Open In The Eye Of The Beholder

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
14 (17/11/2047)
Audrey was teaching herself how to draw. Which was something of a gargantuan task to take on, as her drawing skills were sub-par at best, but she realized that if she wanted to keep coming up with new ideas, some of them might actually require diagrams. Besides, she thought. With the way she was playing Quidditch, perhaps she needed to cultivate a different talent. She decided to start by trying to draw some flowers, leaves, anything she could try and put on to paper and have it look even somewhat close to the real thing. Perhaps it wasn't the best way to learn to draw, but it wasn't as though she actually had anyone she could ask for guidance.
Everyday Oskar felt like there was a spotlight on him. Whether it was real or not he couldn't quite escape the strangeness that he felt covered his entire body like a second skin. He had felt this way his whole life but at least at home and his old school he had known where to hide and what to do to deflect some of the attention. Here, he felt like he was at a complete disadvantage. No one acted like he expected them too and it was driving him crazy. He walked out towards the lake and even farther to the large rose bush beside it. He spent his walk mumbling an old folk tale that his grandmother had told him once. He was pretty sure it was meant to scare him. But he liked stories. It was about an evil witch and some kids who disobeyed their parents and a large wolf who came to gobble them up. It was a brutal story that most people changed to a happy ending but he only knew the old version. It was an old habit, talking to himself, that he had picked up as a kid and he fell into it now as he sat down.
Audrey was a little bored looking at flowers, in all honesty, so she was quite relieved at the distraction of hearing another voice. She was just about to say something, but was a little bit distracted by what was being said, and so she craned her neck to see who was talking. It was Oskar, someone she hadn't had much of a chance to get to know yet but she'd easily have ranked as the cutest boy in the year. Which was a fairly narrow superlative, really, the boys in that year weren't really anything to write home about. But Oskar had that cool transfer thing going and a nice accent. Shuffling around to watch him, half listening to the story, she started attempting to draw a picture of him. Attempting being the operative word. It kind of looked a bit like a potato with squiggles for hair and misshapen robes, but Audrey was taking it very seriously, tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she concentrated. "Hmm, mmhmm, yes, it's all coming together," she muttered, not sounding ominous at all.

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