Independence and Freedom

Anthony Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose
Anthony Nerice Kelly was feeling very sophisticated today. She was heavy with jewelry, and she was wearing a shirt with high heels. Without the heels she was six feet and eight inches, and now that she was strutting around in heels out her around seven feet tall. She looked like a giant to people passing by. She did not mind, and she did not care what people thought of her. Her feet were killing her because she was so used to wearing flat shoes. She was not used to being so high off the ground either, but she kept her pain hidden. She pushed her sunglasses up on her nose. She had found a small cafè in Brightstone Village that she liked. The place was not too popular or crowded. Anthony got irritated in crowded places. She was never a people person. After all the abuse she went through with muggles she looked down on everyone. She sat down at a table outside of the small shop. She took the Dily Prophet out from her purse, and she turned to the section with advertisements.

Anthony wanted to start being more independent. She was still relying on her father for money and shelter even though she moved out of the house. It made her feel weak and helpless. She was a woman, and she deserved to do things on her own. One day Chris would die, and she would not be able to rely on him anymore. She would have his fortune, but she did not want Chris to die anytime soon. He still had to tell her who her real parents were. As she ran her fingers over ads she admired her fresh manicure. She thought it was quite cute. The waitress came over. "Coffee. Black." she told the waitress before she was able to ask for her order. Anthony used her free hand to shoo the girl away. An ad for a roommate had caught her eye. This may have been her chance.​
Sola had just spent most of the day between Brightstone and the mall. Once again, the young woman was in need of a new roommate. It wasn't her fault that her last roommate had a horrible habit of leaving empty containers in the fridge rather than use magic to wash them. Sola had no choice but to teach her a lesson and she'd enchanted the items to follow the woman around the home and hit her in the head. It wasn't difficult to remember to just throw something away or wash it. If Sola could do it, she certainly wasn't wiling to accept excuses from anyone else. Only now that she was hanging flyers up about needing a roommate did she regret her rash action. The woman simply dreaded this process where she spoke to one weirdo after another simply trying to find someone that she wouldn't want to kill while they slept at night.

Stopping at a small cafe in Brightstone that was well known for its pastries. With only two flyers left in her hand, the brunette had gone up to the counter and spoken to the manager for several moments. After several minutes of schmoozing the man, Sola had gotten exactly what she wanted- she'd been able to hang up her last two flyers in the store. With a small tea in hand as well as a chocolate eclair, other 'gifts' from the manager, Sola happily made her way to an empty table. Her eyes skated over another woman before she settled down. She took a bite into the heavenly pastry and sat back, a sigh would have been on her lips if it wasn't too full for even that.
Anthont ended up getting turned off by the requirements of the roommate ad in the Daily Prophet. She stuffed the useless paper back in her purse. She had to get a job and a roommate. She felt so choked up and secluded in Chris' watch. She did not want to stay hidden from the world forever. She had to show the world what it had been missing for the past nineteen years. She had a secret desire to find her true parents as well. She did not plan on forgiving her parents for giving up such an awesome child like Anthony, but she did plan on enilating them if she found them unworthy. They decided to abandon a prodigy like her and they would expect her to automatically accept them? No way. Anthony did not roll that way. She was not going to allow herself to be apart of a unworthy family.

Anthony's coffee came, but she was reading a flyer on the window of the small shop. A woman had hung them up and sat at another table. Anthony got up and she read the flyer more carefully. The woman wanted a roommate that was able to cook and clean. Easy enough right? Anthony was able to do those things, but she had a few requirements of her own. She turned around to look at the woman. Her exterior did not look dull or nasty. Now just to talk to her. Anthony adjusted her purse on her shoulder. and she walked over to the woman. Her coffee had suddenly become uninteresting. "You are looking for a roommate, yes?" she asked straight to the point. She sat down across from the woman. She was not going to beat around the bush on something she really wanted.
Sola had just taken a bite of her pastry when she noticed someone walking in her general direction. She couldn't have missed the woman if she tried anyway. The woman had to have been part-giant with how tall she was. Sola's gaze continued to go up, especially when the woman was standing before her. Sola swallowed the bite in her mouth and hastily wiped her mouth with a napkin. The woman didn't waste anytime making her presence known and Sola replied with a curt nod. She was wary though. It couldn't be possible to find a roommate so quickly, could it? Sola gestured to the seat across from her as she spoke. "I am. I'm assuming you are as well" she stated, her blue eyes looking for hints of who this woman was.

