended with a frown.
Kovu raised his eyebrow. "It's not sad at all. It just means I don't open myself up to anyone. And if you treat everyone else the way you have treated me - an innocent person minding his own business - then I'm sure everyone will believe that you're a lovely person." Kovu said sarcastically, looking directly into the face of the girl. He was determined to get her name now. Even if it wasn't at that moment. He would just have to keep bugging her until she gave it to him.

"Who said I was trying to be cool? And you're the one talking back to me. So admit that you have nothing better to do and actually want to talk to me." Kovu said lazily. He then shook his head as it finally dawned on him why she was acting the way she was. "You clearly have a lot of built up frustration over something or maybe even someone and you think it's alright to take it out on the first person you see." He kept his eyes on the girl, even as she looked around, he raised his eyebrows as she started talking about her name. "And what would be your idea of a better impression?" He honestly didn't know how she expected him to act. He wondered if she even had friends, if she treated everyone else this way. And if she was actually nice to others, what made him different?
Bella pursed her lips as she looked and listened to the boy. She frowned as a question fluttered through her mind; before she could think about it she asked quietly, "Don't you ever get lonely?" Quickly realizing what she said, she held her hands up in front of her as if signaling for him to stop, "Wait, don't answer that, I don't care."
Bella grew up in a household where she was usually the only one home, excluding the house elf. She had grown up used to being alone; but if she had to be honest with herself, after her first year at Hogwarts, Bella hated to be by herself, and in asking the question, she wanted to know if she was alone in feeling it; however, she wasn't ready to open up to anyone, never mind a Gryffindor she hardly knew.

Bella's eyes narrowed in hearing the boy saying that she wanted to talk to him; in which she shook her head, laughing quietly. "No no no, I may not have anything better to do, but at the moment, anything is better than this." She replied rolling her eyes. She listened to the boy talk about her frustrations. She had never really thought about it like that, but it made sense. Instead of giving the boy satisfaction that he was right, she ignored the statement and rather sighed, and looked away.
"A better impression? Let's think. . .Not trying to get me to apologize like your super saintly and have never done anything wrong. Not staring at me like I have a horn on my face; and maybe not trying to sound like a know-it-all. I think, it may have been better if you just apologized, and walked away." She stated simply.
Kovu's eyes widened as the girl asked him a genuine question. And if he was honest, he had never really thought about it. He supposed he did get pretty lonely, but it was something that he was reasonably used to. He found that he quite enjoyed the quiet that Hogwarts usually gave him, but sometimes, he wanted to be at home with all his brothers. He blinked, surprised that the girls question brought so many feelings that he hadn't even noticed before to the front of his mind. Maybe he should start trying to make more friends, he knew he hadn't put that much effort in. What did he have to lose? If the worst came to worst, he was sure he could get his parents to transfer him to a different school. He was just afraid that he would get bullied again, he really didn't want that. Before he could even begin to think up a decent response to the girls question, she cut him off and Kovu held back a laugh. He should have expected it. And he decided to listen to her and held back a remark.

Kovu smiled and shrugged his shoulders, chosing not to answer once again. The worst was over, he didn't think the girl could damage his spirits anymore, or say anything to frustrate him. All Kovu could do now was keep her talking and hopefully get her name. There was something - maybe it was the way she didn't answer his statement about being angry - that had Kovu interested. This girl just had something about her that made Kovu curious, the Gryffindor couldn't even begin to guess what it was though.

"Okay how about this; I'm sorry I was standing in your way. If you still want me to walk away, I will only do so if you tell me your name." He compromised and either way, he saw an upside. He could get her name and then leave her alone - for today. Or he could not get her name and keep her talking for a little longer.
Bella watched with her hands placed on her hips as the boy made no comment to what she had said. Bella had yet to find someone who never responded to her insults and questions; apart from the boy. She smirked as she thought about this, knowing that he gained a few steps to respect in her eyes. A thing that Bella disliked the most was people constantly fighting back. She liked to pick on people, and have them take it, rather than biting back; it made her feel good about herself. The fact that the boy chose to remain silent made Bella reconsider her thoughts about him.
Bella blinked as she was bought back from her thoughts when the boy commented on her name again. She grinned noticing the length that the boy was going to to receive her name; it made her feel special, especially after not having seen Xavier in awhile; it was good to have a boy notice her. "Fine." She replied, dropping her hands to her sides. "You can have my last name. White. Though, if you tell me yours, I might be inclined to give my first as well." She replied.
Kovu breathed out a small sigh of relief. He was beginning to think the girl wasn't going to respond to him at all and simply leave him be. So maybe he was actually right in assuming that even if it was small, there was a part of her that wanted to continue talking to him. The fine was like a round of applause in Kovu's head. He was finally going to get this girls name! And once he did, he was going to make sure that she wanted to know his. Now that he was on a level playing field, he felt a bit more confident. He took in the girls appearance again, but much more subtly than before. She really was very pretty, Kovu felt the beginnings of a crush on the Slytherin. Although he couldn't explain why. She wasn't exactly the nicest girl in the world? But she was interesting and Kovu suspected that's what had him crushing on her. As she gave him her last name, he shot her a small smile. It wasn't her whole name, but it was a start. White. "I'm Kovu." He said, his smile widening as he didn't hesitate to inform the girl his name. The sooner he gave her his the sooner and more likely she would be to tell Kovu her own first name. "Kovu Lothorien." Kovu really couldn't help it, but everytime he said his last name, it had to be said with pride. Kovu was quite smug about his pureblood family, he wasn't overly prejudice towards muggleborns, but it didn't mean he couldn't boast about his own status.
OOCOut of Character:
So sorry about the length of time it took me to reply!

Bella smirked when the boy named Kovu gave his name almost immediately. While flattered, Bella intended to keep her hard-to-get exterior, to make sure that the boy would know that she wasn't easy to get. Any boy would have to work for her, to prove themselves. Though, when Bella heard Kovu's last name, her eyebrows shot up, impressed. She had, of course, been informed of all the pure-blood families by her father, and had been instructed to keep friends with them. While Bella didn't necessarily always do that, she did feel like a Lothorien would be something to impress her father with. "A Lothorien hmm?" She replied with a smile. "Well, Mr. Lothorien, I am afraid that you have taken up a good amount of my time, and as you have promised, I gave you my name. Can I be at peace now?" Bella replied, though sure that this wasn't the last she wanted to see of him, having had her opinion quickly changed at the mention of his family name.

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