Innocent Playdate

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
It was rare to see someone like Hades Styx slip out of Russia, let alone around someone's home. He held the address in his hand, and the other pale hand was upon the shoulder of his son, Viktor. Apparently, when he left the young boy at the park to go shopping, making a potion to see if Etoile was indeed, pregnant again, his son managed to make a friend. A friend which Viktor described to be the very opposite of what he and his family behave. Apparently, sunshine and rainbows. 'Creepy kids,' thought Hades as he apparated to the address. Hades did hope that the parents would not be the same way. He did not know what to expect, which was why he carried his arsenal of play toys, which could be dangerous to others. Hades did not know if he should be here, escorting Viktor to see his unlikely friend, moments before sending him to Hogwarts New Zealand with Elysia and Lestat. The married man had long since settled down, with no other woman really coming close to entertaining him like Etoile. Even now, she kept him on his toes, which only excited him more, to the point of playing victim and serial killer. Only, the kids need not to be at home.

Approaching the home, Hades balled the address in his fist, before knocking on the door. It was dangerous for someone like him to come here, without even knowing much of the parents. He did not do his research. And it was not like Viktor told him the surname. Viktor was quiet on many levels, but he suspected that Viktor, along with just a few of his kids, possessed that special gene within the family that made them a little on the darker side. Sometimes, that gene couldn't be handled correctly, with the case of Chaos Zhefarovich. "I sincerely hope that you haven't made friends with the wrong sort, Viktor."
A quick and simple way to have Alessio annoyed, was to be an uninvited guest. The Italian didn't appreciate people visiting at the best of times, let alone when they hadn't the social etiquette to at least send an owl ahead of their arrival. Unbeknownst to him, however, the current pair knocking on his door (with a balled fist, no less. Hopefully he wasn't suffering a barbarian) had been invited - by his eldest son. Wilfred had been suspiciously quiet that morning, and even refused to go out with his Tata and play with his younger siblings – instead, opting to sit quietly on the lounge and observe Alessio whilst he cleaned. This behaviour didn't go unnoticed, and it caused the Italian to fear the worst. He had been correct.

"That's my friend!" Wilfred cheeped excitedly, rolling off of the lounge and dashing to the foyer. Alessio begrudgingly followed him, not wanting some human child with too much energy in his house when he had just disposed of the other four. Being a friend of Wilfred’s, there were the obvious assumptions: fun, happy, loud. The parent - male, by looks of it - was probably the same. It was the beginning of a bad day.

Steeling his nerves and doing his best not to look ready to slaughter something (Wilfred kept wisely out of arms reach, he noted), Alessio pulled open the front door. The gentleman's silhouette had not exaggerated his figure, Alessio noted, needing to look up slightly in order to hold appropriate eye contact. Wilfred was dancing on his heels behind him as he tried to look past Alessio's robes to grin at his friend. Alessio took a moment to examine the boy – he didn’t appear worked up at all. The mere fact he was here presumably suggested his interest, but that wasn't evident on his features.

"Good afternoon, Alessio Lichester," he greeted, holding his door only a fraction further than earlier in an attempt to not look as disinterested as he actually was. He wasn't one for handshakes, they were terribly impractical. "Your name?"
The door cracked open, and Hades felt his heart skip because he had the urge. The urge that would only be satisfied in one way. Hades gripped his son's shoulder tight, almost warning him that if these people got on his nerves, the family wouldn't live to see the light of tomorrow. Viktor sighed before looking ahead, with the door opening somewhat to see his friend, Wilfred. Viktor wanted to shove past the father of Wilfred and into the door, but Hades kept him at his side. Hades looked the man up and down, taking in his features. He was a little hard to read, but he didn't seem that active. Hades heard his name, and placed it in the back of his head. He did not recognize the surname. Was he a pure-blood, or something less? Hades looked down at his son, mentally scolding him, before turning his cold gaze to the man once more, named Alessio. Hades didn't bother sticking out his hand either, "Hades Styx." His tone was curt and to the point. He felt that he might have wasted his time coming here, but Viktor wanted to, and he could not deny his son what he wanted. He barely asked for anything.

"My son, Viktor, is apparently friends with your son. He was invited over for a playdate or something." It was obvious that the kids that he had did not have many playdates at all. In fact, this was the first. Hades was a little on edge, and one could tell with how tense he appeared to be. Hades rarely came out unless necessary, or unless he wanted to have some fun. Neither of which applied today, so the dark priest was definitely not thrilled. He had nothing else to do today though, except maybe make sure that Etoile was pregnant. Trying for success came easy for Hades. Ensuring it wasn't boring either.
The pair seemed rather subdued that he was expecting. Truth be told, he couldn't exactly discriminate, considering the personality of his husband and eldest son, but he liked them enough to tolerate such eccentric personalities. From strangers, he was less agreeable. His face didn't give away his internal reaction to the last name the man bore, which gave considerable insight to his personality. He felt slightly comforted by this advantage, as it allowed him to know exactly how to behave, and exactly what to expect. It wasn't particularly good news, but at least he could safely say that he was being underestimated because of his slight frame and insignificant last name. He rather preferred it remained that way, and he opened the door completely to allow the man to step inside with his son.

His apparent nonchalance caused Alessio to quirk an eyebrow. "Or something," he agreed, seeing as it would be Wilfred running this show, not himself. He wasn't thrilled with having Styx's in his house, but if his occlumency training did one thing, it ensured these feelings didn't surface into his behaviour. They were a rather impractical family, in his opinion, and far more trouble than they were worth. The Italian was definitely on his guard. At least he had the advantage in his own home should something go pear-shaped, but it was hardly the man's son he was worried about. "This is my son, Wilfred," he added, formally introducing the blond haired, rosy-cheeked child whose only determinable similarity to himself was a similar shade of blue for the eyes, and lanky limbs that promised height in his later years.

"Nice to meet you, Sir!" Wilfred trilled politely, beaming up at his guest and being blissfully unaware of his father's discomfort and mistrust.
Hades looked down upon the kid that managed to befriend his son. Hades was suspicious since he assumed that the kid must have had some sort of intelligence to have attracted Viktor's attention. Hades sighed when the man echoed his previous statement. The latter. Allowing the man to hear his last name, it was a way to let the family know just who he was dealing with. Although, there was one stipulation. Hades was different from the rest. He himself always had his own agendas, as well as did what he was asked. An example would be experimenting on chemistry with Anastasia's sister a long time ago, before making Etoile's life a living hell for a while, before she fell in love with him after showing he could actually care. Hades could barely be controlled by the higher ups in the family. Even now, it seemed like Kalif was in the works of the family, making new areas to govern and whatnot.

Hades' dark eyes finally glanced down to see the boy named Wilfred, and the sound of his voice made his head want to burst. So happy, and polite. He glanced down at his son, who took a few steps forward and nodded toward his friend. Viktor, too, would be just as tall as his daddy one day. Or nearly that way. "This is...interesting to say the least. My son's name is Viktor. He doesn't speak, unless he chooses." Viktor looked up toward Alessio before turning his own old gaze toward his friend. This was the first time Hades had ever been to someone's home, invited anyway. And, the very first play date that he had ever been to. He did not know the customs or anything. Hades could have asked a million questions about Alessio, but chose not to. After all, Hades was nearly positive that this man had nothing in common with him.

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