Closed Intentions

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice hadn't asked Amory much of anything when the boy had come up to her a few days ago and told her that he would be asking Rose to the Halloween Feast. She'd looked at the boy suspiciously but agreed and resolved to keep an eye out for the pair during Halloween. If Amory had not shown up with Rose, then Eury would have had to ask William to help her look for her cousin since she couldn't very well enter the Gryffindor Common Room. It would have been a whole thing that would end up with her tired and cranky - and she didn't really want to be tired and cranky. Thankfully, Amory had been smart enough to make good on his word, and he did bring Rose to the Feast and accompanied her for most of the night, if not the whole night. They seemed to be having fun, though weirdly enough, Kael-nii had come close to them at one point, only to be dragged away by Elio-nii. Still, since she hadn't asked any questions when Amory had asked her, she figured now she could ask him how he'd come to be friends with Rose. Eury was all for it; of course, she was glad that somebody was noticing how awesome her cousin was. She just had to make sure that Amory would continue to do so. This was how Eurydice found herself waiting outside the Great Hall for the Slytherin. As soon as she saw him walking alone, she made sure to grab him and drag him into an alcove so they could talk. "What are your intentions with my cousin?"
Amory had had fun at the Halloween Feast, many life altering relevations later he was now aware of the existence of unicorns and the non-existence of zombies. He was in a rather good mood as he excited the Great Hall after breakfast when someone pulled him into an alcove. Pretending to be hurt by the weak grip of the Hufflepuff girl he raised a brow at her. Ah one of Rose's lovelier relatives, he was pretty sure the older Slytherin cousin of hers would have been on his merry way to cast some curse at him had his lovely boyfriend not dragged him away during the feast. "Oh hello there Eurydice." He said with a smile taking a look at the girl's serious face. She did ask him about Rose and any amusement disappeared and was replaced with a more serious expression. "If you are hinting at me having any bad intentions towards her, you needn't worry. I quite like her, she's fun." Amory admitted leaning against the wall. "I would like to get to know her more." That statement was true, he just hoped he wouldn't get himself into trouble with that grumpy prefect cousin of hers or any of her other relatives, she seemed to be the family favourite by the glares he had already received from said cousin and her sister.
Eurydice was an open book; she liked to think. She was straightforward in conversations and didn't really like doing all those subtleties that some of her older brothers preferred. They could be quite silly she thought, especially since most things could be easily resolved if people were just... upfront with what they wanted. And so, since she could be quite straightforward, she was also sort of expecting people to be the same and took things at face value. So when Amory had said that he didn't have any bad intentions with Rose, Eury decided he was telling the truth and let him go. "Well, alright then!" she said with a grin. "Rose is awesome," at least Eury thought she was more awesome than Sayuri, "and if people would notice that, then great!" She was certainly annoyed that people from their year couldn't seem to remember Rose half the time. The only reason she wasn't up in arms about it was because her cousin had yet to complain about it, not that she thought that Rose would. So, yes, it was great that Amory was someone who was becoming friends with her awesome cousin. Besides, he probably would have enough people to worry about without her joining the list. "Are you going to ask her to the Yule Ball too?"
Amory stared at the girl with amusement as her whole demeanor shifted, clearly just going straight to the point had been the right option instead of beating around the bushes in hopes he didn't get another person to look out for in the halls. He nodded agreeing on everything she said. "Yup,I agree she is awesome and don't worry I definitely am noticing her." More than he'd like to at times, it was easier to focus on his own things when he didn't care about others' opinions but that seemed to not be the case anymore as the list of people whose opinions on him mattered to the Slytherin was increasing by the day. The mention of Yule Ball brought him back to the conversation and he took a second to think about it. "Probably, though I have to ask, how deep of a grave am I digging myself?" Not that it'd change anything, but at least he ought to know just how deep of a hole he needed to dig for pursuing a friendship with Rose, because there was no way he was giving up because of a few glares and words from an older student. Suddenly Amory was sort of glad he had no family, at least nobody would bother Rose because of him.

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