Investigative Reserch!

Brian Getathorn XIX

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Brian walked into the Trophy room and examed the placks, it was the day after the Yule Ball and Brian was keen on figuring out who the Slytherin Prefect Girl was, as well as the other Slytherin Prefect. He knew one of them to be Bruin and therefore hoped that perhaps this would help him get a lead, after that he would have to check the old Yearbooks and see if there were anymore information there, his artivle on the Yule Ball was going to be great even if it killed him.
Andromeda walked up the stairs noticing as she did so Brian entering the trophy room. Now what is he up to she thought. With nothing else completely better to do other than wrap her presents she decided to go and talk with him. No doubt he would be all chat about his time at the ball and what type of friend would she be if she didn't show as if she was interested in listening to him.

She walked into the room and saw him looking about on the names of the trophies, the Slytherin trophies of all things.
"What are you up to then Getathorn? Concocting ways on how to beat Slytherin House for some cups?" she smiled as she made her way over to where he stood.
"no, I'm doing a bit of research for my latest and greatest Article" Brian said as he wrote down the name 'Sophia Stark' "do you know who the male Slytherin Prefect is?" Brian asked looking at the trophies some more trying to find the name.
The article was only in it's research phase but it was going to be good, Brian had a feelings about these types of things. "what about you?" Brian asked turning towards her. The full moon was closer now and he knew she would be going through a rough patch.
She smiled knowing exactly who he meant.
"You mean Ford Harkonnen? what do you need his name for?" she asked him looking at the other name he had written down. Brian was up to something she just knew it.
"I'm good was on my way up to wrap some presents when I saw you come in here, so I just thought I'd say hi!" She had a feeling he had meant more in his 'what about you' question but wasn't letting on.
"I told you, I need the names for my Article that I'm writing" Brian said as he added 'Ford Harkonnen' to the list he then proceeded to write down 'Bruin Dumbledez' down as well. "that's good I did that a few days ago" Brian said going over a few hand written notes he'd jotted down. "thanks for the name by the way, how's it coming... you know the end of the month being a full moon and all?" Brian said looking at her.
"it's nothing really, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it already" Brian said looking at his notes real quick. "I mean your Prefect and the Slytherin Prefect getting into a fist fight at the Yule Ball was pretty exciting that night" Brian said.
"That's what you're writing about, I saw it Brian. Myself and Amy were looking in and saw it. Big deal so two adolescent boys got into a fight. It happens I wouldn't say it was big news though" she smiled then, "Of course Professor King and Professor Rambolt kissing at the Yule Ball might be".
"Oh the Article isn't going to be about them, just have them in it. I'm also gonna have a list of cute couples, with those two in it, and since you were spying on the event you didn't want to attend you can tell me who you thought were a good couple, besides the Professors" Brian said matter of factly.
"Well ..." Andromeda thought about it and would just have to be blatantly obvious, "Bruin and Kiera were great together well before the fight ensued and yourself and Kailey were a good couple but you and Zuka were also a good couple".

She shrugged her shoulders as if none of it mattered and tried to think of any other couples she had seen but couldn't think of any others really.
"I don't think me and Zazuka counted as a couple I mean I danced with her once" Brian said writing down that Bruin and Kiera had been a couple "I though I saw Bruin dancing with another Prefect though?" he added interested in finding more details out.
"Danced Brian, they danced like you danced with Zuka but they weren't a couple. Bruin asked Kiera to the dance and they went together and came back together. Simple as" she told him. She looked about the trophy room with a smile, would one of them have a trophy in here this time next year? she wondered.

"Well I'll leave you too it. I can see you got alot of note taking to do" she smiled at him.
"hold on, I'm done in here" Brian said following her "so do you think them dancing is what caused the fight?" Brian asked honestly wanting Andromeda's opinion in regards to this.
Andromeda looked at him cautiously and thought it safer to ask first.
"Is this going in your notes?"

There was no way she was saying what she only presumed and what wasn't hard cold facts. There was no story in gossip, if he wrote a story on what people thought well that was just liable wasn't it? that would be hurtful and not unlike that old fool who used to write horrible things about Dumbledore and Harry Potter, Rita Skeeter!
"no this is just between us, though I already suspected something like that might've been the cause." Brian said putting his Notebook away "besides your not close enough to any of them to be a credible person.. now Kiera Kingsley on the other hand" Brian thought out loud.
"Well I've never talked with the Slytherin girl but I had a slight adventure down the dungeons with Ford not so long ago. And Bruin and I have chatted alot mainly quidditch but still. Kiera is like a big sister alright though, she's the greates" Andromeda smiled.
"It's not in Bruin to fight for the sake of fighting and anyway, Ford threw the first punch but Bruin and the girl had already stopped dancing by then" Andromeda if nothing else was extremely observant, sometimes too much so she thought.
"And it's credible witness Brian, I am a very credible person thank you very much".
"you could use the witness and Person in either case, but you never told me about your adventure with Ford" Brian said a bit curious "what happened?" he asked politely wanting to get all the details of Ford's personality the best he could.
Andromeda headed out of the trophy room not sure how to tell him about the room. Would the adventurer in Brian want to go to it, explore it for himself? Possibly and if Andromeda wasn't willing to let a stranger like Ford risk himself again in that room or passageway then she certainly would never let Brian enter it.

"We just found a room down in the dungeon that's all" which was true, they had found a few rooms. The first one had been safe and would be the only one she would tell him about.
"He drank from a bottle and collapsed. I nearly had a heart attack of course but he was only messing. It had only been rootbeer or something. We just chatted then. He's ok" she told him as she stood in the corridor.
"what room?" Brian asked a bit curious "why would he just drink from a bottle without knowing what's in it that sounds a bit stupid to me" Brian said matter of factly "and you said adventure, that doesn't sound like an adventure to me" Brian said inquistively, he had notice something in the way Andromeda's response which caused doubt in Brian's mind as to whether she was telling the truth or not, though considering how close it was to the full moon he didn't want to upset her so decided not to confront her directly.
"He was just trying to wind me up that's all and it worked too of course. Well we had some job trying to find the room in the first place and then the exploring of it. I admit it doesn't sound like much of an adventure now but one man's drink is another man's poison, right?" Andromeda continued walking and stopped at the stairs leading to the fourth floor.
"Well I'm heading up to my dorm I've a lot of wrapping to do. Hey, yours is already wrapped if you want me to give it to you now?" she said as she turned to face him.
Brian thought Andromeda's story was a bit ridiculus It wasn't at all like her, especially since she never lied to him at least not that he knew about. "Not right now, you should always wait untill Christmas" Brian said smiling.
"oh it went great besides the fight and all though it may have given me some great fluff for my Yule Ball article, I just need to find out who the Prefect girl is, I'm guessing right now it could be Sophia Stark but it could also be a few other Slytherin girls" Brian said looking down at his notes, he would have to ask one of the Professors, a simple enough matter.
"Yeppers, see ya" Brian said as he walked away to cotinue his research, he decided to go ask Professor Ana she might be of some help.

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