She couldn't tell much. The woman was well dressed, seemed normal and was likely a wizard since this was a wizarding area. "Would you describe yourself as a day person or a night person?" she asked, one of the most important questions of all. Sola was not an early bird, in any sense of the word and she wasn't sure she could tolerate someone who might make a lot of noise in the morning. "Do you need space to brew potions or anything like that?" She sipped her drink as she waited for the response, her eyes staying fixed on the woman before her.
Anthony smiled sweetly at the woman. It looked like she had been surprised for a couple of seconds. She did not mean any harm to the woman. She just wanted to talk. Anthony nodded. "Yes, I am." She would try to not be difficult. She had many snappy things to say, but she held herself back. She had to learn that while with Cherrie. She crossed her right leg over her left and she leaned back in her chair. "I am not much of a morning person, but I do have things I like to get done before it is nighttime. And you?" she asked the question back. Anthony was cranky in the morning, and she would become a b!tch if she woke up to loud noises in the morning. Anthony simply shrugged for the next question. It was very rare that Anthony had to brew potions, but sometimes she had to. She could go to her boyfriend's for that, but that stupid Sang-Min was there.

"I do not brew potions often, so no." Anthony said simply. She would have to deal with Cherrie's useless cousin. She did not know why he kept the gullibe kid around, but she had to respect her boyfriend's decisions. She had a few questions herself for the woman. "Are you a clean person? As in do you leave your home in a mess? I am hardly worried about a criminal record." she said as she admired her manicure. A DE in training like her would not be worried about being threatened by a potential roommate.
Sola listened to the woman and nodded, a small smile crossing her face. "That's a good way to put it. I am the same, though I won't turn down a good lay in." There were some days that Sola could stay in bed until well past noon. Other days she was up at more normal times. It all depended on what she needed to get done, though her shift at work usually meant she didn't get home until about 5 in the morning. Another question down and things were looking pretty good. The woman's personality was a bit cold but Sola figured she would be able to put up with it.

"I didn't do especially well in school, but I did pay extra attention to practicing cleaning spells in Charms" she stated. There weren't many things she was very good at but she seemed to have an affinity for cleaning charms."I'm good with pots and pans but I don't do bathrooms." She was a bit more lax with her own room as well. There were a few pieces of clothing laying around and she had a few of her art supplies around the room. That was her business though. No one should be in her room anyway. She found it a bit odd that the woman mentioned not being worried about a criminal record. "So I could be a death eater for all you care as long as I keep my dishes washed and laundry clean? You've got some mixed up priorities" she laughed. For the record, her record wasn't exactly spotless. She had spent a couple of nights in muggle prisons for various offenses.
Anthony gave a small grin. It was a toothless grin because Anthony did not have confidence in her teeth. They were straight and a a pearly white, but that was not what Anthony saw in the mirror. In the mirror she saw all of her flaws, and she constantly pointed them out to herself. She did not except compliment well because of this trait. Her boyfriend always said she was beautiful, but she never really believed him. She was sure he knew that. "Do you have a job," she paused and looked back at the flyer in the window."Sola?" she finished her sentence. She found the woman's name to be interesting. At least she had not been given a name fit for a man. She hoped she wasn't coming off as cold to Sola. If she was coming off as cold them it must not have been scaring Sola, which was good. She did not want a wimp as a roommate. "My name is Anthony." she introduced herself and held out her hand for Sola to shake.

Anthony chuckled. Sola had no idea what she was taking about. She did not know that she was talking to a DE in training that had the gift of Legilimency. She found it funny. "Even if you were a Death Eater, would that give me a reason to fear you?" she asked and started to tap her fingernails on the table. She looked down at the table. Death Eaters were supposed to be feared, but Anthony had studied hard, and knew enough magic to defend herself. Her skills and ambitions had gotten her to this point in her life. She had worked hard to get where she was. All she wanted was to be independent. She did not want to rely on her father for the rest of her life. "I apologize for saying that. It was unnecessary." she gave an apology to the girl. It was only so she could cover up any suspicions Sola had about her.

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