Closed Informal Protest

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Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx was only here as a informal protest to his new engagement. And he was dressed down. Jeans. Ripped. And a white shirt. He was not dressed to impress. But he was here meeting up with @Aurora Chase in a way. Did she deserve the way he was acting? No. Did he want to make her miserable? Just a little. Maybe she could go to her parents and find another boy to get married to her. He thought Cassius would have been okay too but he already had a girlfriend. Well, he did too. Not a pureblood. Either way, Dante was not waiting on her. He went in the Great Hall and found the sweets. Cookies would make him feel less bitter. More so when he saw a boy talking tio his ex, spiking his jealousy.
Just because her date didn’t look nice, didn’t mean she didn’t deserve to look and feel immaculate. She’d spoken to Theo earlier about her disappointment with Dante’s outfit as soon as she’d seen him. She’d seen him leaving the common room and she’d met up with Theo before he’d headed to the Hufflepuff common room or wherever he was going to for his date. Because of this, she was slightly late, but she thought she looked really good in her hugging black dress with her swept hair. Dante wanted her to be upset, and she knew this, that was obvious from the way he’d been acting towards her since they’d finally met. And maybe she couldn’t tell exactly what was going on in his head, but she was determined to win regardless. She caught sight of him at the snack table and headed over, keeping her small coat slightly below her shoulders incase the air got too cool. She’d never been great with the colder weathers. “I appreciate you coming with me, attending my first yule ball alone would have been…” well, she wasn’t going to admit that she was a little lonely, he probably didn’t have any sympathy for her at the moment, so she would need to muster it up for herself for a while until she could win him over. “Are the rips specific or were they from wear and tear?”

aura's dress
There was no way in hell that Dante was going to admit that Aurora Chase looked stunning. He might have been mad, but he had eyes, and he was a teenage boy. He had his teeth buried in a cookie when Aurora approached him with how she had never been to a Yule Ball before, and if she didn't come with him, she would have been alone. That pained him in his gut. Maybe he should try to be nicer to her. This was not her fault. His face finally softened as he finished his cookie, grabbed another and held it out to her. "I didn't think you've never been on one. Date or not." Dante looked over his pants and shrugged his shoulders, "They came that way. I don't know how to make rips that look like this." Dante would need a knife or something, but he was not the type to really want to make a statement either.
Admittedly Aura is a little surprised when Dante hands her a cookie, because she didn’t really expect him to consider her at this point. It was a nice gesture she thought, even if he didn’t do it because he liked her. Well, she didn’t know why he was handing her the cookie at all, but she didn’t want to pretend like she wasn’t happy he was trying to at least be civil to her. It was the start of him beginning to like her at least. “We don’t have a Yule ball in Scotland. I think the last one was during the TriWizard tournament like a hundred years ago,” well, maybe not one hundred, but a long enough time ago that she’d certainly never been to one. “They’re not a permanent fixture at the school, so I’ve never been to one. I like the concept, it’s nice to be able to dress up and have somewhere to go,” but she did think it was a little weird to call it a Yule ball in New Zealand considering it was a celebration of Winter, and judging by the fact it was warm, it was decidedly not Winter. Still, better than nothing. She looked down his outfit, admiring him a little, but didn’t say anything as she took a bite of the cookie he handed her. “I’m sure a well placed Diffindo would do the trick.”
Dante raised his eyebrows as she revealed that Hogwarts in Scotland did not have a Yule ball. The last one was with the TriWizard tournament. That sort of sucked for her since this school celebrated everything. From Halloween to Valentine's Day. It was like this school needed something to prove every time. "It would have been better to have them sparingly versus every bloody year. I cannot imagine the pressure it is to have a date attend every single one. Wild." Dante did not want to think about asking that many people if he were still single. Wait, was he even single? Could he ask anyone to be his partner or should he keep with Aurora? It was so complicated that it made his head hurt thinking about it. "Uh, Diffindo? That could turn a pair of jeans into shorts if you make one tiny mistake!"
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