🌹 Rose Giving Instead Of Saying All Of Your Goodbyes

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
belated yellow rose for @Ezra Ito title from here

At least Dahlia knew exactly who she was looking for with this rose. Seeing first and second years made her feel so weirdly old, but not that old at the same time. Probably the costume didn't help matters. She grinned when she ran into Ezra, though, thankful she didn't have to do any research. "Hey, Ezra! I have a rose for you!" she said, cheerfully...before cutting herself off, remembering her whole schtick. "Oh, I mean hark, good sir! For as an emissary of affection, I have come to you on this joyous occasion to bestow upon you a token from someone dear to you," she blathered, mostly using it as an excuse to set up her bow and rose arrow trick to gently propel the rose to its recipient. "Happy Valentines!" she added, dropping back out of character. It struck her that this would be the last time she'd get to have this sort of celebration with the rest of her year level, but she couldn't get emotional now, she'd spent ages getting her mascara right.

To the best brother in the world,

Love you!

From the best sister in the world

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